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Posts posted by PLEASE UN BAN LEAFY

  1. What is your name?


    What is your rank?


    How long have you been an Enlisted?

    4 days

    What rank are you applying for?


    How many strikes do you have? And why do you have the strikes if you do?


    Why should we trust you with a NCO rank? 

    I Maintain exterme acuity  for Star Fighters and I will show the best Leadership I possibly can for this battalion. I will  help the ones that need my help. I will be a role model for my peers so they can be just like me. I will teach them anything I know to make them the best pilot. Also I am leadership trained on others servers and I was once a 2LT on another server.  I will be willing to host a SF tryout any time any person needs it. If a person makes a mistake I will not yell at them unless ordered to I will just simply guide them. but if they continuing doing that then I will give them the apposite training they need so they can approve. I am also willing to help officers with anything. 

    What can you do to assist Officers with this rank?

    : I will assist them when they are hosting Sim. Also I will help in managing troops when we are in MHB waiting for a event or in Debrief after a event. Also I may help them during tryouts that they are hosting like spawning in ties or trigger disaplnne or taking over the tryout in case the officer crash.

    What is the main point of NCO?

    The main point of a NCO is to be a role model for the enlisted and show leadership and manage and oversee the enlisted. NCOs also host tryouts for other battaltions to join SF so we can expand our numbers and become even more active, Also as a NCO also hosts traning for ITTF/VTOL so that enlisted can get the certification.

    Question, what would happen if you see a enlisted not following orders and they are messing around? 

    I would tell them to come back and give them warnings and if they do not listen or they are miniging and I would have a word with them and tell them that if there will be consequences and in the event they continue I will talk to a officer about then and we will come up with a punishments' for the enlisted which will probably be a strike or demotion for the enlisted.

    Do you agree that if you are strikes within the first week you will be put back down to the Enlisted rank?

    Yes I fully agree 


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