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Found 1 result

  1. The Devil's Chosen PoliceRP Organized Crime Family Gaminglight Criminal Roleplay Group, Garry's Mod. steam://connect/ Founded by: Delta Zero, Tyler KS, Ganta X, & Joseph KS. SERVER INFORMATION: This server is a server dedicated to a roleplay in-game criminal organization known as "The Devils Chosen" . This criminal organizations participates in criminal behavior similar to the Italian mafia within the 1960's to 1970's. This criminal organization is known to participate in Racketeering, Criminal Mischief, Whacking, among other things expressed in-game. The activities within "The Devils Chosen" is highly secretive, as the organization itself is invite-only. Individuals who are invited to this server without a direct invite from @Underling+ are denied access to all related channels and activities. We do not support any fraudulent individuals who claim to be within the syndicate, and all frauds will be exposed within and dealt with accordingly. The Devil's Chosen was created as a result of a merge from two separate criminal factions, The Kingsman Syndicate & XFactors, into one unstoppable fighting power. PLAYER DEMOGRAPHICS: We have players from all walks of life who has joined us, and the time zone difference is significant enough that we are always online. EST/CST/GMT+1 TIMEZONES AVERAGE. LEVEL 20+ PERFERRED, NOT REQUIRED. What are we looking for in applicants? - Professionalism - Knowledge - Combative Skill - Listening/Comprehending Skillset - Grammar - Growth to Learn You don't necessarily have to have background knowledge of how we are ran, as we are here to provide such information to those who choose to embark on the journey with us! New Players are Welcome, and will be well-taken care of regarding weaponry, cash, and xp. DOCUMENTATION: Application Link: https://forms.gle/ZSbysuC4uNS2hR8u8 Unredacted Informational Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KepR9mM0KiHDFUuTCuz0rUUmS3Hq4wswuZ0hLgZcCwE/edit?usp=sharing Public Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kT3_ZQ4mlyCDLwweNM8cJLsqfuhYzLoRYh9zHOVbzdw/edit?usp=sharing Public Website: https://sites.google.com/view/the-devils-chosen/home WILL YOU EMBARK ON THE DEVIL'S JOURNEY THROUGH HELL?
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