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Posts posted by Walker-Mayhem

  1. 3 hours ago, YaBoyScyther said:

    + support 
    knowing tuna he wouldn't do anything that directly breaks any rules I believe if tuna knew that what he was doing was against rules he would have stopped the instance he knew I think that a ban was overkill and and a verbal would suffice.

                                                                                                                          Over all a ban for this is overkill!


  2. On 8/26/2022 at 10:45 AM, Daze said:


    - Both "Why should you be trusted" and "Why do you WANT to be a Gamemaster" questions are way too short. Elaborate and explain what makes you better or different from other applications.

    - Your "Current RP Rank" should be your regimental rank.

    - Felt as if this was rushed with real no thought put into it.

    - You have one day on the sever. I would prefer if you wait a week or two to get a feeling for the community first, before you rush into something like this.

    I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!


  3. On 8/31/2022 at 10:46 PM, Daze said:


    Maybe a bit of fine tuning, but nothing that can't be fixed! You appear to be an old time member, so you know the server pretty much in and out.

    Careful with the ego. Just because you're apart of the community for a long time, some people like myself have no idea who you are. Everyone should be putting in their effort they believe is their best. I'll overlook this, but don't make it a constant thing.

    I wish you the best of luck.


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  4. Not going to + or - support this at this current stage; i feel that you have the tight intentions but i feel you need: 

    1: More time on the server as you've specialised "around the 18th" and no month stated so im taking it as 18th of August. And to me this is just too short

    2: But also that your application could use more attention to a degree especially in regards as to why, just feel you may have rushed through it. 

    overall i do believe you have the best intentions of becoming staff and possibly could make a great fit and all too but yeah goodluck on the application and all mate !!

  5. 9 hours ago, Daze said:


    - I've seen you in-game a few times, just haven't officially met you, but I see the activity.

    - Short but sweet application.

    - A LOT of staffing experience.

    - You handled the scenario correctly.

    Would be a good fit for the team!

    Best of luck!


  6. [In-Game Name] Stark

    [Call-sign] HX7

    [Rank] 1LT

    [Which lore squad member are you applying for] V07, Marksman

    [Why do you believe you deserve this position] 

    I strongly believe that I deserve this position because I am highly dedicated to the job but I also don't like to give up easy, meaning that no matter what I do or how long I take, I will be very dedicated and persistence in everything that I do. I also feel like that with my activity, timezone difference and how often I can be on that it would make me a great addition to the team because I would be able to be on the server during uptimes and downtimes making that their is always a TI-23 unit Member on when potentially not many are seen to some. If i am given that great honour of joining the TI-23 Unit I will make sure that I will uphold and honour everything that it stands for and means like I already do within the Death Trooper Company, whether it be from successful use of equipment, following orders or completing the mission or objective furthermore. I strongly believe that I am fit for this role aswell because I love the fact that V07 is a marksman and that is one of my favourite things within roleplay. If I am accepted to become V07 I will give it my all to learn and understand the Unit and my V07 role making sure that I am highly effective at my job to both help my unit and my VIP to complete our objective and/or mission. I also believe that where I currently stand in the Death Trooper Company no matter where I am or what position I will hold that I am seen as dedicated and will always go above and beyond for my team.

    [Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23] 

    I would love to be a part of Unit TI-23 because I would like to be apart of an elite squad, but I especially want to be apart of the team that is able to work with a group/team especially in a close group scenario, making sure that we do whatever it takes to complete our objective/mission. If I am successful in becoming a Unit member of TI-23 it shows that I have come so far and achieved great things just by doing my job and following orders but also tells me that if you truly put your head down and strive for what you want best it really can happen and come true. Me becoming V07 of the TI-23 unit would be fabulous as I will uphold what it takes and means to be successful at my marksman title, but also I would be in a Unit/Team with other fabulous DT members doing what we love best. It also furthermore increases my skills and knowledge within the Death Trooper's Company. Overall I would love to become apart of the TI-23 unit because, becoming V07 (The Marksman) has always been a goal of mine to join but also that I would love to be in a unit full of other members that can help me improve to be better at my role and my title which can lead myself with more skills, experiences, leadership and making me way more effective within DT, which then later down the track is put back into DT to help and support the new wave of Death Trooper Members and myself knowing that i have done something like this truly would be unbelievable and a dream come true.

    [What does Unit TI-23 do]

    The TI-23 Unit or known as "The Undying" is a squad based lore unit that consist of five members. Each member of TI-23 is specialized in their own own way with their own set of equipment to help them complete there objective/mission. The TI-23 Unit have their own type of VIP's' that differ from the regular Death Troopers. TI-23 are also heavily redacted and focus on direct combat and VIP protection. The following are what the members are equipped with and also their speciality.

    F16 (The Squad Leader) : F16 is equipped with a DP-23 (Shotgun), Detonator, Flashbang, Booster bacta-kit, deployable shield and an E-11s.

    L21 (Demolition Specialist) L21 is equipped with a E-11D, thermal detonator, a detonator, deployable shield, and a fusion cutter.

    M36 (Medical Specialist) M36 is equipped with the standard E-11D,  duel RK3 pistols, booster bacta kit, armour kit and shield generator.

    C37 (CQB Specialist) C37 is equipped with a DP-23 shot gun, flash bang and a deployable shield.    

    V07 (Marksman Specialist) V07 is equipped with the E-11s and a deployable shield.

    [How active can you be] 

    As of currently I am available at any time of the week both during up and downtimes of the server due to me living in Australian making me 14 hours ahead of EST I can be flexible on the server

    [Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system] 

    Yes I understand

  7. 2 hours ago, Iceberkk said:

    + Support 

    We can always have good GMs that are willing to help the community we need more people like him on this server that are committed to learn and grow in this server.



  8.  What is your in-game name?:  Senior Mod Walker or DT 1LT HX7 currently but as my signature i have a few other ones from old/ex battalions

    What is your steam name?: [GL] Walker

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:52742115

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Indeed i do, i have massive staff experience across multiple types or forms of games. Within GMOD i have staff experience ranging from ownership - low staff ranks to give you an idea across Garry's Mod i have been staff on TTT, Prop Hunt, Imperial RP, CWRP, Military RP and many more game modes over all of them i have been an owner, co-owner, community management (staff director, manager, superadmin) Developer, Senior Admin, Admin, Senior Mod, Mod and of course Trial mod to start on all the servers. On other games i have been staff once again from Ownership to Low Rank staff on Arma 3/Arma2 (Owner, Developer, Head of Staff, Staff Director, Head Admin, Senior Admin and Admin) and my list goes on and on. Overall i have massive staff knowledge and experience for over 12years currently and still continuing my staffing to servers i play on and join the team. I will leave this as a rough idea currently but feel free to contact me to know more at anytime!

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Start of January this year

    What date did you make your forums account? January 23rd

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Senior Moderator

    How many warns do you have on the server? 0 across all Gaming Light servers

    Have you donated? Yes from Darth and a bunch of individual items or limited time only ones too

    What rank are you applying for? Admin

    Have you read the staff guidelines at

    You will be tested on it: Yes of course i have

    Timezone: I believe it is AEST OR UTC+10:00. From EST to AEST it is a 14 hour difference

    Permission (Admin+ need this): Bon, Name, Bub, Racc

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length): I strongly believe that i deserve the rank of Administrator/Admin on the Gaming Light ImperialRP Server, because since i have joined the community i have put a lot of time and effort towards the community, players and staff team. With my time here currently i have learned so much within the server itself but also all the players/community thru in game chat or TeamSpeak aswell. GamingLight was a server/community i just decided to join as it was the most popular and my friends were on the server aswell, since joining at the start of the year my friends have left and i have continued and in that process i have made so many friends and memories and funny moments on the server making me fall in love and enjoying my time. Since joining the staff team i feel like i have learnt some more new stuff across garrys mod with on top of my current knowledge already and of course have had a refresh aswell as i miss staffing on garrys mod and I'm glad i have been able to input my knowledge and experience into the gaminglight staff team and community. In me becoming an Admin it would allow me to engage in further staff duties within the community and staff team making me a lot more viable for the staff team as i believe i would be a great asset from experience and knowledge, but also i would be here on the uptimes and downtimes of the server because my timezone allows me to be very flexible as i do live in Australia meaning that i can help mentor the lower/younger ranks, deal with the requesting bans in discord, help with ticket counts when required or needed or even help other ranks that may be struggling with their ticket and needed a higher up to help them resolve their ticket. Me being an Admin means that i would be viewed upon by lower ranks of course like a mentor or teacher in a way or even just a guide to some aswell, this is fine by me and i love to help out not on the server and its community but i love to be that type of mentor to help our current staff and new staff members that will join us and give them that knowledge and personal experience and guide them etc on what to do to improve them as a person but also as a staff member on gaming light. Lastly, myself being active in the community as well within a different timezone (Australia) allows me to be highly flexible with my hours of playing whether it be on peak hours of the server or low-pop hours of the server making me able to help players at all time of the server making sure that no one is left behind or feeling that their ticket is up for ages. As from experience i have been and seen times where a higher up is needed whether its for an Admin+ ticket or their is a needed ban that needs to be done but unfortunately no one is on. Overall, becoming an Admin would allow me to help both the Gaming Light Staff Team but also help the community and its players and furthermore my endeavours, knowledge and experience even more to become a better staff member for the community that i know i can be.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: Firstly if i am not on the Staff job i would change my current job onto the staff job and then proceed to take the ticket. Upon reading the description of the ticket that has been made i would listen to both sides of the stories and while listening i would be checking the in game logs, warns (or even checking the staff tool website aswell) Once i have confirmed in the logs that it is indeed RDM or MRDM i would count how many counts we are looking at in total. If the said person who was reported starts and continues to curse and make a ruckas/muckas towards myself or the other player, i would attempt to deescalate the situation and give them a verbal warning to calm down while remaining and staying professional. If said person proceeds to continue i would then gag them, after gagging said player i would proceed then to explain their current situation to them and explain that they would be receiving a 5 day ban per our guidelines since that 4 counts of RDM is MRDM. Once the situation has been dealt with i would then apologize to the reporting player for their actions and make sure that their ticket it complete and they are happy. Once done i would then proceed to close their ticket / end their sit.

  9. 12 hours ago, RussTime said:

    I think SN03 would make a great officer to DT as he is a hard worker, shows great leadership (from what I’ve seen on his other jobs), and he’s a good guy too.

    + Support

    Couldnt agree more 

    + support from me too

  10. Massive + Support

    • Great Application
    • Great Guy
    • Very Active
    • Dedicated to the Job and Server/Community
    • Understands what it means and takes to be a role model
    • Understands what the role means and what he is expected to do
  11. 11 hours ago, Akeru said:


    +Great Guy


    +Great App


                                                        ARC 2LT Akeru 10

                                                          ex DT SGT BC5                        

                                                          Mr Bean Thumbs Up GIF


  12. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    Shock Lieutenant Colonel Mayhem SK696 

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

     I would like to become a Commander/Vice Commander of Shocks Battalion within shock i would be active everyday of every hour both on the up and downsides of the servers times as this is a great benefit for me as i am Australian making me 14hours ahead of EST so I'm always active and online on the servers uptimes and downtimes. I also strongly believe that with my previous experiences on Garry's Mod RP servers and other RP game's', that i can honestly say that I can say that i know how to lead and show true dedication to the job, my experience and knowledge combined would be great for the Shock Battalion because i would be able to help the lower ranks and other ranks of battalions as well, making Shock even more fun to play and just be apart of in general. In shock i would also love/like to become that person/player that other troopers can come to in a time of need whether it be for a general/serious question or a question that their hesitate to ask because they feel like they should already know the answer to it. Also if i am accepted into this position it would be able to give me a voice for all of shock as well making me having somewhat of power within Shock to be able to make sure that all ranks are heard and cared for in the Shock Battalion which my goal would to be making Shock an even better battalion to be apart of and play for.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

     My ingame time is bugged out at 2 weeks but i have been with the Gaming Light Community since the start of the year 2022 when i joined the server/community


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    Firstly would to be lead the battalion to its best and keeping the battalion inline and running swiftly and taking swift action, judgement and handing out the punishments when needed and if necessary. My favourite side of the being a Commander/Vice Commander is to be handing out the promotions and rewards to the rewarding players in the battalion who take the job seriously and genuinely come to have a good time on the server and in the battalion for all. Being a Commander or Vice Commander of a branch also would also mean that if i was successful that i would always have the back of my fellow troopers, what i mean is like if a Shock Trooper was getting into trouble and i know that he was in the clear me being a Commander/Vice Commander i would stand up for my fellow trooper putting myself, reputation and rank on the line, saying that i would gladly do it in a heartbeat but that would only happen if they were definitely in the right, if they weren't well then they would have to be spoken to and punished accordingly. This is where good judgement would come into action and being able to identify right from wrong which i have learned over the years of roleplay server from my experiences and my knowledge.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

     I believe you should trust me to become a Vice Commander of Shock because over my years of gaming i have gained plenty of skills, experience and knowledge of what it takes to lead across multiple and different type of games and game modes all of which are Roleplay based games. On GamingLight i am currently a Major within Royal Guard, within Garry's mod on other game modes like Clonewars RP, MilitaryRP, DarkRP and other ImperialRP servers i have been a Captain, Lieutenant, various Sergeant ranks, Major, Lieutenant Colonel/Colonel, Command ranks such as (Chief of Police/Deputy Chief of Police and a Vice Commander/Commander) of a branch before too. Other games such as Arma 2/2OA/3 i have run, owned and coordinated multiple Police Departments and their individual branches before. Taking all of my experiences into consideration and the knowledge i have behind me, i would hope that you can tell i am a serious player and do take the job seriously, i will never ever try to overstep boundaries of any kind unless someone is in need of my help/service. 


    7. How often can you be Online? :

    Right now I am available everyday as i am currently off work with medical  and am also in quarantine from positive covid test. When i am allowed to go back to work i will be available majority days throughout the week as i  will be on reduced work hours and/or days per week to get back into the flow of work life. When i am back to full 5 days a week for work, it will be after work hours when i finished for hours and hours on end and all times of the servers population both up times and down times of the server due to my Australian Timezone (14hrs ahead of EST)


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :


  13. On 7/4/2022 at 10:31 PM, Lukas II. said:


    + Has a huge and very professionally written application
    + This guy is hella Active
    + Always helps people whenever the need arises and is very friendly
    + Knows battalions in and out
    + Has great Leadership amongst the people
    + Has experienced many commanding positions over his career, and also done many updates in it 
    + Knows what he is doing and how to operate
    + Dedicated to this Community
    + Great guy

    Good Luck Name


    couldnt of said it any better

  14. + support with some - support

    + dedicated

    + great guy / active 

    + would make great officer

    - i feel like you need some more time in battalion first 

    - i also feel like your application is somewhat rushed or tad short 


    good luck !!

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