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Purge Trooper Model Update to Phase 2

Coyo T Wile

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What do you want to see?: An update to Purge trooper Models to the Phase 2 variant ( or at least an update of current models)

Why should we add it?: To give Purge an update to their models, most current models aside from the heavy model do not look good ( this maybe a subjective take).

What are the advantages of having this?: To give Purge a fresh new look, most servers use the Phase 1 model and a fair number of people would like to see the new Phase 2 model, i personally hear the comment a fair bit of people not wanting to join due to the low quality of the models and the general appearance.

Who is it mainly for?: Purge

Links to any content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2940963044


Thank you for any consideration 😁

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