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Found 8 results

  1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pBsHP5QUH2eLtbLxnmLAdQkLcqQeE2cwOXRx_OI5NmY/edit?usp=sharing This is my first one I hope it is not too bad
  2. Lore name: Jeff Rank: Associate Researcher Clearance level: 3 Personnel involved: Several spectators, including the Builder Bear. Ds involved: Two. SCPs: 049-1, 012, 714, 1025 Hypothesis: Can zombies get actual diseases, and can the jade ring increase zombie lifespan? Observation: Yes, and no. The first zombie got athsma, got incinerated, nothing special. Second one only lasted 15 seconds, possibly due to the ring's effects after wearing it "too long" as they already have increased health. Visuals: See below. Errors or safety hazards: None. Conclusion: Zombies definitely do not have improved immune systems, and they die faster to the Jade Ring than most.
  3. Lore name: Jeff Rank: Associate Researcher Clearance level: 3 Personnel involved: Thaumiel Class Manager Starstep (spectating) and a GenSec (spectating and managing Ds.) Ds involved: Three. SCPs: 714 (the Jade Ring) Hypothesis: How does scp-714 affect the damage done by 012? Observation: Control test - a Class D was put into 012's CC and lasted approximately 4 seconds. With 714 - The second class D was put in with SCP-714 on, and lasted about 10 seconds. Visuals: Too large for a forums upload, so this will work. Errors or safety hazards: 714 may be stuck in 012's CC for the time being. Conclusion: SCP-714 proves useful even with self-harm inflicted due to cognitohazards.
  4. Lore Name: Dutch Rank: AR SCP:714 Question / Idea: To see which class-d could stay the longest before they get: exhaustion, a compulsion to rest/sleep, Slowed Reactions, Sluggish Movement, Reduced Mental Capacity, Mental 'Shield', Chemical Tolerance. we gave the class-d options to take: steroids, NuVigil (smart drugs), energy drinks, XTC (party drugs), or ADHD pills (good for better concentration) so they can maybe not get any effects or could slow doen the effects. Background Research: Seemingly nothing more than a green jade ring, SCP-714 can expand and contract to perfectly fit the finger of anyone who touches it, though this is the least important of its properties. SCP-714 only changes size when touched by a 'new' subject.SCP-714 has several major effects, detailed as follows: exhaustion, a compulsion to rest/sleep, Slowed Reactions, Sluggish Movement, Reduced Mental Capacity, Mental 'Shield', Chemical Tolerance. Hypothesis: to see if we could do anything against the effect off 714 Observations (What Happened During Test): *placed in comments crashed when I put it in here* Evidence/Visual Stimuli :none Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): well that some drugs/pills/drinks help against SCP 714 Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes we could do something against it but not forever
  5. Lore Name:Chara Rank:JR SCP: 1424 and 714 Question / Idea: Is Scp 1424 able to be affected by Scp 714 Background Research: Scp 1424 is a dog that seems to have all the same ability's as a regular dog but is just indestructible. 714 is a jade ring that makes wearer exhausted in exchange for life force Hypothesis: SCP 1424 will most likely be affected from SCP 714 Observations (What Happened During Test):https://docs.google.com/document/d/1082clDpcypVBnvLQK4cRQQx27nmFDEXn5tt6QPgL2JI/edit?usp=sharing Evidence/Visual Stimuli: I do have Visual stimuli and I will have this edited once the video is edited Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):This was very successful Scp 1424 Did Feel the effects of Scp 714 and was mad at be because of it XD Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:Yes
  6. SCP 966 Lore Name: Associate Researcher Goonter Rank: Associate Researcher SCP: 966 & 714 Question: Would the effects of SCP-966 be nullified by SCP-714. Info on SCP's used: SCP-714 is a jade ring. Wearers of SCP-714 show abnormally high resilience to memetic and mental influences. SCP-966 are predatory creatures that resemble hairless, digitigrade humans, possessing an elongated face with a mouth lined with needle-like teeth. They hunt either alone or in pairs. Their hunting methods consist of emitting a single burst of a unknown type of wave, which permanently inhibits the ability of the affected creature to enter any of the NREM and REM sleep stages. The ability to micro-sleep is also lost. Other than the common symptoms caused by sleep deprivation, some victims of SCP-966 have shown signs of suffering from extremely vivid hallucinations, as well as sudden bouts of rage with no apparent external stimuli. Hypothesis: That SCP-714 would nullify the vivid hallucinations and bouts of rage and also reducing the effects of sleep deprivation. Conclusion: SCP-714 seemed to have no effect on on the D-Class that was wearing it and was immediately killed by SCP-966.
  7. Lore Name: Fish Rank: AR SCP: 008 & 714 Question / Idea: the effects of 714 could make a subject wearing it immune to 008's effects Background Research: 714 provides a small amount on protection to the wearer, making them more resilient to damage. Hypothesis: the effects of 714 could provide a subject with immunity, or at the least slow its effects for study Observations (What Happened During Test): the class D used was directed to wear the ring and enter 008 and open it. 5 minutes after exposure the subject was told to close 008 and wait, after 9 hours the subject was told to leave the chamber and take a chemical shower. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: none Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): the effects of 008 were slowed or stopped indefinitly Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes. In the file for 008 it says that it occurs over a period of 8 hours while subject was fine after 9 hours
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