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  1. I do not understand how it was "hidden". Turning to the other side literally takes half a second and is not a huge task to figure out.
  2. In my opinion, by simply turning around the keypad could be seen and it's not like they didn't know where it was. They raided before and knew exactly where it was. Like I said before I left around 2 hours after the raid where they stole all my printers. This can easily be verified by logs to see that I had no intention of LTAP. I for sure, never said that I did not leave as that would not even make sense since its easily proofed. Everything I said in the sit was in chat so if there are logs for that please look at that.
  3. Questions Your In-game: slg The admin's name in-game: Logan What warning did you receive: Lying to Staff | FailRP | Fail Base | Prop Block | LTARP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://tools.gaminglight.com/warns?page=3 Why do you think this warn was false: This situation was that two guys who really did not like raided me for a second time where they claimed my base was prop blocked. The evidence provided particularly misses the exact location of the keypad, seemingly on purpose. The keypad was located on the same wall as the front door on the bottom left, if you are facing from the base. I am not even entirely sure that I had printers in the base as they previously raided me and stole my printers. The "Lying to staff" part may have something to do with this as I said in the sit that I did not have any printers during that time. As far as the LTARP part this should have easily been rejected as I left the game within that time period before the sit because my voice chat was disabled and had to rejoin. They stole all my printers probably around ~2 hours prior to me leaving so this just doesn't make sense. I am very disappointed at the staff member who looked at this case, Logan, as they did not completely listen to my story and answer my questions. Any extra information: The "evidence" the accusers gave:
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