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Joseph Greenman

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Posts posted by Joseph Greenman

  1. Name: Joseph Greenman
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:125651827
    Current Rank: Researcher

    Time in Research (Estimate): 2 Weeks

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): I think that I should be in research command because of my Experience in Command and in SCP Games in general, while also being active, friendly and available.

    What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement): I can bring to the table Experience as Command and in SCP Games, Activity that won't be seen very often by others since School is starting and everything, and friendlyness.

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement): To better research and increase activity I would host some fun and enjoyable events, along with interesting and spicy stuff in them to make them more intreguing/interesting.

  2. Lore Rank/Name: Junior Researcher Joseph Greenman

    SCP #:173


    Test Idea: Have the D-Class wear a blackout bag on their head, make them stare at the Subject and see what happened.

    Background Research: I saw that in past tests, the object was able to detect if the D-Class was actually staring at him.

    Hypothesis: I thought that the object would've still attacked the D-Class, since the line of sight was interrupted by the bag, but I wasn't really sure.

    Observations: I saw that the Object did NOT attack the D-Class until he removed his additional blindfold and remained only with the blackout bag.

    Evidence/Visual Stimuli : (Unfortunatly( my mic audio and the video bugged, so you can hear only the game sounds).

    Analysis/Conclusion :I think that my hypothesis was correct, however, the Object didn't attack the D-Class until he removed his blindfold and cufffs and remained with his blackout bag, which is odd considering that the Object should be able to sense if he's being watched; We shut all the windows down to make sure that we didn't have line of sight with the object, then we saw that the D-Class had freed himself from the Cuffs and the Blindfold, so he had only his bag over his head; then we closed the windows again and the D-Class was long gone, with the bag on his head. My conclusion is that the SCP can actually sense that someone is watching him depending on the thickness/material of the object that blocks the line of sight. I think this will help the facility conduct more speciic experiments about what is the maximum thickness/ the material that can mask the fact that you ARE looking at the Object from the object and vice-versa.

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