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Found 1 result

  1. In-Game Name: Illusions Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86309736 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Trial Moderator / Gold How many hours do you have on the server?: 81.6 What is your general knowledge on the rules?: I have a relatively solid understanding on the rules pertaining to what is found by using !motd, however after reading the Event Team Handbook, I feel there might be some rules i may need clarified/examples of do's and don't's if accepted. How many warns do you have? (No more than 15): 0 Proof: https://imgur.com/a/o2e18l3 Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): I would like to join the event team because I feel there is just not enough events going on at times. I also am very dedicated to Staff/Player interaction. I feel that if the staff are interacting constantly with the community for other reasons than just tickets/sits is a very big plus and shows the the staff is truly invested in the community. Speaking from personal experience, I can say I feel that this is an a topic that seems to be forgotten about at times in different communities, and that as a community member (not staff), I don't feel that communities that don't show this aspect much are not communities I tend to stay in for very often, and I do not want new members to the GamingLight community to feel the same. I believe that if I was to join the event team, I could further that Staff/Community interaction even more so than what I currently can as a Trial Mod. If accepted, I can promise that SMT/Event Team Leads will not be disappointed. Describe an event you could create (Be specific): For this question, I am actually going to use an idea that I have been drafting for the Event Suggestions topic. It goes as follows -Name: Hide and Go Murder! -Description: There are murderers on the loose in Rockford! Your goal is to is to survive the for 10 minutes. Will you survive and live to tell the tale? Or will you die at the hands of the of the hands of these hardened criminals? -Event Specifics: --Number of Members: At least 5 required, able to scale with higher participant counts --Area: Restricted to lower city (Spawn, Hospital, Club Catalyst, etc) ; CANNOT HIDE INSIDE PD/TAC --Vehicles: Not Allowed --For Gov or Crim: N/a - ->Murderers: -- -> Model: Plauge Doctor -- ->Weapons: tfa_nmrih_kknife -- ->Start Point: Inside Cinema -- ->Start Wait: 30 seconds -- ->Number: One murderer for every five players -- -> Misc Requirements: Must /advert after every kill (e.x /advert Haha! One down! The rest of you better run!) ; - -> Survivors: -- ->Model: Citizen or Hobo (Participant must choose) -- ->Weapons: None -- -> HP: 50 ; Armor: 0 -- ->Start Point: Spawn -- -> Prep Time: 30 seconds -- -> Misc Requirements: Must be !muted and !gagged --Rewards: -- ->Survivors: --- -> 1st Place: Crate Key, 100k --- -> 2nd Place: 75k --- -> 3rd Place: 50k -- ->Murderers: --- -> 250k per If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST timezone) Any time in between 1pm and 5pm or any time after 7:30pm Monday - Friday: all days Saturday and Sunday: all days Have you read the Event Team Guidelines? Yes I have
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