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Posts posted by Bannana

  1. + SUPPORT

    +Active and enthusiastic

    +Does plentiful and quality tryouts

    +Plenty of SIM, training, and mission ideas

    +Has helped with doing SIMs and done his own Missions + trainings

    Good NCO and I think he could be an even better officer. He will have some learning to do but I think he will grasp everything quickly, plus he is good at helping you learn something new. Plus that is a long application, he wants to do this, I think he can handle it.

  2. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :



    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Shock Security Battalion


    3. Why do you want to be a vice commander of this branch?

    Shock has always been my most beloved battalion and I have been with the battalion since February 2022. I have held low command positions within shock for several months and have always been interested in further assisting the battalion with my time. Within shock I have always been able to talk with anyone and being able to help them further is what I intend to do if I become a commander. I am aware of the different types of work handled by the commanders and have a slight understanding already of their responsibility and feel prepared to join them.

    My goals are to help shock grow and be able to focus on its goals while also keeping good order, discipline, and effectiveness throughout the ranks while they are on duty. I care for each trooper and am willing to protect them and work with each. If the need comes for punishment I am ready and have experience in the matter. 

    I joined shock low command in April, and have overseen multiple ups and downs within shock and have learnt how to effectively communicate with others on the server. One of my favorite things to do is go around and ask other troopers such as 501st, 69th, and IC how they are doing and if there are any problems I may be able to help them with. I have also learnt to always be respectful to everyone, even the scum who end up in the brig, I make sure nobody is name calling to avoid anyone getting themselves in trouble. Throughout my time within shock I have come to care for everyone within, and feel ready help the battalion keep

    Now seeing our most experienced vice commandeer leaving, I have the confidence necessary to take his place. Tuna was always a good teacher and I was able to learn bits and pieces of what my duties as a vice commandeer become. It is my strong belief that I have the trust of not only the other members of shock, but also those above that I can lead our battalion to an ever brighter future, and endure the bumps life throws at the server.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    As of writing I have 561 hours on the server.

    First joined in February 2022.


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    A commander should be the best example of how a trooper acts, while also having the ability to adapt and compromise with their situation. They should be a guide and an enforcer for their creed and be able to lead by example. They make the tough decisions when needed and are able to work with others in the battalion to make sure everyone is healthy, productive, and a good trooper. Commanders should be well informed and be able to answer questions that get passed up the chain of command and if any disagreements arise, be able to effectively end the conflict amicably.

    The main purpose of any commander should be to lead, they are the best example, and should be able to prove that with dedication and love towards their battalion and peers. They must be able to communicate orders from high command clearly and be able to mold their battalions in a way that benefits everyone, but not be afraid to take on the harder challenges that may come with that.



    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    Over the months I have been within shock and throughout the positions I held I only hope that a positive impression has been left. My biggest priority within shock is to ensure that we as a battalion are able to properly handle every situation presented to them, and I wish to be the role model to ensure all shock can act respectful to players while still fulfilling their duties. Whenever I am needed I stay informed and ready for any situation I come about and know that I can handle the work and responsibility. Speaking with commanders over my time I have learnt of the stress of their work sometimes and know to be ready. Trust is earned and within leaders it should be a given that if you go up and ask them for help, they are able to answer honestly, and have a passion to help others. These are my beliefs and standards I hold myself, and wish to help nurture within shock.

    I also hold plenty of experience leading in the shock heavy specialist sub-battalion. For a couple months I have nurtured heavy to become one of the main sub-branches in shock. I also have updated all documents for heavy, and have been in the works for a new model, to better distinguish our ranks. Heavy has been near to my heart and something I do wish to further overlook as I continue in shock. Furthermore I wish to bring the benefits I have seen in heavy into the other sub-battalions and shock as a whole. Being used to creating and editing documents and models has taught me plenty skills I know I can bring into a vice commander position.



    7. How often can you be Online? :

     Every weekend I am typically available 24/7

    Weekdays I have college course but am available afterwards, about 5 hours a day, my discord dm's are always open


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

     Currently I have 2 warnings

    RDM- IMP, April 9 2022. -DT SN03

    Failrp- IMP, March 30 2022. -hotshot

  3. Questions


    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :



    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Shock Security Battalion


    3. Why do you want to be a vice commander of this branch?

    Shock has always been my most beloved battalion and I have been with the battalion since February 2022. I have held low command positions within shock for several months and have always been interested in further assisting the battalion with my time. Within shock I have always been able to talk with anyone and being able to help them further is what I intend to do if I become a commander. I am aware of the different types of work handled by the commanders and have a slight understanding already of their responsibility and feel prepared to join them.

    My goals are to help shock grow and be able to focus on its goals while also keeping good order, discipline, and effectiveness throughout the ranks while they are on duty. I care for each trooper and am willing to protect them and work with each. If the need comes for punishment I am ready and have experience in the matter. 

    I joined shock low command in April, and have overseen multiple ups and downs within shock and have learnt how to effectively communicate with others on the server. One of my favorite things to do is go around and ask other troopers such as 501st, 69th, and IC how they are doing and if there are any problems I may be able to help them with. I have also learnt to always be respectful to everyone, even the scum who end up in the brig, I make sure nobody is name calling to avoid anyone getting themselves in trouble. Throughout my time within shock I have come to care for everyone within, and feel ready help the battalion keep


    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    As of writing I have 515 hours on the server.

    First joined in February 2022.


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    A commander should be the best example of how a trooper acts, while also having the ability to adapt and compromise with their situation. They should be a guide and an enforcer for their creed and be able to lead by example. They make the tough decisions when needed and are able to work with others in the battalion to make sure everyone is healthy, productive, and a good trooper. Commanders should be well informed and be able to answer questions that get passed up the chain of command and if any disagreements arise, be able to effectively end the conflict amicably.

    The main purpose of any commander should be to lead, they are the best example, and should be able to prove that with dedication and love towards their battalion and peers.



    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    Over the months I have been within shock and throughout the positions I held I only hope that a positive impression has been left. My biggest priority within shock is to ensure that we as a battalion are able to properly handle every situation presented to them, and I wish to be the role model to ensure all shock can act respectful to players while still fulfilling their duties. Whenever I am needed I stay informed and ready for any situation I come about and know that I can handle the work and responsibility. Speaking with commanders over my time I have learnt of the stress of their work sometimes and know to be ready. Trust is earned and within leaders it should be a given that if you go up and ask them for help, they are able to answer honestly, and have a passion to help others. These are my beliefs and standards I hold myself, and wish to help nurture within shock.


    7. How often can you be Online? :

     Every weekend I am typically available 24/7

    Weekdays I tend to work 5-5 but if someone needs me I will answer to discord dm’s and have been slowly able to increase my window of availability. 


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

     Currently I have 2 warnings

    RDM- IMP, April 9 2022. -DT SN03

    Failrp- IMP, March 30 2022. -hotshot

  4. + Support
    News is an active and respected officer not just in purge but around the ship. I've seen him work and will vouch for him. He's friendly but is capable when it comes to being a leader and able to be serious when required. A great candidate for the position! 
    -Application just needs a slight touch up grammatically

  5. What is your in-game name?: Bannana


    What is your steam name?: Bannana    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198139637755/


    What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:1:89686013


    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)

    Currently I have no experience when it comes to staffing on any type of server however, I feel confident starting on Gaminglight ImperialRP. I have observed and asked questions to multiple current staff members and believe I have the knowledge to reasonably carry out any duties assigned.


    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)

    02/03/2022 (US format)


    What date did you make your forums account?



    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?



    How many warns do you have on the server?

    I have two warns. 

    1st given by Hotshot on 03/30/2022 for FailRP.

    2nd given by DT SN03 on 04/09/2022 for RDM.


    Have you donated?

    I have donated 50 USD to the ImperialRP server.


    What rank are you applying for?

    Trial Moderator


    Have you read the staff guidelines as you will be tested on it: Yes


    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length)

    I simply have enjoyed my time making new friends and having fun while roleplaying for quite some time. Everytime I am on the server it is upheld very well while not being intrusive. The administration is good at letting people have their fun and does well working through the shadows. I look up to this and know I have the potential to make it so this experience is upheld.


    If I had to sum it into a single sentence, I have asked the questions and gained the understanding of how administration functions, and feel ready to start as a new member of administration.


    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    Once they are brought to the sit if they are only being belligerent and do not want to be civil nor listen to me while I try to communicate what is going on and what will be happening I would first warn them multiple times, asking them to stop. If they continue I would then gag or mute them for the remainder of the sit. Once done I would calmly proceed to tell them how they have been reported for Mass RDMing. I would then go on to explain that they will be getting punished, with a formal warning and a five day ban for Mass RDM, asking a Moderator or Admin to deal with the ban if I were a Trial Mod. Also I would ask someone for help to define if the level of cursing crosses the line of staff abuse, and explain and issue a formal warning for Staff Disrespect if their language is found to have broken any rules such as racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.

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