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Found 1 result

  1. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-3199 "Humans Refuted" 2. Link(s) to player models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2111632519&searchtext=3199 (Yes I know it looks bad but it's literally the only 3199 Playermodel available) 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1852387187 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 2000-3500 HP 100 armor 5. Why should we add this SCP? Due to the mechanic I shall now state. The special thing I will state is that SCP-3199 will be able to "Vomit Eggs". They can have only 1 per life. and the egg can be destroyed VIA roll of 50-70+. These eggs will be used by 3199, as if not destroyed in time, the 3199 that layed the egg will be able to teleport to the egg (Likely VIA Admin) and have a second chance after death. During this "Second Chance", the 3199 will not be able to vomit eggs, and will only have 1000 HP due to being newborn. When they vomit eggs, they will have to advert that they layed an egg, but not have to specify where. And after dying after laying an egg, they will have to wait at least 5-10 minutes in order to give the MTF some time to find the eggs. SCP-3199 will not be able to camp these eggs and must leave them after a bit, but may return to check on them after a while. And (if there's gonna be more than 1) other 3199's are not able to use other 3199's eggs to "respawn" or destroy other 3199's eggs. After the 3199 dies for the second time or if they die before laying an egg they must wait NLR (Same as every SCP, 15 mins). 6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCP-3199 denotes a species of sapient Category-5 biological entities of currently indeterminable origin, though tissue samples indicate the presence of Silkie chicken, chimpanzee, stoat, mussel, adder, and human DNA. They are typically hairless, stained with a thin layer of an albumin-like excretion, and stand at an average of 2.9 meters. Its weight averages 780 kg for a matured instance, and 360 kg for a hatchling. Autopsy has determined that the cervical vertebrae of a mature SCP-3199 instance is composed of cartilage, rather than bone. This enables the neck and throat to twist and dislocate to around 340° in either direction, aiding their unusual reproductive cycle. 7. Extra information: The playermodel's idle animation doesn't work with the raptor claws, nor does the attack animations. But it's the only model so that's unpog. All other animations work tho. Link to the SCP Wiki page in case anyone wants to see it: http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-3199 Egg model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1818700114&searchtext=Egg You recontain 3199 by terminating it. Also I got this idea from Noble. Thanks Noble. As per the new map version, It could be placed in Lower HCZ in one of the replicated 049 CCs. If yall have any changes you would like me to put in, please state them so I can make this better than the first version.
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