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Posts posted by Pie_Taster

  1. Questions

    Your In-game: Alfrado Levinski


    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:147446190   /   https://steamcommunity.com/id/PieTaster314/


    The admin's name in-game: Dr Mark Kiryu, HTF A4 S Hollenhund 7543


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A


    What did the admin do: I was a D-class that had made an escape to the armory during a CI raid, bought gear from a starting money of 20,000(min)-25,000(max, don't remember the exact amount) and was left with around 7,000(Honey Badger, Ci hacker, Medpack, full armor, one ammo refill). I managed to sneak past the Foundation and make it to heavy containment. I somehow ended up and SCP-049's containment area and was sad to see no one was flagged for it. I'm new to the server and don't quite know the map but decided to ask the admins if there was anyway of getting someone to become SCP-049. I made a @admin report to ask and Dr Mark Kiryu came and told me that I needed to /advert for the 049. I didn't realize that this was a rule break hence me asking for an admin and put in the advert as the admin was leaving. Less than a minute later, HTF A4 S Hollenhund 7543 came to SCP-049's cell. It was a clear meta game as I had made the advert. To follow I made a report. Dr Mark Kiryu and HTF A4 S Hollenhund 7543 were present in the sit. Mark apologized as he mentioned he is normally a researcher and can advert for scp's and didn't realize what he told me was rule breaking. Then proceeded to check logs to see that Hollen did in fact kill me within the minute of the sit ending and claimed it as a meta game. He then told me Hollen will get a warning and as for my progress in the facility and loadout that I spent most of my money on, all he can say is sorry and essentially move on. This wasn't just one staff telling me to break the rules but then another meta gaming. I was not recording all of this at the time as I did not think it was necessary or a needed thing. But after he let me out of the sit, I made another @admin requesting to speak to someone higher about the situation as this was not the way I believe it should have been handled. I started recording from that point on. When the sit was made it was with Mark again. I nicely asked why I was not able to be compensated for both of the admins breaking the rules and ruining a really fun rp that I was enjoying, and to that he said 'I apologized for it'. He then went to say that he also was not able to warn Hollen, meaning he lied to me when in the previous sit he said he was getting a warning. Not even a, I can't warn him with the rankings that we are in staff but I will make sure he gets one from a higher up. Meaning this was 2 staff breaking rules and the only one getting a repercussion from it is me. I used to be an event coordinator and moderator for Altus Uprising Scp rp server sometime ago and doing something such as resetting me after a rule break, from staff as well to add to it, is not a big ordeal and should not have me having to go to these lengths for somethings that was a really simple fix. I know I just started the server but to see two staff break rules, its not a big deal, but then the way its handled was terrible and to lie about giving a warning on top of it all is simply ridiculous. I'm not mad and I know that every one makes mistakes but I would like to see this addressed properly as I wanted to get back into the SCP-RP scene and was really liking this server over the other top server. The Video I will post will also confirm what was not able to be shown as, again, I didn't think that something like this needed to be recorded and taken to these lengths. Mark admits to the same claims I've made In the video. 


    Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): 

     Was not able to make the file small enough so made this instead. 


    What do you believe should happen to the admin: Hollen I believe deserves the warning for the meta gaming as that's what was promised but I would be fine as well with just a verbal as It's not a huge deal if someone makes a mistake, but to go unnoticed would be a server where staff don't need to follow the rules, and if that's the case, it's not a server that I would like to stay on as cases like this could arise again. Mark I believe should receive the same, but again, a verbal warning I would deem fair as mistakes are things we can learn from. The lying about the report was worse than the telling me something that is against the rules. 

    Any extra information: I can be reached via discord as well for a voice call if needed, or team speak. Discord: Pie_Taster#3014
    I hope this can be resolved in a nice manor as I do not hate any of the involved and want to continue to make good experiences on the server. I am frustrated to an extent but will be content when its over and dealt with appropriately. Thanks for taking the time to read this. (PS I do apologize for the quality of my mic in the recording, I did not realize it was staticky when I was recording it.)

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