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Posts posted by May

  1. +support

    This would be a great addition to the SCPRP experience. Especially for GENSEC since they respawn so close to where they usually deploy. Instead of pulling out a browser tab or a phone to calculate NLR (or literally estimating the time), players would simply know how long they have left until NLR is over. 

    I believe it should simply be a timer and not restrict player movement. The impact on performance could be mitigated by having the timer be handled clientside (this wouldnt really pose a threat since a player would have no reason to mess with memory values to gain an advantage). 

  2. -support

    For a player with only 3-4 months of background, a ban and 7 warns is a lot. 

    The motivation paragraph is well written and feels genuine. 

    The answers for the situations could be longer and better structured. 

    From what I have read, many players have had negative experiences.

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