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Posts posted by Dragno


    What is your in game rank and name?

    Crewman Dragno (now Senior Crewman)

    What is your STEAM ID?


    How long have you been in Naval.

    I've been in Naval for 1 day. I was also in Naval before in Gaminglight reaching the rank of LT Commander.

    Why do you wish to become a Junior Officer.

    I wish to become a Junior Officer of the Imperial Navy as I'm dedicated to roleplay. I thoroughly enjoy roleplaying and wish to expand my knowledge of roleplaying by learning from others and helping teach other to roleplay in situations.

    What are the duties of a Junior Officer?

    The duties of a Junior Officer in the Imperial Navy is knowledge of knowing most things about the Imperial Navy daily operations. These are such things like, basic roleplay, rules and regulations, ship console systems and battle stations and sectors.

    The ability to help their fellow Crewmen with their tasks, assisting them when necessary in there daily operations.

    Naval Junior Officers other important duties are to assist their superiors in manners like hosting tryouts and supervise enlisted

    How will you assist the battalion as a Junior Officer?

    I will assist the Imperial Navy as a Junior Officer as I hope to help my fellow Officers and enlisted. These can be in such ways as general supervision like assisting sectors with my fellow enlisted.
    Helping manage ATC, ensuring the correct permissions are granted. Another situation is basic roleplay such as ship console systems. How to manage daily operations and maintenance.

    I'll also assist the battalion by hosting tryouts, getting potential Crewmen in the doors, by ensuring quality tryouts is a priority and ensuring they are able to ask questions at any time. This also goes for any time a enlisted wishes to have any questions or would like help in any area of Naval.

    Thank you for taking your time to read my NCO Application,

    (Senior Crewman) Crewman Dragno

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