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Posts posted by ๖ۣۜƊØØϻ

  1. Custom Job Name: Ravenclaw (Inactive)


    Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:569499307

    CC Owners SteamID:STEAM_0:93353426

    Reason for Report: Models not working. When i press save the models doesn't pop up but i stay looking like  a citizen 

    Screenshots/Evidence of Issue:  ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett

  2. On 2/2/2023 at 1:52 AM, darkstarson12 said:


    RG is known as being a serious battalion, with a set of rules meant to be followed. That being said, the fact that Klondu has even made it far enough to have the ability to apply for RG is nothing short of a miracle. I have had nothing but negative interactions with this guy. He's been penalized several times within RG for issues that should just be common sense. Klondu being a Vice Commander of any battalion would benefit absolutely no one except for him, and would apparently also be pretty detrimental to you if you happen to speak any language other than English...


    Overall not a good example of Command material in the GL community, RG can do better.


  3. 7 minutes ago, Firekirby said:

    MEGA +support

    The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

    Best of luck!!

    I love Anomaly when i was dt he was very helpful and worded hard


  4. What is your in game name?


    What is your SteamID? 


    What is your current rank?


    How long have you been in Nova?

    4 weeks

    How will you assist command with this rank? [75+ words]
    I would like to be a to be able to assist individuals around me, and be competent to gotten to be something I truly want to be. I too think this will a great learning development for myself on having more obligations and picking up information of how to deal with things. I accept I'm a great leader and with this rank I think i will be able to lead the new Nco's and be able to assist make way for the modern enrolled to have them be at the top.  Through all the time I have carried out Garry's Mod and carried out on cleanse I have had a parcel of fun, i Will utilize this rank as a way to influence the Nco's to thrust in progress and achieve for higher. I play within the morning to night and there are no officers on within the morning to lead individuals.

    Why do you want to become an Officer? [75+]

    leadership since within the morning there's no one to do private Debrief and i will be able to do them to the finest of my capacity, i too want to assist command, perform test's and sims to keep enrolled and Nco  to have them engaged. Too i will offer assistance with rebuffing enrolled and Nco that step out of line. and i am level headed im able to keep a cool intellect when it is required.

    Do you have any experience leading / being an Officer? 

    Yes i do i was  a 1LT in purge

    What is the purpose/duty of an Officer? [100+]

    The purpose of an officer is to help manage both NCOS and Enlisted by helping them understand the sop and rules of being in nova, they are also mostly in charge of training and hosting sims for the other troops  an officer should also set an example to other members about how they should behave and act around the ship meaning they must take their role and the server seriously even when off job, As a higher rank of nova officers would represent their regiment  so they need  give nova a good name by remaining respectful to other users and they need to follow the server rules

    What qualifies you to be an officer? [100+]

    My Leadership skills, in all my time on the server i will say that my leadership skill sticks out. I has always assumed leadership when its needed and have done so really well. I will be a leader and a champion to those under and above me, I'm always welling to help new people and achieving new things and encouraging then to push higher. And I feel like my experience will allow me to help in nova and  on the server. I am able to have unbiases and able to view both sides of a argument. I think that my ability to coordinate with other troopers, and the way I help other people when they need me to be there make me of the highest quality choices. And I am always active 

    Do you understand you will be on a 1-2 week trial period?

    Yes, I do understand

  5. [In-Game Name] King

    [Call-sign] DT SN04


    [Which lore squad member are you applying for]


    [Why do you believe you deserve this position]

    I Believe that my commitment to Death Troopers has earned me this position. My favorite unit has been Death Troopers by far, Death troopers is  a battalion i want to continue by   subsequently getting to be M36 would advance my involvement in Death Troopers. I becoming M36 will be able to illustrate the polished skill of Death Troopers and Death troopers should act. I accept that M36 and I share a connection since when I play video games with companions, I regularly assume the part of the medic and appreciate myself while doing so. I've been a part of Seeker for a while, creating my abilities, and sharpening them all to be the finest I can, and I feel like I've come to the point where I can move on to the following stage to where i can proceed creating my abilities and sharpening to the maximum  


    [Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23]

    I want to be apart of TI-23 because they are how Death troopers should be and how they should work together by being the top of line in each of there expert field. i want to be in TI-23 to be a role model for other Death Troopers and guide other Death troopers to reach for more. And be able to assists VIP in a different way other then just shielding, By giving them health and armor to continue on.

    [What does Unit TI-23 do]

    TI-23 is a 5 man team. L21 is the demolitions, and is the main engineer for the team. M36 is the medic that provides HP and Armor that TI-23 and the VIP needs to continue the mission. C37 focuses on CQC and is the one first in a room too clear out the room. V07 is the marksman and provides reconnaissance as well supporting fire for TI-23. And F16 is the squad leader of TI-23 and is all rounder by being good at giving orders and knowing everyone strengths and weakness to make a powerful team in combat 

    [How active can you be]

    i can be active 4+ hours a day  


    [Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system] 

    Yes i understand 

  6. What Is Your In Game Name?: Purge HVY SFC King KS42

    What Is Your SteamID?:STEAM_0:0:569499307

    How Long Have You Been In Purge?: 2 Weeks

    Have You Been In IQ, If so, What Rank Were/Are You?:Apprentice V

    Why Would You Like To Become The Rank Of 2LT?:

    I would like to be a 2LT to be able to assist individuals around me, and be competent to gotten to be something I truly want to be. I too think this will a great learning development for myself on having more obligations and picking up information of how to deal with things. I accept I'm a great leader and with 2LT I think i will be able to lead the new Nco's and be able to assist make way for the modern enrolled to have them be at the top.  Through all the time I have carried out Garry's Mod and carried out on cleanse I have had a parcel of fun, I want to ended up like Kaskak , Lukas or the Ninth Sister Since they are People i look up to them in cleanse since there are exceptionally accommodating and are exceptionally aware and have offer assistance in numerous diverse ways to assist me finished up way way better. i need utilize this rank as a way to influence the Nco's to thrust in progress and achieve for higher. I play within the morning to night and there are no officers on within the morning to lead individuals.

    What Could You Bring To The Inquisitorious Purge Officer Team?:

    leadership since within the morning there's no one to do private Debrief and i will be able to do them to the finest of my capacity, i too want to assist command get some stress off by helping keep up the roster, perform test's and sims to keep enrolled and Nco  to have them engaged. Too i will offer assistance with rebuffing enrolled and Nco that step out of line. and i am level headed im able to keep a cool intellect when it is required.

    Do You Have Any Previous Officer Experience?:

    No but i will not disappoint those around me  

    Do You Understand The Duties And Protocols You Must Undertake As A Member Of The Officer Team?:

    Yes I understand all the Duties and Protocols that a officer need to follow.

    How Many Strikes Do You Have?:0

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