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Posts posted by OrphanBonker

  1. On 5/22/2022 at 2:07 PM, Gyara said:


    Please, I am Begging for 2191 to get nerfed; he is overpowered, and it's absurdly annoying. Every time 2191 gets breached, it's so irritating to deal with. It takes hours literally to re-contain him, and during off-hours, it is physically and mentally impossible to actually re-contain him. The site goes to hell every time he is breached; 2191 is an actual problem that needs to be dealt with. Not to mention even if you have a MASSIVE group of people, its still absurdly hard to re-contain him it's just so annoying



    All the -supports make no sense, he isn't always in LCZ and those people who "Can easily end this man" are not always on and when they are they're is most likely doing more important things. He can go off of people and onto others back and forth, giving him as much health as damage he can deal (about). He makes it hard to leave bunks, he can camp a CP. He has the ability to "lock down" LCZ making Gensec either stay in bunks or D-block. I strongly suggest giving him a cooldown for biting even just a few seconds should balance it out. Being in a group makes it harder to kill him, as i mentioned earlier he can switch targets and constantly stun lock you and damage you, give him a cooldown on biting, balance the game.


    SCPRP CURRENT RANKS: Nu-7 PVT, Maintenace MJ, Medical Medic

    IMPERIALRP CURRENT RANKS: Starfighters Flight Lieutenant, Naval Midshipman,


    - TGM & Moderator Kraut 

  2. In Game Name: Kraut
    Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:1:528537672
    Discord Name (Ruby#0001): frog <33#1155
    When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): 5/26/22

    Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum): I want to join Nu-7 because I not only like the MTF concept, I like the re-containment and the people in Nu-7. I haven’t been on the server long but when I played as CI and SCP I realized I like MTF and I’ve desired to be one ever since, enough of that though. In Nu-7 I want to help the regiment protect the facility from inside or outside hostile entities 

    If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): Maintenice MJ Medical RFM Medic Security PVT CI RnD JA Reseacrch JR and in ImperialRP I am a 2LT in the aviation battilion and a Midshipman in Naval

    Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: I do understand.

    Did anyone recommend you to join Nu-7?  (If nobody did, exclude this from your application.):  MTF Nu7 PVT FBI01 0117

  3. Lore Rank/Name: JR Kraut

    SCP #: 294


    Test Idea: We wanted to see what we could order using 294

    Background Research: 294 is a coffee machine that has a QWERTY keyboard instead of a few buttons to get different coffee types, with said QWERTY keyboard you can order any liquid you request (almost any)

    Hypothesis: See the effects of mixing different drink orders  


    Observations (what happened?): He became a velociraptor then died, most likely a lean overdose or a combination of the lean, blood, and cup of chief.

    Evidence/Visual Stimuli (Images): 



    In-game Name: Brisket


    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:528537672


    DiscordID: frog <33#1155


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? 7 out of 10

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I think I should be in Chaos Insurgency because I can be active hours that others either can't or won't be on, which means more raids for Chaos. I can also help motivate fellow chaos to make sure they don't get their hopes down even after a failed raid. I also am pretty good at Roleplaying things out and I'm also pretty decent at Garry's Mod PVP. I have desired to be CI since I joined this server. I prefer RP so I think R&D would be great given that the other things I am in are Utility (literally just good for money lmao) and Security (not fun rp)


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? : I can perfectly fit any RP situation that I need to fit and I give off a great attitude, and I don't give up! Which means even if we fail a raid, I'll do better the next one.


    How active can you be?: I can be on whenever unless stated otherwise (or I'm sleeping)


    Do you have both TeamSpeak and Discord: Yes.

  5. In-game name: Kraut (Second Life: Brisket)


    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: CSM

    Have you donated to the server?: Yes. (Lord T3)

    Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No

    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: No

    How much time do you have on the server?: 175 hours and 12 minutes as of 5/26/22

    How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I have watched all of the original trilogy and I know a bit of canon from forums, videos and such. I have not watched any of the new films or series but am willing to if needed to be a better GM (I haven't had access to Netflix till recently. Like ever.) 

    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I love the Gamemaster concept and I'm pretty creative at times, I personally like the Moderator/Gamemaster system in this server. I really like helping others which I can do by assisting with SIMs for other Members on GamingLight ImperialRP. I also like expressing my ideas and am open to criticism either constructive or not.

    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: In RP i am a CSM in the Imperial Starfighters and a midshipman in Naval, I am also a moderator with 0 warns, bans, or kicks. I have no intent to abuse my powers for my benefit or others, and I have no intent to use my powers to impede on other members fun or experience 

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes

    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: I have no former experience but I've participated in multiple events and am friends with a few GMs and Iearn more and more about how they function either from them, spectating or participating in events and event/sim set-ups and the little bit i can learn from the Gamemaster Guidelines Handbook.

    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: 

    Medical's research department is being assisted by a ISB scientist for a new aging syrum and healing method when a failed syrum gets loose and a few troopers consume it! Weird things happen to these troopers, either it be height changes, insainity or the desire to eat every object around you! (the last one can be used for chewing things like helmets or blasters) ISB and medical have to work together to contain the spread of these serums before it reaches someone like High Command. 

    OFF-SHIP (more directed to Spec-ops and Black-ops)
    ISB boards the ISD-GL with important news, while they were scouting nearby sectors for a new supplier, they find a Slave trader with a redacted trooper and another ISB agent. This is unacceptable! A rebel could come and buy both of them and get redacted information for thier fleet which would be horrible for the empires secret operations and ISB's security. Once the Empire reaches the planet they find out rebels are already there attempting to buy the captured Empire assets several Rebel droppods come in and the ISD-GL ends up bombared by rebels narrowly escaping with the redacted unit but tragically being unable to save the ISB agent, The empire will have to find the slaver trader once more to end the trafficking of the Empires assest and troopers.

    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): !give <player> <weapon>

    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): !model <player> <model>

    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes.

    (sorry if the event ideas are bad, not in a good mood currently so no creativity)

  6. 50 minutes ago, 99 dead raccoons said:

    - Support


    You have the right ideas for wanting to join SO, but I'll need to see more effort in the application (sentence long answers won't suffice) before I positively support this application.

    Really bad at writing, I did an interview, but I can't do them either, anxiety's a real MF

  7. What is your in-game name?: Brisket

    What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:528537672

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Chief Petty Officer (at time of writing this)

    What specialty are you applying for?: SO

     What Naval HC (Commodore+) gave you permission to apply?: Steel

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: I can host tryouts and assist with certain things foe Shock and DT

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: I have been in naval for quite awhile and out of naval I'm a mod and CSM in SF

    Why do you want this rank?: I love shock and DT, but that's not all. I find the occupation of being the ships security defense force and one of the helpers for the ships most redacted battalions really neat. 

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: To assist the Security Director with overseeing Shock and DT

    If I did something incorrect, please inform me.

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