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Posts posted by Kruzchev

             Hello everyone, I've been really busy IRL the past month or so as some of you could easily tell my activity went way down... nothing bad has happened just life and its never ending/ever changing problems, I am leaving but will be on the server from time to time to say hi. I had a ton of fun on this server and there were many people i was incredibly fortunate to meet as they helped me get back on track and moving forward to what i will be doing in the near future. Special thanks to Naudia and Oregon... We had a ton of fun nights and deep conversations and I hope you both are doing well.

    Colt- One of the first people i met on the server and the first in medical... you trained me into medical and i somehow ended up training you down the line haha. You were the one who started the medical meme that still plagues the facility and my dreams ("Please not my kidneys!") You were one of the people i spent the most time playing with on the server and definitely some of my favorite memories included you.(Probably harassing me verbally/physically ;-; )

    Doggo- we always just made fun of people in d-block and I really enjoyed the numerous conversations we had. 

    ICR- No one i'd rather have at my back fighting through the facility... we had many times were it came to you and I fighting against the odds and still coming out on top(and mostly not haha) you were a big reason i even stayed in GENSEC and im glad i did, i havent seen you in awhile but i hope you are doing well man.

    cOOLcAz- I remember the first few days you joined medical It was chaotic AF... but it was what revamped my desire to play again since my 2 friends that i met on the server left, i had found someone who i looked forward to talking to and have some great memories with now.

    Mary- Literal embodiment of a minge... some of my hardest laughs are the dumb shit we'd all get into in medical, you are a cool person who was all about fun and really easy to talk to. You still smell BTW.

    Xnmora- One of the chillest dudes on the server and probably had the most kills on me. (by Far) 

    InifintyBoot- We had joined medical and became command in it around the same time, we had long talks about your ideas for tests, and did some questionable surgeries on unwilling participants. RIP all those GENSEC and D-class.

    NewRowphin- Always fun to chat with and and a solid PVP'er... all around cool guy.

    Consario/Nefario/Bison- We straight up made a medical mafia and bullied the foundation(especially GENSEC)into giving us money... to the point where the D4 had to step in as we shook down some high ranking individuals...then when you guys were arrested and being interrogated i somehow got you freed and they never were able to recapture you... alive at least haha.

    If you weren't mentioned above if was due to me trying to make this short and sweet... so farewell all! Also my DM's are always open. Take care all.

    • Sad 1
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  2. Doggo... i'll miss the hell out of you man. I will always remember those days in D-block and medical bunks, they were some of my favorite memories on the server...

    Keep in touch, take care of yourself, and i hope to see you soon...

                                                                                                                                                                                         -Kidney Stealing Kruzchev

  3. +Support

    -(ACM)I have been in D-block to halt d-class riots and been arrested by 912 and it makes it impossible to do my job when he looks for any reason to arrest....
    -912 admits the rules are stupid but still continues to "follow" them
    -If im squadding with MTF and we retake d-block he is allowed to arrest me.... doesnt make much sense
    -All i ask is that they make a change to all combatants can have weapons in d-block and take a look at 912's rules again please and thank you!
    (SIDE NOTE: A lot of sits have happened because of this so this would lessen the workload of the admins)

  4. +Support

    -Great In Combat
    -Very easy to get along with and fun to play with (Give me back my ammo😪)
    -Great Leader
    -Makes cool designs😎

    P.s.- Someone went into my Spare Kidney Stash and I will find you!!

  5. 1. What’s your In-Game Name?      Kruzchev

    2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)?      STEAM_0:1:76154018

    3. What is your Rank?       Elite Medic, Senior Field Medic

    4. Total strikes you’ve ever received?       None

    5. How many warnings do you have on GL?    None

    6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?    8

    7. Why do you believe you should become a Medical Command member (100+ words)?
         I would be a good addition to the already phenomenal group of Medical Command because I'm quite active on the server and consider Medical my primary role, being command I could help reduce the workload for everyone in it, deal with most of the whitelisting and logs when needed, and anything else Medical Command would need help with. My time zone is EST but I'm still on at very late hours helping other Medical staff, keeping Med-bay safe and training at the much quieter hours of the server. Being Command I believe I could do a lot of good for the branch by also training FTO's and therefore furthering the ever expanding Medical branch and help make Medical be the best branch it can possibly be.

    [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.]

    8-1. You have found a Resident in HCZ, what do you do?
        First I would stop them and ask how they ended up in HCZ and take them back to Med-bay, If they tell me they were wandering around I'd give them a verbal warning and let others know of this behavior in case it is repeated in the future and explain that going to HCZ is only allowed by certain ranks and certain jobs with valid reasons/permissions and refer them to the SOP's and show them where they are supposed to be. If they told me they escaped SCP 106, CI or Sarkic custody, or any other legitimate reason I'd escort them back to Med-bay and see if they are confused about anything that had happened.

    8-3. You see an Exp Medic shooting D-Class in D-Block, what do you do?
        I'd Ask them why they were shooting at the D-class and if told in self defense I'd ask the situation in which he needed to defend himself and make my judgement from there and try to ask others in d-block if what they say is true when getting a conflicting story of events. If he gives a invalid reason such as it was for fun.. I'd contact an admin for punishment and most likely a punishment request for the individual and let Command decide.

    • Like 1
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  6. 1. What is your in-game name?:      Kruzchev

    2. Steam ID:        STEAM_0:1:76154018

    3. Current Rank in Security:       SM

    4. Time on the server:      +2 Weeks

    5. Current level:     60

    6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?:    8

    7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?:      None

    8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?:      1LT Rurikovis & CPT akrew10

    9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?:     Yes

    10. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?:      Yes 

    10. Why do you think you deserve access to the  Security Juggernaut Job? (125+ WORDS):

             I'm quite active on the server and especially during our night time (7PM-2AM EST), our night time crew is very small and is generally consisting of some enlisted and maybe a few Nco's and Command, and with this amount of Security we can barely even handle the inevitable Class-D riots. We generally are fine and somehow manage, that is until researchers need escorts and we lose the few men we have at D-block, D-block even light on manpower an Nco or Command would feel more inclined in allowing an escort despite being light staffed because the Juggernaut would give them some peace of mind knowing such a formidable soldier would be there which can deal with multiple D-class due to his equipment. When we are raided by CI which the enlisted have no chance of competing against them for the most part due to Health and equipment difference, having a Juggernaut will be a huge game changer for security and give us a better fighting chance, NU7 Command will have someone to call upon for assistance in Hcz or anything else they deem fit when short staffed.

    11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a D-Class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: 

    This would depend on distance to target: 
    -As a Jugg I'd run to the target and use my Nova in most situations
    -Short distance I'd use the Nova as the spread is not much when aiming in(I have it on ACM)
    -Short-Medium distance I'd use M60 and tap fire to avoid the recoil making me miss my shots(Have never used M60 before, so when I do ill find out if I'm correct) 
    -Short-Long distances I'd use CZ-75 to have sure hits on my target.
    ---Tranquilizer M9 is never to be used on Humans!!!!(Only Specified SCP's)
    ---If there are any other gun they have it isn't listed from what I can see.

  7. + Support 

    -Infinity has shown dedication to medical time and time again through his extensive tests and logs
    -Friendly and supportive to ALL in medical 
    -Knowledgeable on the SOP's
    -Very active and great to work with

  8. 1. What is your In-game Name:  Kruzchev

    2. SteamID-(steamid.xyz if you need to get it):  STEAM_0:1:76154018   

    3. Rank:  SFM EXPM

    4. Time on server:  1 Week (Returned to G.L. in August)

    5. Total strikes ever received:  None 

    6. How many warns do you have on GL:  None  

    7. Who gave you permission to apply:  Bison & Consario

    8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?:  8

    9. Why do you think you’re fit for ACM (60+ words):     
    - I believe I'm fit for ACM because I consider Medical to be my primary duty and role, I want to be able to defend Med-bay, fellow medical, and potential patients more effectively. When I have been on Security or Field Medic I've seen many instances where Medical staff including myself are taken prisoner, assaulted, or murdered and I'm unable to stop the perpetrators every time effectively. There aren't many ACM's actively on, but when they are they are a huge asset and game changer, I would like to step up and take the role as one of the guardians of Med-Bay. Being an ACM would give me the much needed tools to keep any foundation members needing assistance safer and allow me to do my job more effectively and yield more positive results. 

    10: (Bonus question, this is in no way required, but it gets you some brownie points) CI is currently raiding. You see an MTF E-11 CPL at 27% health running away from a fight. Just as you start to examine his condition, an MTF A1 Captain comes up to you and asks you to help them fend off the CI. What do you do?
    -I would give a suggestion to the Captain to have the entire team pull back so I can tend to the wounded, that would allow the Captain to have more capable fighters to his disposal, and if he disagrees then I would try to at least get the CPL into a safe area to give him proper medical attention, even though ACM is more of a combat role than other medical staff, giving medical treatment to others is the primary goal and fighting is secondary.

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