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Devil's RFA Application

Devil Doc

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In-Game Name:  Devil Doc

Steam ID: STEAM_0:589296216

Current Research Rank:  RAM

Foundation Test Log(s) (graded 8+/10 only):

Most of these documents are dated.  As I was recently reinstated and haven't found time to create any new logs.  However, I believe these are very representative of my abilities.  Currently in the process of creating an SCP-001 document that takes up most of my time.


Your Operations Advisor Overseer, has informed you there is a group of insurgents collecting foundation data at a field operating base on the surface. They are armed and well secured. How would you approach it? (100+ words):

I suppose there could be 3 possible solutions to this problem Solution 1 would be to report this security breach to the Mobile Task Forces.  Following the report, maintain a safe distance, and gather intelligence about the insurgents.  Once enough information has been gathered, give a SITREP to the MTF for them to raid the Field Operating Base.  After the insurgents have been dispatched, ensure all information gets secured and or destroyed.  Solution 2 would be to destroy Forward Operating Base.  It has been compromised and most likely contains an enormous amount of sensitive data that could be dangerous in the wrong hands.  In terms of how we destroy the FOB, we could call in an airstrike or activate the explosives that were prebuilt into the site when it was built.  Option 3 would be to rambo it and storm the FOB with fellow agents.  I would argue them being armed and raiding the FOB is hostile intent on its own.  

There is a strange SCP that calls himself the “targeter”. When the name of another individual is said within earshot of the “targeter” the “targeter” will teleport to the individual that has had their name said, and run off. How would you suggest the foundation approach apprehension and / or termination of this individual? (100+ Words):

So this SCP teleports immediately to the person who's name has been said.  An easy approach would be so put a D-Class in a mobile soundproof containment chamber, say his name within earshot, and have this SCP teleport into the CC.  The soundproof CC would prevent the SCP from hearing any other names from outside of the CC.  After that, we can transport the SCP to a foundation site that is appropriately equipped to deal with said info hazardous SCP.  Otherwise I suppose you could just flashbang the SCP and ensure that nobody in the vicinity utters someone else's name.

An abandoned camp site has been discovered on the surface, hidden incredibly well within the brush. There are documents, newspaper scraps, as well as an old laptop with unknown data being transferred to a suspicious I.P. address. How do you react?(100+ Words):

Conduct reconnaissance of the site.  Observe from afar to see if any potential threats are in the area.  If not, bring other agents to secure the immediate vicinity of this camp.  Once that is done, call in MTF E-11 to continue setting up a security perimeter while agents search the camp.  Secure the documents and newspaper scraps in some sort of lock box.  Attempt to identify the location associated with the I.P. address along with what information is being transmitted.  After that, secure the laptop the same way as the documents.  Once everything has been collected and secured within the site, have the MTF either continue guarding the camp or destroy it.  This would just depend on command discretion or an SOP.

Edited by Devil Doc
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Deserves a chance, and I would like to see more RFA activity, and Devil is very active.

He also gave birth to me so there's that too.

ALL EX: bobawhy/oni/sukuna

current ranks: ci lcmd | a-1 enlisted | certified dumbass  event team member | moderator

ex-ranks: scp-rp senior moderator event team member | police-rp moderator | research lcmd

we dont talk about my time as omega-1 lt-cmdr that never happened

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21 hours ago, 𝕭 𝕺 𝕭 𝓐 said:


Deserves a chance, and I would like to see more RFA activity, and Devil is very active.

He also gave birth to me so there's that too.


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On 6/6/2023 at 6:33 PM, 𝕭 𝕺 𝕭 𝓐 said:


Deserves a chance, and I would like to see more RFA activity, and Devil is very active.

He also gave birth to me so there's that too.


E11 1LT CI 2LT

Former: E11 CPT | SEC 1LTO-1 CPT 'Conquest' 

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