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Posts posted by StormTrooperaim

  1. What is your in-game name?



    What is your current rank?



    How long have you been in Shock?

    Over two weeks, before this I have been in shock a couple times.


    How much time do you have on the server?

    901 Hours listed on Battle Metrics and 897 on steam.


    Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer?

    I have an extensive amount of time on the server and in battalions that try to uphold the rules and standards of the said battalion. I have been an officer in some other battalions (501st and Star Fighters) so I have seen how the server has changed and how the people of the server change, with this knowledge I will be able to help teach shock enlisted and help the None Commissioned Officer's improve. Since I have been in shock security, I have been trying to see what I can help people with and teach them to the extent of my abilities as a None Commissioned Officer.


    Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position?

    As I have stated above, I have been an officer before and I have witnessed the changes of the server, therefor I have had a large amount of experience as a member of the Gaminglight community. To add onto the previous sentence, I have never been in the wrong side of the staff members of Gaminglight. I try to help the server from people that come to make problems for Gaminglight and I will keep doing this to the best of my abilities.


    If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't?

    If I were to be chosen, I am a person who has a large amount of free time so I would be able to help the members of shock security learn new abilities by hosting some trainings and simulations to better improve the members. I am a very active person on the server from down hours to peak hours of the server so I can see how the different people in the battalion are at the different times of the server being online.


    How active can you be?

    I am generally fully active at least 6-9 hours every day. I am advising you this will be decreased slightly in upcoming weeks as the start of school approaches. I will still be active in the evening time when school starts. I will be on the server at the least five days a week. I am a competitive swimmer so for at least 3 hours a day I will be doing sports and not able to be online.

    Who Are the 2 Maj+ That Gave Permission?

    The 2 Majors+ are Shock Vice Commander Zach and Shock Vice Commander Venus.

  2. What is your name?: Larrie.


    What is your rank?: Master Pilot.


    How long have you been a NCO?:  6 Days.


    What rank are you applying for?: Pilot Officer.


    How many strikes do you have? If yes, for what?: 0 strikes ever in any battalion


    Why should we trust you with an Officer rank?: I have been an officer in a different battalion. While I have been in the Star Fighters, I have one assisted the members of the battalion and I have also assisted the naval personnel aboard the ISD. I have also tried to help as many people as I can with my limited powers.


    What can you do to assist command with this rank?:  As a officer I would be able to assist the command of Star Fighters for multiple reasons suck as following.

    Expectations of me: I am to be expected to assist the command and members of the Star Fighters in small or large tasks that are needed of me. 

    Activity: I have been a active SF member and I try to help anyone that asks for it whether on tips for flying normal tasks on the ISD or some stuff out of game.


    What is the point of been a officer?: There are multiple points in being an officer such as the following.

    Activity of the Regiment:  As an officer you are expected to try and help boost the activity when possible. Ways you can do that can very whether it's just doing a flag-up or doing simulations and handing out GC.

    Recruitment into SF: As an officer you should try and get the members of naval to join when they reach PO2 or higher but not be annoying with it.

    Discipline of SF:  Discipline is not punishment it is the order of how we act on the server and when we are on job. I would be able to make sure people are learning proper discipline for the regiment and how others should see us.


    What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him?: First I would have a talk with the NCOs that were ordered into the events of the officer and see if they were ok with what had happened. Secondly, I would have a talk with the officer about why they had ordered the NCOs to do what he wanted.  After that I would ask him why they were doing what they were doing, depending on the answer there could be multiple ways to responded, I would also try to see if anyone had clips of what the officer was doing. Finally, I would bring it up with the chain of command about the officers' actions and provide evidence of what they did.


    Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last NCO rank?: I would agree with being demoted back to the last NCO rank because there should be punishment if someone is caught doing things, they shouldn't be "abusing the officer rank on people in the battalion or the branch of naval."

  3. Larry




    I have been in the regiment for 16 days.



    I am applying to be an officer because I have been going around and talking with a lot of the officers in 501st watching how they do daily tasks and how they interact with the men and women in the 501st battalion. The battalion seems to be lacking in the number of officers in its ranks and I believe that the battalion could use a new officer for people to know and spend time with around the ship. The battalion could also see to more people joining the battalion on because of some simulations or trainings that could be held within the 501st.The people in the battalion could also see that they don't need to be worried to apply to do more for the battalion if a younger member would try to be an officer. I have been one of the most active NCOs and I am wanting to be able to do more while active to assist any other NCOs of the battalions with what they are needing. People have come to me asking questions that I did not have answers to because of being at a NCO rank, an example people asked me if I could hold a phase zero tryout.


    How could I assist:

    The 501st could use people that know more about the generation that are joining more recently. I can help make good connections with people that can boost morale for people to get more people to join the 501st. I can assist in training because I can only do so much as a NCO. I can help plan missions for the 501st to commence more often because if there would be more officers to plan out and get ideas from some members the more missions, we can do for 501st.I am one of the most active NCOs in the battalion so i can talk with the members and see what they like and what they would like to change or do within the battalion.


    I have 0 strikes.


    I am able to be on more than most of our officers because I am someone who goes to school, but I am not of age to get a job so I can have more time to be on the server to help the battalion.


    I have not been an officer previously, but I have been NCO’s a lot in different battalions.


    As an officer you are there to assist the command team of 501st and to assist the troopers in the 501st legion.


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