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Coyo T Wile

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Posts posted by Coyo T Wile

    • Your grammar in your application is all over the place, you have random capital letters everywhere. Please fix that. We expect officers to at least have a basic understanding of writing as you will have to do a bit more of it as you rank up
    • you answered the following question incorrectly or misunderstood it: "Have You Been In IQ, If so What Rank Were/Are You:"
    • Make separators between the questions and your answers or make it clear what is the question and your answer
    • You are vague with some of your answers. Such as: "And Have more Fun and be able to do more stuff as a 2LT"   what stuff?
    • You repeat yourself multiple times
    • You answered this question: "Do You Understand The Duties And Protocols You Must Undertake As A Member Of The Officer Team" with "I under Stand and Know My Duties" aside from the bad grammar, you do not understand the duties and protocols of an officer as in your application you say the following: "I also want to do as many Sims/Tryouts" Again with bad grammar but an officer does not do tryouts as their primary job that is our NCO's job.

      Overall this application is poorly written bordering on making no sense at times and looks rushed. You also do not understand the duties and protocols of an officer.

    Application Denied
    You may reapply in one week

    In future applications please ensure all above critiques are addressed

  1. +Support
    Has preformed exceptionally from both his time as an NCO and Officer
    Understands his responsibilities well
    Tries to always have things to do for people in the battalion
    Takes constructive criticism and feedback well

    in regards to this: "A commander needs to be tough enough to stand their ground for when an officer breaks any rules and needs to be punished, but firm and kind enough to know when mistakes happen if the mistake is minor" I believe this is the only area where Bananaman currently struggles in approaching and talking to people about punishments, but with his willingness to learn and take feedback i can see him developing this skill overtime.


  2. -Support
    You yourself do not have a good understanding yet of the SOP for both Purge overall and your sub-battalion, on Sunday June 11, 2023 during an event while i was the ranking officer on your brawler job you where roaming without permission from the highest ranking member on which was me and you said it was because you where the highest ranking brawler on, You still have to follow COC, It was also  DEFCON 2 as well and that means you should have returned to engine core without being ordered you should be familiar enough with your SOP and setting an example for other brawlers on what to do.

    I believe you still need to get better at tryouts before you can comfortably teach people how to do them overall. Also the mistake with the logs you made; i do believe it wasn't done to pad your log count and was an honest mistake however i would like to see it corrected in future just so you do not pass on the same mistake to other NCO's and it becomes a bigger problem for command down the line.


    You do not take constructive criticism or being told what to do very well; which as an officer is very important as we have meetings every week on what we need to do better. during both my overseeing your tryout and during the incident during the event above you where very dismissive of what i was telling you, during the event i did give you permission to roam around but not before you put up an argument about your SOP and me having to correct you, it also confused the other enlisted who where there during the event as they believed they could freely roam around wherever they wanted without permission before i logged on, i had to specifically order everyone back into pits/EC because before i got on they where following your lead and roaming around wherever they wanted.

    You need more time as an NCO to get familiar with the battalion and your responsibilities overall

    Some minor things about the application itself, The white background with blue text is difficult to read i would clean that up, the purple and blue text is hard to read in the beginning sections. i do not think the salmon background with the white text is aesthetically pleasing to look at either but compared to the other aforementioned issues with the text i acknowledge this one maybe my own personal taste.

  3. What Is Your In Game Name?: CoyoT

    What Is Your SteamID?: STEAM_0:0:54156585

    How Long Have You Been In Purge?: 5-7 Months off and on

    Have You Been In IQ, If so, What Rank Were/Are You?: N/A

    Why Would You Like To Become The Rank Of 2LT?: I have been in Purge for a long time, I have the knowledge and the experience that comes with that time, I am familiar with the battalion and its SOP and most of its members. people within the battalion have often come to me directly about questions they have from officers to enlisted. i have dealt with internal issues fairly often within the battalion and have always done so fairly. I also try to keep spirits up within the battalion and am friendly to everyone within the battalion.  

    What Could You Bring To The Inquisitorious Purge Officer Team?: i want to do more cross battalion things primarily with RG, as i feel we do not do enough SIM's with them despite being within the same branch. I also want to better instruct NCO's for both conducting tryouts and getting them to engage more with training's as well. I also bring my months worth of experience

    Do You Have Any Previous Officer Experience?: No

    Do You Understand The Duties And Protocols You Must Undertake As A Member Of The Officer Team?: Yes

    How Many Strikes Do You Have?: 0

  4. What do you want to see?: An update to Purge trooper Models to the Phase 2 variant ( or at least an update of current models)

    Why should we add it?: To give Purge an update to their models, most current models aside from the heavy model do not look good ( this maybe a subjective take).

    What are the advantages of having this?: To give Purge a fresh new look, most servers use the Phase 1 model and a fair number of people would like to see the new Phase 2 model, i personally hear the comment a fair bit of people not wanting to join due to the low quality of the models and the general appearance.

    Who is it mainly for?: Purge

    Links to any content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2940963044


    Thank you for any consideration 😁

  5. 14 hours ago, RussTime said:

    I mean I usually use third person and how it is rn doesn’t bother me. There is options of which you can edit the camera to your liking of which I have messed with before. I don’t think a full change of this should happen as you can just personally change the camera settings for yourself.

    You are right, you can tweak the options. but no matter what you change it to the camera is offset. A change like this is only a net positive. Even if it may not bother you does not mean it shouldn't be changed i find it to be un intuitive for something that should and in every game and video game ever that has a zoom from 3rd person to first it is a press of a button. 

  6. What do you want to see?: A fix for the simple third person bug that offsets to the left when attempting to use any scoped weapon in third person, when zoomed in when set to centre the scope fills with players character model make aiming impractical.

    Why should we add it?: Quality of life improvement

    What are the advantages of having this?: Reduced annoyance and tedium of having to constantly switch in between third and first person if third person is preferred view when using scoped weapons.

    Who is it mainly for?: Any class that uses scoped weapons

    Links to any content: (Link provided is clip of issue referenced)

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