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Found 6 results

  1. In Game Name: Schoodst Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427): STEAM_0:0:81042712 Discord ID (Ex. Pinbal#5433): Schoodst#0907 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian Current RP Ranks Held: Nu7 FTO SM, CI STS PFC Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): None How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): 8 (All from around a year ago) Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: The Red Right Hand team is one of the more interesting branches in the foundation. The whole mystery surrounding them has always made me interested in them, and joining them is something I would most definitely want to do. The jobs that they do are something that I enjoy doing on Nu7 anyways, so I already have a feel for the tasks I will be put up to. Why should we accept you: I am a pretty active member of the community and can be on most hours of the day. I am already familiar with the kinds of work I will be put up to in the Guardians Squadron as I already do most of it on Nu7. I am not terrible at PvP and can hit most of my shots. I can follow orders given by higher ups efficiently and can handle most threats against the personnel I am defending. I know when I need to retreat and when I can take advantage of a certain situation.
  2. In Game Name: Samuel Joelson Steam ID STEAM_0:0:436842272 Discord ID CobraCommandCC#6041 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian Current RP Ranks Held: 2LT DHTRT HTFA4 (Marine), BHM (Behemoth , and Discipleo CA NU7 OF THE WEEK 10/16/22 / D5 CPL JA IAA, CTF JA) Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): No not currently. If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): 1 Past warn 0 Active Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I wish to join the RRH team, because I've experienced almost everything a regular MTF group has to offer, besides Epsilon 11, and well I want to have more responsibilities, and to be able to prove myself more in another elite team. I also want to join because I want to help the server in general and not only just from two branches, I want to protect the leaders of the site, and also guarantee that their secrets don't fall into CI hands, and well I also want to join so I can help make a safer site in general, because in my time on GL I've seen a lot of areas where we could improve security in and well I wish to help fill in some of those patches we struggle with to guarantee the sites safety. Q4 Why should we accept you: I believe you should accept me because I proved I am reliable by me earning the rank of 2LT in NU7 and being a Division Head in NU7, I'm also good at combat because I survived the Covert Agents and HTFA4 Tryouts in NU7, and I've helped recontain and protect numerous amounts of SCPs and site locations, and I've been asked by the RRH at some times to help them defend an O5 council member. I also have a lot of leadership skills because I've led numerous amounts of DayZ units, Arma units, and also because I'm JCMD in NU7, and in IRL I'm an Eagle scout, so I can manage multiple things and handle hard challenges whenever they are thrown at me. I also am also working on my EMTB certification IRL so that shows I'm willing to push myself and try to achieve high goals, I also believe I fit this role because on a bunch of other GMOD servers I've acted as different high ranking security roles and I've been known to have a low failure rate, and if I am accepted I am like a sponge I can learn fast and I own up to my mistakes I don't try to hide them if I mess up ill accept it. I hope you consider my application and thank you for your time.
  3. In Game Name: ACEE Steam ID STEAM_0:1:512465556 Discord ID (Ex. Pinbal#5433): ACEE#4803 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian Current RP Ranks Held: MTF D5 DHFTO 2LT ACEE CROW Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): No How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof):1 Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I want to join the RRH Guardian team because I have heard of all the great things, they do include protecting VIPS or doing a reality warper test and preventing info leaks on VIPS. And I have heard great things about RRH how there’s never a dull moment when on job and that protecting the people who keep site running is an amazing job and team to be a part of. I always wanted to be able to follow VIPS around the site and either protect or heal them. I admire the team and never had a bad experience talking to them or meeting them in general and instead made my resolution to join them stronger when I’ve seen how they work like a family and a big team. They are the strongest of them all. There something everyone dreams of doing and I'm one of those dreamers. I'm on most of the day doing RP. Why should we accept you: I believe you should accept me because. I will make sure to protect all VIPS and personal I am instructed to protect even at the cost of own life. I will help evacuate all VIPS to helicopter or safe location in the event of a code nuke or Site-wide system failure. I will stop all information or Cognito hazard getting into the wrong hands. There will be no Harm done to any VIPS in my view. And last, I will do my best to contribute to the RRH team and work together. And I will dedicate as much as possible to RRH to not let the team down. Thank you for considering my APP. Have a sincere day.
  4. In Game Name: Carter Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:527734762 Discord ID: ìʍ Ӏօʂէ#2275 Squadron you are Applying for: Guardian Current RP Ranks Held: Epsilon-11 SSGT Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): Bravo-13 How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): 1 (This warn+ban was given over 2 years ago by admin who mistakenly gave it to me, I've made an appeal and was approved but it was never removed from my records. This is being actively reviewed by staff. My appeal link: Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: The reason I want to become a part of the Red Right Hand team is that I want to challenge myself with something greater than where I am now and would like to push myself to become the best version of myself I can achieve. I am here to learn from the best and to prove myself to others around me. I enjoy playing on this server and I am very active. This branch is where there are tons of roleplay opportunities which I would like to be a part of as I believe that I can be an active participant in and make decisions that can greatly benefit the team and the SCP Foundation. Why should we accept you: You should accept me because I believe by being apart of the team I can help improve both myself and my fellow teammates around me. Becoming a RRH member is a major goal of mine and I intend on going above and beyond to prove myself and achieve this goal. If I was to accepted into RRH, I would make sure that RRH is being represented in the best light and ensure that no classified intel is leaked and to make sure that anyone who happens to stumble upon or overhear a conversation regarding any REDACTED/CLASSIFIED is to dealt with accordingly. I will prioritize the absolute protection of the Council members and will execute any order given to me without hesitation.
  5. IMG_3754.jpg.urlIn Game Name: Samuel Joelson Steam ID 0:0:436842272 Discord ID CobraCommandCC#6041 Squadron you are Applying for: Guardian Current RP Ranks Held: (D5 CPL (CTF JA), NU7 WO (Just promoted) NU7 OF THE WEEK 10/16/22, And Junior Covert Agent Has anyone recommended you apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): N/A If applying for Analyst, please link notable test-logs here: N/A How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): 0 Warns Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I wish to join the Red Right hand because I've been serving with the foundation for a while with NU7 and now D5 and well Ive climbed the ranks pretty fast and have done some pretty good work as a field expert and a Tactical response team member. What I truly want to do is increase my responsibilities and to have a bigger role in defending the foundation not just from external threats from internal threats too. I also want to get a better rp experience than just focusing on a mostly combat based group like D5 or a containment group like NU7 I want to help more and see the bigger picture that this job can offer. Why should we accept you: I believe you should accept me because in my almost 3 months here, I've done a lot of good with NU7 as a field expert and as TRT clearing out CI and re-containing SCPs. Another plus is that I've had no strikes or warns so far so I can get the job done clean. Another reason why I believe I should be considered for the position is that I have a lot of security and leadership experience, due to me leading numerous amounts of DayZ MILSIM units, or GMOD star wars shock or Imperial Guard groups, I also have IRL experience in problem solving and managing stressful situations because I am an Eagle Scout and I am also a Volunteer Probationary EMT, so when stuff hits the fan I can compose myself and do what need to be done. Side note I know I havent been the most active due to irl reasons but im hoping to change that with this job and to help the foundation with this job. In short Those are the reasons why I believe I should be given a shot thank you and have a good one.IMG_3754.jpg.url
  6. In Game Name: IITRAKTORII Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427): STEAM_0:0:432868394 Discord ID (Ex. Pinbal#5433): IITRAKTORII#3667 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian Current RP Ranks Held: Nu7 SM SFTO SCA Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): Nope How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof):0 Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: 1.st reason is I am constantly being told to join RRH in MTF meetings. I like RP in the server and I have been told that RRH is an RP branch. I like working with RFA's and Research as a CA especially if it has something to do with RP and I think working with RRH Analysts will be the same if not better because of their higher clearance. I also think RRH just simply looks fun to play and hang out with. I also like being a bodyguard example. During CA operation fallen angels (last part) i realy liked defending RFA from incoming threats while they were fixing something. Why should we accept you: Most people would describe interactions with me as nice and respectfull. I also play in off hours mostly meaning RRH activity could be troughout the day. i love helping people so if anyone needs something i will go out of my way to help them since that feels right.
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