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Posts posted by Joyful

  1. Anomalous Eye Drops First Test

    All Tests performed were done by RMS Joyful


    In Game Name: Joyful


    Rank: RMS


    Basic Description: I will be conducting basic research on a contaminated dosage of saline that came into contact with one of our doctors. I will use basic instruments to document the differences and note the effects.


    Hypothesis: This is an anomalous matter that has taken on some form of Biological matter. It is alive just as if bacteria were considered and or Pathogens.


    Observations: The following is the record of times and actions of the experiment process:


    0000 - Begin Research - Places the fluid in small amounts on three separate slides to observe under a microscope


    0005 - Visual differences discovered between the contaminated eye drops and the safe saline. The contamination contains an orange tinge to the coloring as well as contains particles that seem almost like metal particulate.


    0010 - examining closer I noticed that the contaminated eye drops seem to move slowly on their own almost as if it’s organic


    0015 - the organic matter seems to respond to a bit of hair that has fallen off my arm and turned it to a rusty pin immediately. That begs the question “will it turn dead tissue to rust?” 


    0020 - deciding self sacrifice was the easiest way to go I sliced a 4 square cm piece of tissue off of my forearm and pleasing the tissue on a glass platter


    0023 - The sample took to it immediately without hesitation covering the skin with thick coats of rust and causing a rusted iron smell from both the blood and the metal


    0026 - I’ve come to a standstill in the experiment. After slicing the skin sample in half the internal structure of the epidermis is intact and still contains blood and nerve endings. This begs nothing but more questions that will be on hold until I can receive a living subject with no life value. 


    0028 - categorized all samples in safe containers and labeled everything, sterilized me and the work area. 


    End of Session 1 in Researching


    Was my Hypothesis true? Yes but it requires further testing to see the limits of the anomalies Sentience. 


    I Discovered quite a few things with this little bit of research about how certain properties and Matter can take on a living form and how ruthlessly it will use resources to grow. Much like the Fungus Experiments I conducted prior this anomalous substance is very alive and will thrive if it comes into contact with unsuspecting victims.


    This medical research will benefit us purely because this Saline solution was placed in a container which made the victim think it was medical equipment. Finding out the properties and how to combat this is the only way we can prevent this from becoming a widespread problem.

  2. Precursor: Two Security entered Med Bay late at night after a power outage in the facility complaining about some fungal infection growing rapidly on them. it seemed that even the slightest touch meant the fungus could transfer over to a new host. the excruciating pain they were in was sign enough that it needed to be dealt with immediately. so I used high functioning Antibiotics and steroid boosters to negate the effects of said fungus and it miraculously worked. i collected samples and a few days later performed the following test to see what would be in store if this infection were to be left unchecked.



    Fungus Infection Testing 1


    Subject: Using a human Male aged roughly at 18-32 in well health conditions. All vitals were relatively calm and patient was informed of all the test required before proceeding.


    Hypothesis: The fungi would eventually control the host and use it as a source of food for reproduction purposes. Consuming the entire corpse.


    0000 - [beginning of experiment] placed fungus on class d personnel and the fungus had taken a direct liking to its new host. 2/10


    0005 - the entire arm has been taken over at this point the d-class is experiencing high levels of pain 10/10


    0010 - torso is covered at this point the flesh is composed of spores and mushrooms. 10/10 on the pain


    0015 - the infection has spread much quicker cause if the entire body excluding the face being turned to fungus and plant life


    0020 - the patient has passed from fungi filling their throat rendering difficulty breathing. Large mushrooms protruding from their mouth.


    0035 - begin autopsy on internal damage from fungi noticing that the lungs and heart have been converted to mycelium. None of the other organs have been affected. 


    0045 - Disposed of body in incinerator and [End of Experiment]


    Conclusion: the fungus produces a respiratory attack and induces cardiac arrest. Killing them slowly.


    Solution: Basic antibiotics used against fungal infections work wonders. Steroids boosts can assist greatly.


    This test was performed by Resident Medical Researcher Joyful and the test was performed on D-Class Personnel 7654880954.



    This concludes my experiment


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