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Posts posted by MarredOwl

  1. The proposal? Make SCPs more playable. By this I mean make people wanna play an SCPs. The current system is not very fun and currently nobody wants to play an SCP because of it.

    • Self breaching is probably the most boring thing on the server because it just takes so long.  The average SCP breach is between 15-20 min with adverts in between. This honestly ruins the fun of playing an SCPs because it takes 1 roll to ruin your self breach causing the timer to reset and the process to start over after 10 mins this can lead to taking an SCP 35-50+mins to breach depending on if they keep hitting good rolls.  Not to mention once SCPS breach their cell they also have too breach 2-3 more doors after. This makes breaching even longer!
    • Also make it harder for SCPs to be recontained, you have these godly SCP (EUCLID/KETER) that are just contained so easily. SCP 096 can be recontained from bagging his head because of this you just have people Spamming in mic or chat "Bag head, you need to roll" over and over and over. SCP 049 needs to break through three doors before he can be really breach and have fun? Just for people to camp doors waiting for fear rp?  There many of other SCPs who just feel so weak. 
    • Honestly, SCPs just feel so weak compared to what the lore has made them out to be. This is why many players don't play them. The game mode is literally based on SCPs yet when a player plays one they have to wait a long time to breach and are easily recontained. All I'm asking is for yall to buff SCPs and make them more fun to play because if nobody really plays them, then why even have them as a playable class?  



    PLS Bring Awareness!!! 

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