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Posts posted by TwoRanger007

  1. Custom Job Name: Black Water Leadership

    Server: PRP

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:547568319

    CC Owners SteamID: [Banned User]

    Reason for Report: After the "Battle Royale" SMT Event, I have not been able to join this CC

    Screenshots/Evidence of Issue: (Idk how to get evidence of me not being on the job)

  2. I don't use forums so I dont know where to post this, but my CC [Black Water LeaderShip] A.k.a "Crocodile Man" I can no longer get on the job like I got removed from it, Im not sure if this has happend to anyone else but if possible can I have access again? 

  3. (This is croc btw)

    So I have access to the BWA Leadership CC, and there is a BWA custom paint job on the Terradyne custom veichle. SO my question is since it has a BWA paint job on it and one of the BWA CC has access to this veichle, am I allowed to use it?

  4. To start off, I dont know if this is the right place to post this issue but for now Ill go along with it

    IGN: SL Crocodile Man
    Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:547568319
    Staff member: Trial Mod Foxlet
    Proof: I wasnt recording cuz I didnt think this bullshit would happen

    I was in bank, a guy comes up to me and shotguns me, I pull out my negev and die trying to kill him. Later im pulled to an admin sit cuz I tried to RDM him,
    logs said that at the bank I pulled out my negev first and tried to kill him. at this point im confused, the person reporting me has no evidence I did this and the trial mod is going off his word, im angry because every admin sit im in even if logs says  someone RDM me, I need video evidence which makes sense because you dont know what else could have happend.
    (keep in mind this trial mod is someone I dont like and he dont like me) At this point im thinking some things 1) Either this mod is warning me cuz he dont like me 2) Logs was wrong saying I shot first. I am just here to say can someone have a talk or demote Foxlet, It's not fair that I get warned when the guy has no evidence and I didnt even do anything 

  5. What you want to see? - I wanna see high speed GOV chase with people shooting out of cars so its not just people speeding around the map

    Why should we add it? - How fun would it be to have a bunch of GOV spraying down the Crims, or the other way around

    What are the advantages of having this? - Everyone can have more fun with buying cars and spending money to buy said cars, even adding their own custom cars to shoot out of

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone! there should be no limits to who can or cant do it

    Links to any content - We can be the ones with the first link to the content 😄 cuz I cant find anything 😕

  6. I want to be able to roll around in a ball, In this ball I will not use it to avoid getting shot at by GOV, I will not use it to capture points, I will use it to have fun and roll around, and to kidnap people in and sell them for profit. 

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