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Crewman Zero's Junior Officer Application

Jester - Zero

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What is your in game rank and name: 
Crewman, Zero

What is your STEAM ID?

How long have you been in Naval?
I've been in Naval since July 18th, 2023.

Why do you wish to become a Junior Officer?
I wish to become a Junior Officer to assist and help lead the Imperial Navy to the future of the ISD. I love to roleplay, and have been doing Garry's Mod for years now, with breaks in between. I believe Naval is the backbone of all infrastructure on the server, as we handle everything from supplies to even in roleplay being the line between life and death in regards to events, i.e. all it takes is the bridge to be taken over or the ISD to be taken out of commission to cause everyone to need to abandon ship. I feel like Naval should be bolstered by sound minds and strong leadership to ensure that everyone from Crewman Apprentice to Captain is brought up together and works together in order to achieve both our personal and team goals. 

What are the duties of a Junior Officer?
The duties of a Junior Officer is to act like the day-to-day operation managers of the Naval Branch of the Empire. They're to assist with teaching Enlisted everything about Naval and operations, as well as supporting Senior Officers with everything else. They're expected to know and understand the handbook, as well as hold tryouts, trainings and sims to bolster ranks and strengthen knowledge on both Enlisted and fellow Junior Officers.

How will you assist the battalion as a Junior Officer? 
I'm a big fan of Naval Roleplay and how Navy interacts with other non-Naval personnel on ISDs and ships in general. I believe I can help set a proper foundation and building blocks in how we handle roleplay and code of conduct that we already have, but can be always improved. Along with doing my due diligence of hosting tryouts, sims, and other activities to keep Naval personnel involved, a continued sense of presence can also go a long way and I look to provide that. Being someone that Crewmen can look up to and trust in that they have their backs is always a good thing, and that goes for Senior Officers as well; knowing they have a solid Junior Officer to be able to provide support where it's needed.

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