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Posts posted by MARKS

  1. What is your in-game name?: Mark

    What is your steam name?: MARKS

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:144430674

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: GamingLight is the first Gmod server I've Staffed on with other staff positions out side of Gmod being minor and not note worthy

    What date did you start playing on the community? June 5, 2022 Around 9 Months ago

    What date did you make your forums account? June 13, 2022

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Gamemaster, Admin, Lord

    How many warns do you have on the server? I have zero warns across all GamingLight Servers

    Have you donated? Yes

    What rank are you applying for? Senior Admin

    Have you read the staff guidelines at

    You will be tested on it: Yes I have I will be ready for any test 🙂

    Timezone: CST

    Permission (Admin+ need this)
    Head of Staff Bub
    Head Admin Bon
    Head Admin Spice

    Lead Admin Bear

    Super Admin Master Chief
    Super Admin JackForPrez
    Super Admin Joker


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length): From my 9 months on the server and around 7-8 months of being a staff member I've shown to be respectful in and out of RP. I've also shown to be competent within Staff sits and handle them to the best of my ability, I try to be fair and understanding from both sides to ensure both sides are happy with the outcome of the sit. Of course many are not happy with getting warned but I try explaining it the in the best way so they understand what went wrong and what they could have done to avoid a punishment. With most of the situations I handle are out of sits with helping set spawns as of recent with job removals as well with spectating sits to ensure they are done correctly I don't have the highest sit count with myself preferring lower staff to take sits unless it has to be a higher rank for them to learn or if its not being taken within 5 minutes of the ticket being opened. Generally I think I'm ready for a promotion up to Senior Admin due to some of these reasons.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: Since its a RDM ticket I would only accept it if a T-Mod - Snr-Mod has not done so, If its been sitting for a minute or two I would take it following the Staff guidelines. As soon and they are brought up if they are cursing at me or the person who made the ticket I would !gag player cursing and ask them to calm down so they can explain there side of what happened hoping for a responds of being calm so the sit can be handled correctly. At this point I would ungag the player cursing if they are continuing I would regag them and ask the person who made the ticket for what happened having them explain there side, With this information I would check logs to see if it matches what is being said. If the person who is was cursing calmed down after being ungaged I would politely ask them for there side and with both sides at this point I would check logs to ensure it was a valid ticket. If they did not stop cursing I would add onto the Mass RDM warn/ban with a None Compliance with Staff / Disrespect warn due to them not calming down and continuing to curse at me and due to the Mass RDM it would require a 5 day ban.

    Edited to change name of post

  2. Battalion Name: Shock

    Job/Class Name: K2 Unit - Job Code: k2so

    Weapon Kit: 

    - Current loadout: tfa_nmrih_fists, rw_sw_e11, rw_sw_e11_noscope, rw_sw_dp23

    - Add: rw_sw_e11t, weapon_cuff_elastic

    - Remove: rw_sw_e11, rw_sw_e11_noscope

    Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): 

    The addition of the E-11-T would greatly improve the K2's weapon loadout giving them extra damage for mid range combat allowing them not to rely on short range weapons to fight.

    With the addition of the elastic restraints it would allow the k2 units to detain high value prisoners as their sop states.


    - Current: 4000


    - Current: 120

    Description (Optional): 

    Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: This change will help K2 as a sub-battalion giving

    them better weapons and making them more balanced, it will benefit the server as they will have a powerful policing unit to enforce laws on even the strongest foes 


    15 hours ago, Jaeger. said:

    - Support

    - Openly Talks about not already being promoted to Ten Graneet in Naval TS serval times

    - Openly Trash Talks other commands Members in the Naval TS

    -  Not Suited for the position 

    - Power Hungry 

    - Whenever given the chance talks bad about the Current Vice Admirals not doing their jobs 

    - Forces people to attend Simulations and Trainings without asking if they would like to join

    - Has Logged a Single Speciality Tryout since becoming an Senior Gunnery Officer

    + Okay Application 


    I Joined Gunnery on the 3rd November and so far my experience has been negative. I Tried giving you advise but you didn't care to listen.


    - Support 

    Does not understand their sop and takes stuff up to Interpretation

    • Like 1
  4. + Support
    Great guy helps a lot with shock as the security director

    Great app love the highlighting

    really wants the Vice Admiral position as he is very dedicated to naval and wants it to be the best it can be

    best of luck on getting Vice Admiral!!!!

  5. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Mark

    2. What Regiment are you applying for? : Shock Security

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? : I want to be the commander of shock security as I feel someone has to step up and fill some shoes that are missing now which will be hard but I feel I can at least try and show I can fill them. Along side wanting to lead and help shock grow even more and help it be the best it can be, hopefully allowing it to be even better then I think it is now. As the commander of shock I would be able to push for more changes and ideas I have for the battalion a little easier then I can as a vice commander giving the troopers of shock things like more to do as well as allowing them to feel less burden and continue to have fun in the battalion. I also feel that I'm ready for the position of commander in shock as I've learned a lot since I've joined and as a vice commander even though I've only been a vice commander for a short time I feel I've learned a lot mainly about leadership and other aspects like rules and how to handle general things. I would also like to push growth and the betterment of shock improving it in areas where its needed and keeping it where its right mainly relations. If I'm accepted to be the commander of shock hopefully I can show and live up to the expectations that the pasted commanders set in shock and hopefully showing that it is possible for me to do so. I truly just want the best for shock and its lovely community that its made as I feel in shock we have made a little family and only want to see it get even better and help it to do so.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server? : 969 Hours AKA 40 days played on the GamingLight Imperial server.

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? : The main purpose/purposes of the commander in a battalion is to shape and create the best battalion they can possible make, facilitating growth within the battalion making sure everyone is happy and enjoying what they are doing within the branch. The commander should always act professional and keep good relations with its battalion and all other battalion on the server as well as making sure the same is being done down the ranks so its battalion is respectable and well liked. The commander of any branch works closely with high command making sure they approve of changes/improvement but also just letting them know how the branch is doing keeping good communication with them so no one is left in the dark. The commander should be speaking in TeamSpeak with all its troopers, typing in discord, and responding on the forums making sure that all communication platforms the server uses are being used and that they are active on them letting there troopers know what's going on or what's going to happen in the future as well as getting a general sense of how everyone is doing. The commander keeps all documents up to date and making sure its troopers know about new rules and regulations that may be added or improved on making sure that everyone is following and doing what they should be to allow the battalion to run smoothly and so that they are not over stepping their bounds. As the commander they should be working closely with the battalions SNR Officers and Vice commanders to make sure they know what to do and how to do it so that the COC works and its not being used improperly as well as getting information from them to base decision on to be knowledgeable about any and all situations that may arise. In general the commander of a branch is the backbone of the battalion making sure its the best it can be so that its running smoothly but it also should act as a overseer allowing its lower troopers more freedom to act as a group and learn so they can work up the ranks.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I feel I can be trusted to be the commander of shock security because, I feel I have shown as a vice commander as well as when I was a enlisted/NCO/Officer that I can be trusted within the branch. With my short time in the branch I feel I've learned a lot about leadership and the rule set that's in place and I feel comfortable saying I could be the commander of shock security. I try my best to keep good relations between everyone I meet and will meet within the server and any other means
    of communication that involves the server I do have my moments where I'm not best and not shown in the best of light as we are all human but I always try to be nice and respectable to everyone. As a vice commander and even officer I am a bit lenient but when needed I've shown I can handle situations in a calm and knowledgeable way making sure anyone who may be in trouble or possible situations are handled correctly and don't lead to further and unnecessary things happening. As for leadership I hope I have shown what I felt is good leadership as a vice command and officer which I'm still improving on currently but I do feel I am and can be a great leader that facilitate growth and good behavior. I truly just wish the best for shock as a battalion and only want to see the best for it and the server hoping and doing as much as I can to help out and hopefully showing everyone I can be a great person and leader within the server. as zee's shoes are some big boats to fill I feel I can at least use a bucket and try to fill them I may not be as good of a commander as him if I get accepted but I feel that I could at least fill one of them and show I can be helping and commanding shock to the best of my ability.


    7. How often can you be Online? : I am available all days of the week this may change depending on if any IRL things come up but generally my I'm able to play most of the time and for multiple hours in a day.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I do not have any warns in the GamingLight community.

    Edited to add (Please explain why?) into poll question.

  6. + Support
     - Great guy very nice to work with.

     - Loves the community and very dedicated.

     - Understands his position and does a very good job at it.

     - Helps a lot with newer staff with any questions asked. 

    Very kind and hard working guy and would love to see him at Senior admin best of luck Daze 🙂

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