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Posts posted by skelel

  1. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name)

    IC SSL/CSL MAJ Reaper/Jimmy/ES01

    2. What Regiment are you applying for? 

    imperial commandos

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    I want to be an IC vice commander because I'm majorly dedicated to the branch and the server. I wish to make beneficial changes to the battalion, while also maintaining good inter-battalion relationships. I can make beneficial changes by suggesting things to both the command team and the officer corps. I will try my best to push for these changes if it will give the battalion an amazing boost of interest and activity. I can maintain good inter-battalion relationships by doing joint trainings, sims, or even missions, anything to keep good relationships while keeping it enjoyable. If there's one thing I won't tolerate, it will be disrespect. Disrespect within the battalion will not be tolerated and I will try my best to keep it in control.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server? 

    884:23 😔 https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/958753969?servers[4604844]=3M

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    The main purpose of a commander for a branch is to lead the battalion while simultaneously maintaining order within the battalion. As a commander, you should obviously be leading your troopers on and off of the battlefield, but if you don't maintain order, the battalion will eventually fall apart and will give the battalion a bad reputation. You have to make sure that the enlisted, ncos, and officers are all doing their part within the battalion. But, if you are looking over their shoulder too much, it will eventually become not fun for the members. For that reason is why I wish to create a perfect balance between order and fun within the battalion.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? 

    You should trust me to be a command member because of my willingness to help. Along with my dedication, activity, and response time, I could definitely be trustworthy to help with almost anything that one requires help with. With these also comes my experience. On this server, I have previously been trusted to be a 501st Heavy Assistant Lead, ARC Assistant Lead, and 501st Vice Commander. Currently, I have been trusted to be both the Crimson Squad Lead, Scout Sniper Lead, and Senior Officer. I have constant dedication to improve the battalion as a whole and wish it the best. If I am given this position, I assure you I will be one of the most trustworthy on the command team and will almost always have your back.

    7. How often can you be Online?: 

    at minimum every other day or every 2 days

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?): 


    crimson on top!

  2. + support i havent seen him around but based on what these guys said above and his application in general he seems like he would be a good nco

    also cool picture

  3. What do you want to see?: remove the custom decal from deployable_shield, heavy_shield, and riot_shield

    Why should we add it?: right now, for most people, the decal will sometimes load incorrectly and cause massive lag whenever it is equipped. oh also it doesn't even show the whole thing and i doubt most people will notice that it says "police" on the shield

    What are the advantages of having this?: less lag

    Who is it mainly for?: everyone

    Links to any content: none ig its on the server

  4. + support

    yes as long as it doesnt show the thing above the head.

    plus, it should be made so that the AOS is gotten rid of whenever they are killed by a player, not from pits or kill binding

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