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Posts posted by kari

  1. Surprising, I know. After a month LOA, I still cannot seem to get myself on the server and I have a feeling it'll stay this way for a couple more months, if not longer. I really did enjoy the time that I was actively in CI, but sometimes you just got a silly little brain issue that prevents you from doing one thing over another. Not going to do names or anything, but if we talked often I probably think you're cool. I will 100% be back though, but not within the next few months so I don't want to take up a command spot for that long. 

  2. Name: kari
    Rank: MAJ
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:159228283
    Reason for leaving: When I first applied, I was still fairly certain I could stay and help out as much as possible. Now, after a month of LOA, I still see no possibility of returning as I am now to this branch. I do not have the motivation or even the ability to stay on the server much longer, so I'll likely be resigning from CI within a week too. I do apologize for taking up a Major slot and doing nothing with it, but when ADHD has priorities, it has priorities. Big apologies to Ignis for leaving the DHFE spot to him alone, but I know you'll do great with it.

  3. On 4/24/2023 at 2:06 PM, Some Weeb said:

    @kari- Legit one of the best command in CI 


    First of all, thank you? Wtf.

    Second, I had pretty good interactions with you overall and I'm sad to see you go. Hope things go well for you!

  4. +Support

    - Incredibly qualified, even overqualified, for the position of Major. 
    - Would bring a lot to the table, with incredible past experience and ideas to bring Nu7 to its former glory.
    - Genuinely an overall great and well-known person.

  5. -Support

    - From what I know and have seen, you fit more in your current position.
    - Slacking in command responsibilities, I would like to see more leadership qualities and command responsibilities fulfilled before I say you're ready for this position.
    - Made an entirely new topic instead of editing your last one. I am not accusing anything, but editing would have been a far better choice and keeps everyone's comments about you.

  6. 2 minutes ago, opera said:

    Sorry Kari but this is just not true, I had like 15 PTs hosted in 4is months, you can ask any CI Senior + about my activity, I can asure you I was one of the most active CI command members playing 

    That is not the unprofessional activity I'm talking about. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Some Weeb said:

    - Support 

    You are cool but a medium ranking scmd member is to far out there imo. This opinion comes mostly out of the fact that you have like no SCMD experience. Or even higher low command. Just 2LT ranks. 


    Similar to other applicants I also must inquire what your plan is in the case you get accepted for A1 and Nu7 considering that would equal 3 lives.

    Experience at SCMD has honestly 0 effect on how well I'd do. I've said in the app why I was at 2LT, and it was never because I was stuck. I have the experience in other places to more than make up for it.

    As for the A1 application, we'll just have to see. I doubt I'd stay in A1 if I got accepted in Nu7, as its my original command spot. 

  8. 1. Name: kari

    2. Current and former RP ranks: 

    Current: CI PD, Apollo U-52

    Former: Security 2LT, Nu7 2LT, E11 SGT, many more positions in combat branches over a long time. (think LCPL-MSGT)

    3. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:159228283

    4. DiscordID: kari#6969

    5. Why do you want to be Nu7 command: One of the reasons I left last time was due to my dislike of the people within the branch, but now I have no such issues. I've always thought Nu7 was a fun branch that was a lot more fun than other MTF branches, but that's just me and I've considered going back to Nu7 a lot because I've had a lot of fun within the branch; it was always an interesting and exciting time for me and I enjoyed every moment of it up until the end on my last time in it. I've learned a lot since my last time in Nu7 command and I'd love to be able to use those experiences for the better of Nu7, making it a better place to be and more enjoyable as much as I can. I've loved the idea of being in command within Nu7, but I've enjoyed the thought of learning and experiencing new things more, which is why I'm applying for Senior Command. I've never felt myself incapable of being Senior Command, and I believe this is a good opportunity to show that I'm indeed ready for that type of position.

    6. What can you offer as a member of Nu7 command: While it might not seem like I'm currently ready for the position of Major, I can assure you that I most definitely am. Sure, I have never been Senior Command before, but I've learned quite a lot about what it is they do and how I would be one. It never felt like I was stuck at that rank when I was command, most of the time I simply achieved everything I wanted to within Command, but in Nu7? I have so many more goals that I want to achieve, so many more things I want to learn, and I would love to take this opportunity to influence good changes that people within the branch would likely love. I am incredibly active within CI already, and that's my main branch at the moment, but I would still be very active on both branches to the best of my ability. I have years of experience with leading people and making good changes outside of GL, and I'd love to use that experience to make Nu7 a better place than it already is. More than that, I just want to come back to the original branch I became command in. It's been 2 years since then, and I'd love the ability to show that I can do much better than I did before. I've learned about many, many things since then, and I've realized my mistakes, so I want the opportunity to put those experiences into practice to show how much I can do for the branch. The experiences I've had before are beyond the player count any single branch in this entire server is currently managing, even GenSec at its peak, which makes me feel a lot more qualified for this position than people might originally assume. 

    7. What is something you would improve upon in Nu7: One of the things I would improve in Nu7 is how I felt like last time I joined it was boring until something happened. While that is usually the case, patrols were barely hosted in groups that someone put together instead of just finding people and going "let's check HCZ together." In essence, I want to bring back hosted patrols and make it more fun to patrol in general. People should be together a lot more than they are alone, and that's one thing I wish to change. Most likely, I would also figure out what sub branches currently do in order to see what changes could be made, with the command of that sub-branch's approval and assistance, of course.

    8. How are you able to help manage Nu7 as a branch: I've always been good at figuring out reasons that people don't want or feel like playing anymore. While some of these reasons are not able to be dealt with, it's also sometimes something that they just don't say. Creating an environment where people have fun is definitely a goal I have, and the first step would be making sure to deal with Nu7 activity. From incentives to small changes that could make people play more, there are many things that I would do to make Nu7 more enjoyable and more interesting to play on, all of which do not include a new sub branch! Anything that I would be able to do to encourage activity, from making sure command are doing what they should be (e.g. promotions) to encouraging PTs or other activities, I will definitely do in order to make the branch as good as it can be.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Boesermaster said:

    -Support after thinking for it for a bit 


    everything above 1..0 TTK is to much, a Field Enginner would deal 80 Damage per shoot minimum per hit, with a Fast shooting weapon, with the current TTK a Bio enginner or a D-Class idk mobster could reasonably react and shoot back, 

    Now with the TTK put to 1.25 if I am the first shooting him, he has no time to react, he will notice me, and be I am sure Dead, or almost Dead. 

    While I would love to be on the giving end off it, this also takes out any strenght in Numbers advantage anyone  would have, since every operative would die after one or two engagements, when they meet patrols , or others. 

    As the TTK was put to 1.5 for a bit a FE was able to take out 1 mobster and 3 normal D-Class with just 1 ambush, this was I am sure not fon for the D-Class. 

    One thing I noticed is that 1.5 TTK was fast, but not overly fast. You're thinking that numbers advantage should be the reason people win fights, but in all honesty that shouldn't be the case for just 2-3 people versus one.

    I played on 1.1 TTK, it was just a bit too slow. ARs did okay damage, but it really wasn't enough at the time. 1.25 is my middle ground, it does good damage and is still very easy to use tactics to win fights. One FE against 4 Class-D, were they separate or pushing all at once? The only reason that would happen is a skill issue. Class-D do not deserve to be overly able to fight people, but add a D Class CC and the odds are more on the Class-D side.

    In the end, your point is that it's "too fast" but it's entirely skill based to whether or not that's true. I can probably 5 hit someone in the head with an M16A4 ACOG, but that's just skill. It is perfectly fine for MTF to be strong, thats their entire thing, and saying that skill is the reason this should be denied is not a valid reason. I've tried both 1.1 and 1.5. and one seemed way too slow while the other was just a bit too fast. 

    There's also no reason to say patrols wouldn't live. If you have 2 good players on your patrol, you are far more likely to live than if you sent 4 bad players on this TTK. That is how it should be. Numbers should have far less of an impact than skill should, and I see 0 reason why this shouldn't be the case.

    I could agree that something like the MP7 should be nerfed if this was to be accepted, but this is overall a benefit. Denying this for a couple guns RPM is an interesting choice.

  10. Before you comment something, I've made a few compromises that could make this work now rather than later.

    What are you suggesting? - Change the TFA damage multiplier to 1.25. (~47% increase)

    How would this change better the server? - Currently, PvP takes quite a bit more time than it needs to. This would lower the TTK with PvP and make fights happen a lot quicker than they otherwise would. If one good player went up against more people, they'd be able to take down more people in a shorter amount of time, making it a lot more skill-based than now.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - SCPs and snipers would become a quick issue, so I have a few changes to possibly make that work below. This would take a lot of nerfing to balance out a few classes, such as Class-D and uzis perhaps. However, I feel that in the end it would be a lot more fun like this.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Combatants who use ARs/shotguns/anything but snipers.


    ALL KILLABLE/TRANQABLE SCPS: Increase HP by 50% to return to normalish time to kill. Keep tranq hp the same.

    Nerf the following damage by 48% to act as normal: (Snipers, basically)



  11. What are you suggesting? - Nerf the damage of all snipers to stay consistent with this update, but not one-shotting literally every class; currently, most high-damage snipers one-shot ALL classes to the head. This should be played with, obviously, to ensure they are consistent with the TTK update (for semi-auto snipers specifically)

    How would this change better the server? - Makes specific snipers not one-shot all classes at any range with simply a headshot.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - It would mean having to still be consistent with this update, but I feel that changing snipers to still be consistent yet not overly broken would be a good advantage to all players.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - High HP classes, because snipers should still one-shot to the head a good amount of classes to be consistent with the update. It still takes skill, after all.

  12. Just now, Boesermaster said:

    Snipers benefit the most from a hight TTS since TTS increases the Damage of each bullet with a multiplier. With a 100 damage base sniper without our TTS but now just the 1.5 TTS is 150 Damage. 

    If we would decrease the Accuracy of Snipers , they would suffer much worse from it, since bullets would just fly to no where. And they would fly into the same territory of Shotguns. 

    you realize they can just decrease sniper damage by 50% and it'd be the same as previously, right? you're opting to nerf tts (an amazing general change) because of a few OP guns. it's better to nerf those specific guns than TTK

  13. 5 minutes ago, Boesermaster said:

    Today, 3 People, were one Tapped, by an CI. As i stood beside them as a Medic. When someone is One shooted, which now happens even more often. There is nothing for me to do when they are dead. With a TTK this hight. We must give all Medics a Defib. Since otherwise they have no use.

    As example,

    A Sniperwhich previoulsy did 150 Damage per Shot, only Killed Operatives.

    Now it deals 290 Damage.

    It one tappes almost everything there is. It makes Combat an absolut Shit show. Since everyone just dies. And Medics. Just can stand there be  like : Jup he died.

    Your main point is snipers, so make a suggestion to nerf snipers. 

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