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Posts posted by Puddingchan

  1. Understandable, However apologizing would not have done any good either, I can be sorry or not be sorry but the outcome won't change, the only thing that would, is temporary feelings and a moment that is shared with me apologizing and going through that and then it would end the same. Now that's not to say I am not sorry. Cause I am and realize I should of thought bout that before doing it and this is not and should not be considered an excuse but it is factual and my own fault that I also did not have any sleep for 2 days and it's not good and again my own fault cause it can cause problems mentally and cause me to not think straight.    AGAIN not an excuse and not my reason. Just information.   And I was made aware 1 post ago that it was decided after an opinion. But my point STILL stands. That if you perma ban someone, YOU KICK THEM IMMEDIATLY.  There is no point in keeping them there in the server otherwise. If you didn't want them there, Finish the job. Respectfully.

  2. Ah, Yes I was so Immature and childish in making a forum.  Meanwhile you also, Did not kick me from the server as you were supposed to after changing it to Indefinite, You played with my corpse and even as kill on sight it was immature and still assinine to do. You also are not wrong on the joke part I also mentioned that before. But it is whatever. I don't care if I get unbanned at this point or not. You are right with the blurting it out loud and I won't do that again. But you do you and do whatever ya want.  Just sucks being banned from the only populated Police RP server. Every other server is either dead or not in language range. Unlike 3 years ago.


  3. @Kasper, You were not there the entire time nor were you there when certain things happened. I also suspect when you mention "Competent staff" you mean there are some that aren't.   The last bit is all you were there for and you also don't know most of what happened anyways and you never got my side of things and assumed right off that bat anyways without talking to the said person who got banned.    Also her past warns and what not may be a few years ago but that doesn't erase what she has done in the past and doesn't excuse the behavior in which she has done. Tis was very unprofessional in the banning first and foremost. Should have automatically given me an indefinite ban right from the get go not a two week ban, secondly on that same topic, She kept changing it and adding to it. It is not my first go at bans or mods, But I am 100% sure there was a better way of "Banning someone" I.E Making sure they are banned 100% and disconnected from the server right away. She failed to do so and in doing so she failed her job as a Superadmin.  You also have no reason to say most of your statement due to the fact you weren't there fully. With all Due respect of course.  You are entitled to your own opinions and all but there was still plenty of things that you did not know even though you say you were "There the entire time." Not to mention I heard most of what happened through my friend cause he relayed it. I also got shot and killed and cornered and what not so I couldn't be anywhere near and it's not exactly something a mod should do knowing that it was me who was "Shadow banned" Unprofessional.


  4. Steam Name: Goku642004

    Ingame Name:Sextella


    Ban Length: Indefinite

    Admin that Banned you: [GL] Matilda

    Reason for Ban: Rape/Erp Joke towards a friend.

    Dispute: I made a sexual joke like I always to in most Gmod servers or games (I play with them outside the game too) and it's our inside joke about the rape thing (Not very mature sure but I can also understand the Admins view) Because in a game we play often, We make tons of jokes (Stardew Valley) and I did not know that the ban would be "Indefinite" and at first she banned me for 2 weeks and then bout 10 mins 20 mins later decided to change said time to indefinite for no reason. and I know that I shouldn't have made that joke out loud, But Indefinite over an inside joke which was explained to her as well and CHANGING the punishment after it was originally placed, Not only that but she is being disrespectful to my friend who was in said joke afterwards and bullying me and repeatedly killing me and swinging the body around with her admin gun or whatever, and on top of that there was no rules placed for joking about that, and the only thing it would be labeled for is ERP at best and SHOULD get a 2 week ban. She also apparently has a history with ERP too so you'd think she'd understand. But she is calling my friend disgusting for standing up for me and on top of that muting him for questioning things and asking for things. She also avoided where it specified we couldn't make sexual jokes and after a while we left. But we did annoy her for her being unreasonable and also very childish.  I hope I can hear back soon and I will provide screenshots as best as I can. She just now (At the time of finishing this up) Continued to place multiple bans on me and on top of that harass my friend (I don't have a video but I do take screenshots) but she also made a warn on my friend after he left due to the fact that he got arrested and it was after being harassed. I would like an appeal and for something to be done with her.  

    She also had like 3 or 4 other people "Dickriding" her as my friend said, Saying they all agree to it and let people harass him and all he did was try to help and understand why there was a need for such a long ban. 2 week ban is fine with me but an indefinite is too much over a joke not to mention a joke made to my friend. 

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