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Copper's NCO Application


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What is your in game rank and name.

Crewman Copper

What is your STEAM ID? 


How long have you been in Naval?

4 Days

Why do you wish to become a Junior Officer?

I seek to join the Star Fighter's Battalion to protect the ISD's Airspace and external safety. I want to help new Crewman Apprentice understand how the ship works and watch them advance. As well as helping maintain the upholds and standards of the Naval Battalion, I hope to make the next generation of Naval Crewmen some of the best with help of my brothers and sisters. I want to keep the safety of our brother's and sister's assured, and always be able to help one in need.

What are the duties of a Junior Officer?

To train new Crewmen Apprentices into the next generation of Crewmen and Officers while making them do their best and willing to ask questions. To recruit Troopers who are interested and showing them what we do as to show them how Naval works. To assist all brothers and sisters with their tasks or of anything requested and always willing to assist. Hosting trainings often and showing newer crewmen the ropes and how to operate stations, as well as holding tryouts for those interested.

How will you assist the battalion as a Junior Officer?

Take a load off of Superior Naval by assisting Crewmen and guiding them in the right direction. As well as bringing experience to them with helpful tips and reminders on how to do things. I will do my best to be active, take initiative and be willing to help and listen to others. I will assist the Battalion by showing initiative and setting a good example for Troopers and Naval, and doing the right thing when no one is looking.

Edited by Random_Copper
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