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Warden 8164

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Posts posted by Warden 8164

  1. Other Suggestion Format:

    [Please do indeed take this into great consideration!]

    What do you want to see?: More so a brand new E-11 replacement!

    Why should we add it?: As a whole, this addon will indeed further instill trooper improvement, most especially when it comes to aim as well as suspect expiration.

    What are the advantages of having this?: As seemingly depicted, attachments, refurbished SFX and refined optics! All with casual install, muzzle compressors and so much more! The compressors being capable of altering its discharge potency and sound effects!!!

    Who is it mainly for?: Each and every battalion presented, more so in accordance to standardized Imperial equipment protocol.

    Links to any content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1538216049&searchtext=E-11

    File Size: 56.216 MB

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  2. Other Suggestion Format: Animation improvements

    What do you want to see?: More so revised idle, stroll and run animations!

    Why should we add it?: More so to improve the fluency of in-game immersion as well as personnel provided interactions.

    What are the advantages of having this?: As seemingly depicted, this addition in particular will indeed impose a sense of proficiency when it comes to scene choreography.  

    Who is it mainly for?: The entirety of gaminglight's Imperial RP experience as a whole, whether it be rebels, tuskens, troopers and or even combatants as a whole.

    Links to any content: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2520407824(unfortunately, these may indeed be custom, animated playermodel files).


    Model pack addition/replacements format:

    Battalion/Jobs targeted: STs/Stormtrooper Corps

    Link to current models that are requested to be replaced (if replacing): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1518215963 
    - Content size: 9.572 MB (Not individually found in gaminglight's Imperial RP collection)

    Link to new models:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2517979861&searchtext=stormtrooper
    - Content size: 1,596.316 MB (a great deal larger in accordance to finer quality, which may instill inconsistencies with other correlating trooper battalions, yet retains markings for the 501st, shock troopers, incinerator troopers, stormtroopers, and even the much requested SandTroopers)

    How would this benefit the server (will it help battalion/server activity and how?): As seemingly foreseen, it'll polish, redefine and embellish current trooper battalions with a far more refined appearance reminiscent to that of the Galactic Empire's soldier dress code and etiquette requirements; reemphasizing said battalion(s) proficiencies simply by their apparel. All of which'll also improve as to how swell the armor performs, settles and compensates in accordance to user movement. Drawing others back near towards the Empire's plastoid backbone.

    If the new pack is larger in size, do you believe the benefits exceeds the risk of adding more content to the server (risking loading times and possible performance) and why?: Absolutely positively, in this pack, customization, apparel uniformity and lore consistency are indeed to be forefront of these recommendations. More so, as a whole, these new kits also improve trooper posture and screen accurate armament stability.


    As a disclaimer, I do NOT sought these improvements off as a demeaning series of solutions for any potential, nor outstanding flaws or faults applied to gaminglight! Yet rather instead to reemphasize their sheer importance!


    In the attachment provided, hopefully, this short clip will captivate just what I'm attempting to convey.

    13 hours ago, Warden 8164 said:

    As a disclaimer, I do NOT sought these improvements off as a demeaning series of solutions for any potential, nor outstanding flaws or faults applied to gaminglight! Yet rather instead to reemphasize their sheer importance!

    Good evening and or early morning gaminglight! As foreseeably suggested, I do indeed have but one grand recommendation to propose. More so in accordance to corroborating and reemphasizing the fluency of scene immersion animations, SFX, atmosphere and even the sheer, jarring impact of firearm reliability.
    To further elaborate on this embellishment, I will indeed be dissecting the unrelenting profundity of each and every revision mentioned above; stating as to why they're considered.

    Amidst the realm of immersion, animations are indeed to be the absolute helm of environmental progression, much like writing in cursive; it's fluent, constant and without interruption! Allow me to ask, throughout a patrol, escort and or even a mere confiding interaction. Have you ever felt the urge to further express your unwavering assurance, confidence and or even disciplinary endurance as a soldier? Yet felt sluggish in your shoulders as you unwillingly slouched? Well, this addon will ensure your superiors that your determination won't be going anywhere any time soon. As these idle, walking, strolling and running animations will endow your gait with the dedication of a true soldier.

    All the while SFX (sound effects) are indeed to be the hull of your experience, as the grit your boot endures, and the sensation the sand that lands in your hands and settles in the p pressurized fibers of your glove, often can't help but remind you of the blessings you once held on the ISD prior to the removal of your comfortable belay. In this, new environmental addons indeed will throw each trooper into the howling sands of the dune sea, and or even the bone shivering amenities of Hoth by introducing wildlife sound ques, squandering jawas and roaring wampas!

    Last but certainly not least, reminiscent to sound effects, the atmosphere is the rudder of your habitat, more so as it always aims to showcase much of what your present environment entails, whether that be a muttering intercom, clomping, oncoming patrol and or even the humming hymns of a nearby generator. This addition often imposes a sense of universal inclusion, especially when it comes to those roaming alone and or with attentive patrols. 


    In the attachment provided, hopefully, this short clip will captivate just what I'm attempting to convey.

    Additional footage was indeed to be recorded, yet sat aside due to oversize!

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  3. What is your in-game name?


    What is your current rank?
    Shock HVTR SPC

    How active can you be?
    Daily if not nightly.

    What is your time zone?
    EST (Eastern Standard Time)

    What can you bring to Shock as a NCO?
    As an NCO, I long to impose a sense of utmost correction, as well as unrelenting cordiality when it comes to approaching domestic disputes, conduct technicalities, behavioral enforcement and even detachment assurance in accordance to uncertainty. All the while providing utmost composed, alternating daily tryouts throughout either the early morning and or late evening. Subsequently attending assigned, interchanging checkpoints in favor of providing a fair rotation to avoid assessment fatigue to each Shock advised.

    Why should you be trusted?
    I long to believe I ought to be trusted due to my preceding feats of service, such as performing as that of an NCO alongside our Vessel's Scout and Shore detachments; more especially as a 1SG. To which those loyalties may absolve in hopes of favoring Shock Security as a primary objective when it comes to overall service. Meanwhile I've never once found myself indited, accused nor found in suspicion of treason, insubordination nor any given form of misconduct, nor assault as well as misplaced etiquette. 

    Do you have any warns on the server?
    I have yet to be subjected to any given form of administration, aside from Training Simulations of which Game Masters would often oversee and moderate. I'll forfeit my service and plead my guilt as opposed to condone my any infraction.

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