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Pope Mobile Door Gunner

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Posts posted by Pope Mobile Door Gunner

  1. What are you suggesting? - I believe that there should be a clarification of what the spawn location in lower Dblock is.

    I have not only seen Dclass kill GenSec from the cells that Dclass spawn in, but also have seen GenSec killing Dclass in the cells that Dclass spawn from. From my interpretation of the MOTD, both actions are wrong.

    Otherwise, I have seen MTF, GenSec, and CI told that they are not allowed to enter lower Dblock period under the pretense that lower Dblock is a spawn area, yet watched players have firefights take place between lower(out of cells) and upper.

    I have also witnessed Sarkic acting entirely within the MOTD, take control of lower but still receive repercussions for doing so, when there is no rule stating that they are not allowed to be down there, under the premise that lower in it's entirety is a spawn area (meaning gun fights shouldn't be happening between opposing forces in lower and upper).

    All arguments I have witnessed are based on interpretations of whether or not lower Dblock counts as a spawn area and I think that it would do good to have clarification as to what is actually considered "Dclass spawn".

    Lastly I think that RP functions should be considered. Stealth classes in specific have great RP purposed to enter, ex: Stealth Ops/Pfinders passing on information regarding Dclass revolt plans, and Infils helping supply rebellions.

    How would this change better the server? - I think clarification of what Dclass spawn is could end with more fun and less sits. 

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. -  I can't think of any disadvantages that could come from clarity of the rules.

  2. 4 hours ago, Pillercat said:


    1. Weiss, like any other staff member, is encouraged and able to use discretion when taking a sit.

    2. You admitted to playing loosely with the rules, thus you were not following them to the fullest extent.

    3. You were incredibly rude, which does affect if you get a verbal or a formal warning.

    I see no reason for this warn to be overturned.

    Incredibly rude at what point? When my spotless record was ruined after I've literally taken people to countless RDM sits for them to only ever be given a verbal!? Yes I absolutely got upset about that.

    This has gone exactly as I expected it would. I ask people to question the actions of their superior and they entirely side with their superior because siding against a superior would literally ruin the career of anyone who wishes to attain the same rank. Whoever controls the forums, feel free to lock the thread, I'll be gone serving the country in two days anyway and anyone who supports me isn't going to say a damn thing.

  3. Your In-game: Johnny Richmond


    Your SteamID: 18595695


    The admin's name in-game: Site Director Weiss


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): No clue, never interacted with him


    What did the admin do: I was given a verbal warning about advertising as Dclass (which I did not know to be a rule in the half year+ I've been playing on the server until another player warned me before being put in the sit), I then stated that I would comply with the rules and that I had been playing a little loosely today since this is my last day playing video games for a year (in the Army and being deployed), I was then given a !warn, and I feel that the only reason that I was punished was that my tone was not submissive enough for Weiss and he decided to ruin my clean clean record for it. What I am not proud of is that I became very irritated after my record was ruined and I let it show, I take pride in my clean record and good interactions with administration in sits.


    Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): 


    What do you believe should happen to the admin: I think that he simply be subjected to an opinion other than his own on his decision. In my opinion he went on a power trip and it was unnecessary.


    Any extra information: I had no option to rate my experience in this sit, it was 3 stars at best (given I have no knowledge of Admin SOP) and think that all admins should be subject to a review no matter what their rank is.

  4. People call thermals to metagame by calling thermals the moment they see an Infil, SO, or Pfinder on. Instead of having to give a room as a reason I think a general area is somewhat of a reasonable compromise. 

    ECZ, LCZ, HCZ, Upper DBLOCK, Surface, ect. Facts are, honor-less players are going to not uncloak anyway. I think that also removing a reason and just having an area in general will also improve the experience of the player calling thermals by shortening the reason to a location, and improve the experience of the Infil, SO, or Pfinder by allowing them to ignore the call if they are not in the area. To address the issue argument of exiting the area of a thermal call that minge callers will bring up, it's as simple as calling EZCP, LCCP, or HCZCP.

    Lastly, I entire support the idea of a 5-10 minute reset as I've hidden uncloaked for 45 minutes without being found to see if anyone would turn off thermals(MTF will not, ever).

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