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Posts posted by Bandito_Dorito

  1. In-Game Name: Bandito
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:179898573 or 76561198320062875 (idk which one you need)
    Rank: COL
    Reason for leaving: I unfortunately do not have as much time as I used to. With my high school graduation I am now expected to get a summer job, and I've been spending a lot of time with filling out applications, making a resume, and doing some interviews. With college also breathing down my neck I am simply losing time and motivation for the server. I have also personally never enjoyed a PvE focused Gmod server, and preferred PvP. I stuck around for so long because of the community but now that I cannot be as active I just simply cannot get the same enjoyment. I figured a resignation would be a better option over an LOA because I dont want to lock a rank until I get everything in order just for me to possibly resign anyways. It would be like a 2 month long LOA anyways. I've decided its best to let someone else take my rank spot, as I move on to focusing on real life. I may come back, but I wouldn't put any weight behind that. I also cant let my quotas and such distract me from my irl activities, as I am already behind. This is me tipping my hat off as I walk into the sunset.

  2. +1

    I personally don't mind any of these changes. Personally models aren't a big deal to me as long as they are serviceable so my opinion isn't super important in this, but I do like the phase 2 model over the current one, as the current one has more of a bucket head type look. In terms of FS I'm not of fan of removing the "drip" but the replacement model is far more clean and is nearly as good so I'm content with it. I really don't think it's such a big deal as long as purge does the same things it still does. The branch should be about the purpose, not the looks 🙂

  3. Battalion Name: Purge

    Job/Class Name: Purge Fireteam Spectre

    Weapon Kit:  

    - Current loadout: rw_sw_dc17_purge, rw_sw_e11d, rw_sw_dc19le, rw_sw_dlt20a
    - Add: rw_sw_dp23
    - Remove: rw_sw_dc19le
    Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): The DC-19LE lacks usage and is overall just a gimmick due to lacking scenarios where a silenced blaster would come into play, as well as the DLT-20A overshadowing it. The DP-23 would get more use and is already a weapon purge uses.

    Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes, the DC-19LE is not very fun for either side to use. The blaster is hardly used and when it is used it can be quite annoying. The DP-23 instead fills a niche FS previously didn't have, is more recongizable and has overall better counter play. It is also currently used by purge brawlers to a decent degree of success.

  4. Name (As it appears on roster): Bandito

    Rank: SGT

    Why do you want to join Nu-7 Command?: I want to help expand the Nu-7 Branch, as well as give more incentives for current members to be more active. I believe that Nu-7 has great potential, and I want to harness it and help grow the branch, as well as improve upon any of it's shortcomings. I also just genuinely enjoy the Nu-7 experience, and want to spread it to others who may not be aware of it.

    Why would you make a good member of Nu-7 Command?: I have experience in GENSEC Command with paperwork, leadership, and providing incentives and pings for activity. This past experiences allows me to assist with any messy paperwork or helping current lower level members with questions, as well as lead previously mentioned members effectively. I also do my best with making high quality and thought out pings and provide ample incentives for people to log on, which I will carry over to Nu-7 pings as well.

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