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Posts posted by Kush

  1. Well, it’s time to say goodbye. I have joined the server in September of 2021. Got inspired by my friends to play on the server and I have enjoyed it. I joined Research and GENSEC and have been enjoying the experience. Got up to the rank of SR and applied for command just before the deadline of a research command application. I still remember my nervous heart when I am playing Battlefield 5 with my friends as the application was been looking through. Unfortunately, I didn’t get accepted but got in on the next try. So the moral of the story is always try another time if you didn’t succeed the first time lol. I have been through a lot of fun and stupidity on the server. I have been enjoying it after recently I felt an extreme burnout. So I decided to resign. It’s been a very fun time in all the branches I joined. 


    To everyone that I met on research and the server: I hope you guys keep doing your best and have fun.

    Congarts Moonrose to HOR. Hope Research will improve under you.

    • Gaminglight Love 4
  2. In-Game Name: Kush/Kushy

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:229414891

    Squadron you are applying for: Analyst

    Current RP Rank Held: Former SEC SM, RAS, Nu7 PVT

    If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here:






    How many warns do you have?: 0


    Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team:

    I would like to join the analyst because I would like to test on SCP on a higher scale than before so that I may expand my knowledge of SCP and their ability to either help the foundation and their use to the foundation. RRH is an interesting job that I wanted to explore and expand my knowledge on, especially test logs. I got my interest in the RRH because I have once asked RRH Analyst direction to SCPs and I wanted to become a member of them. Overall I think RRH is a job I would enjoy.


    Why should we accept you:

    I have experience in both GENSEC and the research branches. I have also been around on this server for a while and I am on as often as I can be on the server whenever I can. I have encountered troublemakers and I know how to deal with them. I spent a lot of time on the test logs that I have done and they all had a score of 90% and above. I often help the newcomers in research when I am available. This role could also help to improve me and develop more abilities which helps me to improve myself and the server. Therefore, I think these are good traits to be in RRH.

  3. Name: Kush

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:229414891

    Current Rank: LR

    Time in Research (Estimate): 2 months

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command? (100 word requirement): 

    The Research branch is the first branch I joined when I started playing this server about 2 months ago. I am fairly active but I do need time away from the game from time to time. I go to almost every mass test and help other researchers if I am available. I am happy to bring new researchers on their research on SCPs and supervise them and just advice for a better test experience next time. I would also bring them to SCPs that they don’t have testing clearance on if they wanted. At the same time, I can prepare them for the SCP if they rank up. If I was accepted into the research command the responsibility on me will help me advance and benefit more into research. 

    What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement):

    The things I could bring to the table are that I am usually very calm and patient with other people and I wish to develop friendly relationships between people. I have self-taught myself a way of communicating which does not anger both sides. This means I am very good at solving conflicts and dealing with troublesome players in research. Another one is that I am a reader myself and I’m very confident with my grading skills on test logs and giving my advice. Like I said I am very willing to lead the newcomers on tests and give out advice. 

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):

    I would increase Research activity by doing more mass tests of course. People attend mass tests because they would like a chance to get promoted and rewards, but mostly fun. I would hand out rewards to the most enthusiastic researchers, and therefore, keep them active in the research branch. I would also host more PTs as the other branches do. I know that our branches are non-combatants but researchers also have to practice their aim for when we are attacked. The PT could also include mini-games that could help them with survival when an SCP or CI attack. One good example is the red light, green light game. This can help researchers prepare if SCP-939 is ever breached. I could also start doing trivia on SCPs to increase the knowledge of researchers and give out rewards to correct answers.

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