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Posts posted by BlankGL

  1. In-game Name: Blank


    SteamID: 76561198912813489 or (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198912813489/)


    DiscordID: Crabs#3309

    I wish to be in the R&D

    On a scale of 1-10 in terms of clueless to fanboy, i would rate a 7.

    I'm very artistic in my abilities and I feel as if I need a place to share said abilities in order to get back at the foundation. I don't respect them in under any circumstances. When it comes down to respect I feel as if it is a quality that is earned. Not begged for or asked upon the Higher ups. Therefor, I shall work hard as a representative of the CI and show who shall stand in what place at what time. Those higher than me shall do the same to me. But in all honesty, I hate the foundation.


    I don't feel as if I'm much different from anybody else, I'm just a person trying to serve what I think is right. Though I may have certain aspects that set me apart, which I agree on.


    I can be active for at least 2 hours a day, or more, depending on school. But I will try my best to be on for as long as you need me to.


    I am in both TS and Discord.

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