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Jax's Officer Application


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What is your in game rank and name?

Name: Jax Rank: SO SCPO

What is your STEAM ID?


Names of both Lieutenant Commander+ (MAJ+) that gave you permission to apply?


How long have you been in Naval?

3 weeks

Why do you wish to become a Senior Officer?

I wish to become a senior officer to further my self in naval and help the other senior officers and Sam in anyway I can to help the battalion grow bigger and stronger.

What are the duties of a Senior Officer?

The duties of a Senior Officer are to teach and train Junior Officers and the new enlisted anything they might need to know about their duties in naval. Senior Officers also help High Command with anything they need and enforce the Naval SOP and server rules.

How will you assist the battalion as a Senior Officer?

I will assist the battalion by hoisting Simulations and trainings to make sure that people know what to do in certain situations but also giving them something to do if nothing is going on. I will also help prep enlisted that are close to becoming NCO's and assist with anything that is needed from me.

What qualifies you to be a Senior Officer?

What I believe qualifies me to be a senior officer is that I was an XO (An equivalent rank to VCMDR) in a different server for about a year so I know the reasonability's and duties of being an officer and I strive to do my best and help the people around me with whatever they need.

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