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Crewman Coolnic NCO Application


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What is your in game rank and name?

Crewman Coolnic


What is your STEAM ID?



How long have you been in Naval

I have been in Naval since 7/19/2023


Why do you wish to become a Junior Officer

I wish to become a Junior Officer so I can better help my fellow Naval officers and crewman, and there are always things to be done, operating ATC, walking around looking for damaged systems and components, checking ID’s and interacting with your fellow officers and crew members, and ensuring that supplies are kept up as well. The bridge’s passive rp is fun and can get creative.


What are the duties of a Junior Officer?

To ensure that the lower ranks are heard and are able to have fun but also to ensure that they are doing their jobs and not getting into trouble, 


How will you assist the battalion as a Junior Officer?

I have been in a leadership position before and I believe that I could help lead the empire into victory as an NCO, and also protect my crew. I will also ensure those under me are performing their duties and enforce it if need be.

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