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Posts posted by Monolith

  1. +Support


    +very professional

    +extremely active

    +very friendly with all regiments

    I've known COCO from when we both joined the server. Even from then he was very motivated and wanted to be the best person that he ever could. I believe that him being an Officer would bring so much to the Tank Trooper battalion.

  2. 1. Your full in-game IC name and rank: IC CST SGM 4568 Blu / Monolith

    2. Have you ever been striked in IC? (How have you improved?): I don't have any strikes.

    3. How many warnings do you have?: I don't have any warnings

    4. How is your in-game activity? (Officer activity is tracked by IC and HC.):

    Good, I try to be active at least 2 hours everyday, most days I'm active 4 to 5 hours.

    5. What is your current sub-specialty?: Scout Sniper Enlisted, Demolitions Enlisted, Crimson Squad

    6. Why do you want to become an IC Officer? :
    I want to become an IC Officer because I want to be able to assist the IC command team to the best of my ability. Because of me being in another time zone I can provide the chance to have an Officer basically at all times (Europe time zone). I would consider that an advantage because it would lead people to be more active and join the battalion because there's always going to be some 'higher up' with which to do things. I would also love to provide more motivation to all of the ranks by making people enjoy the time on IC, and have them say 'Man, I can't want to play on the server as IC again today' after a stressful day at work / school. Being an Officer would provide me with more tools of motivating people, bringing the friendship in IC tighter around everyone by being and also maintaining a friendly positive attitude, and basically make myself another person that others can safely count on. I am very confident in my abilities to lead, motivate and support IC as a whole.


    7. Why should you be trusted to become an IC Officer? :
    I have a lot of experience as an officer. I have a big background in battalion leadership that comes from another Garry's Mod server. I was EXO [Executive Officer] for 501st on another server which proved to be very challenging at first. I had to develop a lot of the mandatory skills for an Officer because I was the only Officer that was active most of the day. I did whatever it took to keep up the regimental activity and it showed because 501st was, at the time of me being an Officer, the most active regiment on that server. After a while I joined IC and became CO Niner after many months of being an Officer as Ennen I had to more or less rebuild IC from the ground up because the Niner before me lost interest and activity was basically non-existent. As an Officer I managed to atract a lot of staff to participate in my SIMs and attract more people into the regiment, which gradually lead to having a full team of Officers of all ranks. The time as an Officer proved firstly to myself that I can get things done even when all the odds are against me.


    8. What advantage would you bring to IC by becoming an Officer :
    With my past experiences as an Officer I've seen, learned and done a lot. I'm always motivated to become a better person and lead others to become the best version of themselves. I am constantly looking in Joint-Ops between our regiment and others to participate in SIMs and/or Trainings. As an example, me and Bison had a Joint-Op Tank Troopers-IC for RP repairing the Engine Core. I am looking forward to increase this type of activities with, if not all, the big majority of other regiments even if in missions, SIMs or just RP training. As stated before, I want to become the person that people can safely rely on, by giving it my all and by striving to become a better person myself.


    9. Please specify the 2 Major+ Members that gave you Permission to Apply for this role:

    Sev [Chrono]

    Reaper [Oddity]

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