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About kingofbrown12

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  1. In-Game Name: king SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56782689 Current Rank: SM How long have you been in your current rank?: since 12/05/2021 What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 3 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I have been a SM for a couple of months and i wasn't ready to be a LT but now i think i'm ready to be LT there have been times when my friends at gaming light telling me to apply so i decided to try and apply for LT i enjoy Role Playing on the server so much and its so much fun i and also a member of SWAT. Being a LT also gives me a chance to keep the server fun and help with the officers that like to fail rp cause being a SM never gave me that luxury and most of my friends on gaminglight are both low and high command and i felt left out. It might not show in game but i've been on the server a lot and have been playing since the north carolina map since a few months ago. So now i think it was time to apply for LZ. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): yes
  2. Steam Name: kingofbrown12 Ingame Name: king SteamID:STEAM_0:1:56782689 Job Blacklisted From: security trainee Reason for the Job Blacklist:racisim Dispute: there was no dispute and if there was i dont remember cause it was last year and i have changed since then
  3. i was blacklisted from gen sec trainee and i want to be in gen sec i was given a 2 week ban and the was denoted and was given 1 week before i could train for gen sec so i waited and few months later i was never able to get on the gen sec trainee job.
  4. i was banned for a week and shin spin banned me again when i was already banned i want my original ban sentence or for it to be appealed plz i like scp rp and i know that what i said was wrong on so many levels all im asking for is another chance
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