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About McBonk

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  1. I tried to message you first as I didn't want to make a big deal only when you threatened me did I make the post.
  2. Or I made a normal joke which people laughed at including DT commander, maybe you are just taking everything really far by making these extreme accusations. I don't like people who use power to threaten and try to label people in hopes they just stay down. What justice is severed by banning someone for a joke. If it was such a big deal why did the ban wait 4 hours and not when the incident happened.
  3. Saying we'll have another admin to ban your dumbass" doesnt sound like you giving me a option. Sounds more like a threat.
  4. 1. Steam Name: mcbonk 2. Ingame Name: Oj muhammed 3. SteamID:STEAM_0:0:62209754 4. Ban Length: 7 days i think 5. Admin that Banned you: firekirby 6. Reason for Ban: racism 7. Dispute: I was talking to my my friends and the dt commander and a couple other people, I guess the DT vice commander didnt like my joke then waited till 6 am after I logged to ban me. I have screenshots of messages of him threating me to make a appeal.
  5. +SUPPORT+ Shaq is one of the most dedicated members I have seen on gaming light. His work in purge and 501st as a member of low command give him plenty of experience to fulfill this role. His work ethic is second to none with helping build up and create new ideas within his battalion. To not progress him to a job were he can be more impactful to the server and battalion would be a waste. Current: PURGE HVYTA LTC MUHAMMED DG79
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