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Posts posted by ColdPorpoise

  1.                        Accepted

                                                                                                                                          Contact Sentinel+ for Officer training!

  2. What do you want to see?: Pyke's being able to do /demote

    Why should we add it?: The thing that should be added is Pyke being able to /demote on people that are afk too clear up job that people should not be afk on.

    What are the advantages of having this?: The advantages of this is if a member of Pyke falls asleep while on a job like say Spice Refiner they can be demoted off the job so someone else can use the job.

    Who is it mainly for?: Pyke (The rest of the server all ready have it)

  3. UnderBoss Applications


    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Pyke Sentinel HoR Green

    2. Why do you want to be a Pyke Underboss? The reason that I want to be a underboss is because I have put a lot of dedication into pyke and have have found it to be a fun yet chaotic at some times which I have come to love. If I become a Pyke Underboss I will have the opportunity to expand to pyke influence over the entire server.

    3. How much game time do you have on the server? Tooo much (471:18 Hours or 5 Weeks)

    4. What is the Main Purpose of an Underboss/VCMDR? The main reason that I want to be underboss is because the community I have just found that the people that have lasted in pyke and that have just joined are the the people I like to chill in a "gangsta's paradise" with.

    5. What could you contribute to Pyke if given Underboss?: Things that I can contribute is I am always active so I can keep pyke shenanigans always going and I can help everyone new or even experienced with pyke have a good time.

    6. Are their any ideas or changes you would bring to Pyke if given the position?: Currently I dont have any crazy new ideas for pyke but I play more and more I could probably improve on something the future.

    7. How much experience do you have with Pyke?(If possible give an example of an interaction): I have a good bit of experience in the pyke syndicate I have been a pyke since 10/15/23 and since then have become the HoR and am currently the highest ranking officer and have been around for many changes in pyke and have worked very close with pyke command to help make pyke the best it can be.

    8. How often can you be Online? : Currently most of the day every day but when school starts probably 6 hours a day.(give or take a few Hours)

    9. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have no Warnings.

  4. In-game name: Green

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:754892242

    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: Purge LTCol/Lord X and a Pyke Captain HoR

    Have you donated to the server?: Yes

    Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No

    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: No

    How much time do you have on the server?: 4 Weeks

    How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I know the lore decently well the lore I know is all the movies, the clone wars tv show, star wars rebels, and the live action tv shows. (and some comic books)

    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: It looked fun, I like events/ building, and helping people.

    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: The reason that you should trust me is because im very active and nice to people.

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: No

    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: I understand what they do but I have never been one.

    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: (On ship) Rebels have broken onto ship and have set bombs so we need to go there and defuse them before they blow up the ship. (Off ship) Rebels have redacted info hidden in there base we have to go get it back before they sell it to the highest bidder.

    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): !give Person (the weapon)

    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): !model person (then what you what to model them as)

    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes (but I dont have the best memory)

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