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Posts posted by omenGL

  1. I'll go ahead and say this now.

    From a Security's perspective you get shot at constantly by CC's on the ground and dclass etc. Pretty much 100% of the time they will continue to shoot you until you are dead. I saw something from the corner of my screen pop in and out of my POV on the catwalk and I only got shot at once, from a sniper. Maybe it was a dclass but I had no way of confirming as I didnt know where I got shot from so I raised my suspicion of a cloaker. If it were a dclass I wouldve seen them as they have a bright orange jumpsuit. So I assumed there was a cloaker. I did not know for sure it was a cloaker. I called it out in teamspeak, HexG then said "possible cloaker in dblock" within security comms. I grabbed thermals then there Ammonium was on the catwalk so I killed him.

    I would provide my perspective but I didnt think it'd be a problem so I never clipped it. 


  2. Name: omen

    Rank: Sergeant Major 

    Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:521103062

    Discord ID (Example: Hex-G#0702): omen#4820

    Current Sub-Branches your in: juggs and wardens

    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 100+ words):

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?:  nah

  3. I dislike the toy-ish plastic kind of feel LCZ has. it almost feels like were walking through a toy factory with the color coded wings, the pastel colors, etc. the only place that feels like a true SCP site would be dblock. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Demon Dice said:


    You have received 6 warns in the past 30 days and to me that shows you don't really care much about the rules of the server considering several of them are for the same infraction, while I personally haven't interacted with you that much to judge your character I can't recommend someone with such blatant disregard of the motd.

    Personally I would like for you try again after a while and prove that you can follow the motd rules and that you could be trusted.

    Thanks for the response.

    I do admit when I first came back I wasn't the most keen to the rules. During the time I was a dclass (a farmer). I was a big minge, since I've joined security the only problems I've had were the two RDM warns, in which one I explained I killed a dclass who was deliberately walking into my line of fire but still received the warning sadly. Combat Healing was another one due to me believing i was behind cover and safe and did not realize I was being shot at from another angle. NLR I also explained. I take full responsibility for the rest of the recent ones, as for some I do not exactly recall what happened. And the others, it was purely my fault.

    Although its purely up to you to decide wether I am fit or not. I do still take responsibility for what I have did and it was unacceptable, I will take into account and study the MOTD much more to ensure I do not break any more rules.

    I did acknoweledge my main weakness was my hotheadedness and I have been working on it recently. Being in a branch has let me take much more of an understanding torwards the MOTD.

    I hope you understand and I appreciate your reply to this!

    • Gaminglight Love 2
  5. What is your in-game name?: omen

    What is your steam name?: omen

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:521103062

    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): omen#4820

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)  I was a trial mod for TitsRP, lost the position fairly quickly due to a NLR rule break because of a raid on a base of mine. That was 2 years ago though and I have matured and developed a better understanding of rules, doing my best to not break them.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) June of 2020

    What date did you make your forums account? July 28th, 2022

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? 9 (The RDMx1 warn was due to me getting fed up with a dclass deliberately walking into my line of fire. NLR was when I was on farmer and I didnt wait 9 more seconds. The rest I take full responsibility for.)

    What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc) Platinum

    Are you a staff member in another community? No

    Have you read the staff handbook? Yes

    Timezone: EST

    What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    I believe I deserve the rank for a multitude of reasons. The first being I am pretty well known amongst the community, especially within Security. I have made it up to the rank of Sergeant Major and have obtained AJG and HIRU within the Juggernaut sub-branch. I'd like to say most of security likes me. Outside of security I've made myself known too, I was formerly in maintenance and made a few friends there too. I've obtained a pretty solid reputation in the server. Although I'm new-ish, only returning a little over a month ago. I say I'm well known enough to become a member of the staff team. 

    The second reason is my ambition to get shit done and my activity. I basically play every single day, atleast 5+ hours each day. This plays into how people know me, because I play so much. So far the server has added about 500+ hours onto my play time so far and it keeps going up. My willingness to get stuff done is another reason. I will take any sit I can if I obtain Trial-Mod (or atleast try to balance it out between my security activity and my staff activity). This is exactly how it was even 2 years ago in my first staff position, when I was staff, I took ANY sit I could no matter the reason. I will do the exact same now while still balancing my RP with my staffing. Having a member of the staff team who plays every day, most of the day, would be a great addition.

    I will take into account my weaknesses though. My most significant weakness is my hotheadedness. I am sure some people might -support me for this. I am easily able to be set off especially if someone is not understanding what I am saying after I have said it numerous times, or someone is not cooperating. BUT, within the staff room I will remain calm, no matter what. I will understand its just a screen. And the mute/gag command is there to help if someone is refusing to cooperate in the sit after I have asked them multiple times. I will remain stern, which to some people might come off as aggressive, but I assure you even if I sound aggressive, I will not swear, yell, or abuse my powers given to me.

    I assure you, if I get accepted, I will do my best to be the best trial-mod I can be. I understand I can be removed from the staff team for any reason my higher-ups deem fit. I understand I am not to abuse these powers and are to abide by the handbook and MOTD at all times.

    Scenario questions:

    Select any two of the following four questions to answer for this section. Please note, in the scenario questions we are not expecting perfect answers. We are accessing your critical thinking skills, your ability to use the staff handbook, and come to reasonable conclusions. 

    Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? 

    Firstly, I would ask the person to calm down a few times first, if they keep cursing at me I would temporarily mute/gag them to carry on with the sit. If logs and evidence show that he has MassRDM'd, I would then request an Admin+ to assist with the sit as MassRDM constitutes a formal warning and a 5 day ban. Once the Admin appears I would forward any evidence given to me, and allow him to handle it from there while I explain to him what has happened, in voicechat or staff chat/PMs if needed. I would then warn him for Mass RDM and allow the admin to ban him for the time called for. Once the player has been banned and warned, I would then ask the person who called the sit if they need anything else done for them just to double check, if not, I would return them and end the sit. I will try to take as little of the time possible for the reporter. I have had this happen many times where the sit couldve ended 5 minutes ago yet the staff keeps repeating themselves, gets distracted, etc. It will be quick, easy, and fair to both the reporter and the reportee.

    Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?

    Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving?

    Q4: There is a player abusing a known bug, and he has been reported to staff. He swears he followed the server rules when you talk with him. What's the best way to handle this?

    When I bring both players to the staff room, I will look at other sits first/ask other staff if this player has been reported before for this and have a look at his warns for any correlation to why he is in here. I will then ask the reporter for any evidence that this player has been abusing a known bug. If no evidence is given from the reporter I would ask him if anyone who also saw what he allegedly did, if no evidence is given at all, I would take a good look at logs for anything related, if nothing is found, I will simply ask the reporter to get a clip of him doing this, otherwise if logs do not say anything, I cannot do anything about it without the proper evidence provided. If a clip IS provided, I will then ask why he was abusing the bug in the first place, if player has no warns, and the clip shows him abusing it. I will simply give a verbal warning to him, tell him to not abuse the bug again, if another sit is made on him I will be forced to give him a formal warning. If player does have warns that correlate with the sit reason, I would simply give him a formal warning for exploiting if he has only done this once before. If he has done this numerous times in the past, I will warn him and ontop of it, if said bug was being abused with malicious intent or being used to gain an unfair advantage, a ban will be issued. I would call an admin in staff chat, ask him how much time he believes he should be banned for, and allow him to see the evidence for himself, and let the admin ban the player for time called for. Ask the reporter for anything else, if not, end the sit and return him.

  6. Custom Job Name: Gamer Girl

    Server: SCP RP

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:521103062

    CC Owners SteamID: unknown

    Reason for Report: the model is genuinely broken, its shorter than most other models, the hitbox is much smaller than normal, comparing it to the average dclass and the model itself, its skinnier. although its an error to most, for the people who can see it, its so asinine having to fight a literal stick figure.

    Screenshots/Evidence of Issue: 20220903145506_1.thumb.jpg.90eb22fe233c38d96a1f5106b1c02048.jpg20220903145523_1.thumb.jpg.5577eafa9237db7c82cbc04db5809cef.jpg20220903150322_1.thumb.jpg.f45e02b8b6b42297aec948cce2ae7aad.jpg

    • Like 2
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  7. +/-support
    while i understand he is active in the morning, forgetting LOA etc. i have rarely ever seen him on the server, just as of lately ive seen him only a handful of times. id like to see this person on much more before I make my mind up. basically all of security is on during the early afternoon-late evening, and nobody plays during the morning as people have most activities during this time such as school, church and more.

    i also understand hes former Nu-7 behemoth, but dedicating more time to security throughout the day would make this a +support.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Lord Stolas said:

    No. If the general consensus is it's not KOS until used, its not KOS until used. When in Rome, do as the Romans. Still, this entire side of your argument is made false by this


    not written, not my problem. that leaves it to us to decide, the general consensus doesn't mean shit. 

    juggernauts are required by SOP to not hesitate/show weakness. and RDM by definition is killing another player without RP reason, believing an axe is KOS when it isn't written down in the SOP, let alone perceiving it as a gun (have you even watched the clip, from a glance, do you genuinely believe that looks anything like an axe?), is not RDM in any sense.

    this is purely on you for judging the situation wrongly, and using a "general consensus" to determine a warn when its not even written down in any SOP or the MOTD whatsoever. the only thing ive found which is remotely close to being written down is this image


    notice how it says "Pickaxe"?


    Your In-game Name: omen

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:521103062

    The admin's name in-game: Stolas

    What warning did you receive: RDM

    When did you receive this warning: today

    Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: Ok so I'm sitting in dblock as a juggernaut doing my job and this dude on a CC comes up to the line. I'm using a longbow at the moment so the lighting and my POV is warped and certain parts are blocked by my scope. I'm zoomed in and the dclass pulls an axe out (which can do damage). I perceive it to be a gun instead, so I shoot him because from my perspective it looked just like a gun. He reports me for it and I get warned for it.

    Why do you think this warn was false: This warn is false I believe. I was doing my job and this could've all been avoided had the other party just understood that It was a perspective issue and that the Axe is KOS, due to it being capable of doing damage. 

    I'd like to also state that the Axe does damage, even if it's only armor damage and deals just 1. It CAN do damage which means it is KOS, there is no specific line within the Security SOP or MOTD at all, stating that the axe isn't KOS. Another thing, due to the lighting already being bad enough as it is, and with my scope in the way, and me being on 52/0 at the time this happened. I kill the dclass for 2 valid reasons. Axe can be KOS, it's the security that decides if it is or not. Not the dclass. From my perspective, it looked just like a gun, skinned up, with the barrel, the handle, looking EXACTLY like a pistol. The beginning of the gun animation starts off with it being at your side so I shoot him the moment he pulls it out because of that.

    Evidence the warning is false: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/yiasqSXd-0MP6/d1337Qc64AB6?invite=cr-MSxueW8sODU4MzIzMTEs

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