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Flammable cheese

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Posts posted by Flammable cheese

  1. In-game name: Lebington

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:199030589

    DiscordID: FlammableCheese

    Why should you be a member of the G.O.C. (75 word minimum): I should be a member of of the Global Occult Coalition because I want to be apart of something bigger. The foundation fails at protecting anyone. They have SCP breaches almost hourly and deserve to be eradicated. The world deserves a better protector, a force willing to do the right thing. Destroy the SCP's. I am skilled at combat and follow orders with no questions asked. I know the lore of the Global Occult Coalition and have come to like it more than the Foundation. The Foundation is weak and selfish, So much needless death. I am a high rank in the GENSEC branch of the foundation. If I ever get the privilege of becoming a high rank in the G.O.C. I am also a good strategist and have good leadership.

    What makes you a unique applicant: I am a unique applicant because I personally believe the G.O.C. is better than the Foundation. They destroy the SCP's, which is the right thing to do.

    Can you be active within the span of 14 days?: I can be active daily. I am free also most 24/7 because of summer break. so yes, I can be active within the span of 14 days

    Current/former ranks: SM GENSEC and PVT CI

  2. Name: Lebington

    Rank: SM

    Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:199030589

    Discord ID (Example: Gucci Bucket Hat#9588 OR "ceyx." if discord updated your username to the new format): FlammableCheese#1614

    Current Sub-Branches you're in: N/A or Riot control. Juggernaut, sniper, peace keeper, riot control and FTO

    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 100+ words): I'm not command

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns? N/A

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