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Water Splash

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Posts posted by Water Splash

  1. 25 minutes ago, Pope Mobile Door Gunner said:

    People call thermals to metagame by calling thermals the moment they see an Infil, SO, or Pfinder on. Instead of having to give a room as a reason I think a general area is somewhat of a reasonable compromise. 

    ECZ, LCZ, HCZ, Upper DBLOCK, Surface, ect. Facts are, honor-less players are going to not uncloak anyway. I think that also removing a reason and just having an area in general will also improve the experience of the player calling thermals by shortening the reason to a location, and improve the experience of the Infil, SO, or Pfinder by allowing them to ignore the call if they are not in the area. To address the issue argument of exiting the area of a thermal call that minge callers will bring up, it's as simple as calling EZCP, LCCP, or HCZCP.

    Lastly, I entire support the idea of a 5-10 minute reset as I've hidden uncloaked for 45 minutes without being found to see if anyone would turn off thermals(MTF will not, ever).

    Actually that would be a better way to handle thermals less arguments from that too

  2. 3 hours ago, Cloaker said:

    bruh the scenario you described could be dealt with by staff

    When it comes to thermals being activated only around the person that adverted it I feel this would lead to too much confusion and mistakes -Support

    Now something I would like to see is thermals deactivate after a certain time period (ex: 5/10 minutes)

    That's allso what I'm trying to argue too but to be honest it's more on the mtf side then it is CI as we don't use thermals nearly as much as they do but that's besides the point 

  3. Another thing to note jobs that involve stealth/cloaking are not being used as much as it becomes more stressful to play on said class the server should have a fun environment not a game of debate about he said or she said or what he or she did folk should not have to feel stressed over any job there on 

  4. Post name: “Changes to thermal rules”

    What are you suggesting? - Thermal rules need to be better enforced plus thermals should be limited to the room they are inside aka call out the room in advert in addition to calling thermals and reason

    How would this change better the server? - Honestly I'm going to probably get a lot of -support for this but i think this would better change the server as there have been several arguments on time limits on thermals and thermal rules are not that well defined and even then no one ever turns off thermals playing infil frequently I've honestly never seen players EVER turn off thermals and this is not a attack towards anyone in particular but its extremely annoying when I want to do some scouting and someone out of the blue calls thermals and im afraid to re cloak even after some time has past due to no one cutting them off in addition there have been several arguments where players accuse others of not uncloaking as someone could be in the room adjacent to where they hear the infil and that player being called out when they did follow suit and uncloaked to the advert i can speak for some players in this post that its making them uncomfortable too and lastly the player who calls the thermals should end the thermal exceptions could be made if the player had to leave but someone else would have to call it in there stead

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No i don't feel there's no negative changes but open to what others say in the comments 

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone who generally plays stealth classes plus make it more fair to those who just want to have a better stealth ops experience in reality someone name ANY thermal that reveals every invisible entity within a entire facility im not only arguing enforcement but pure sensible logic 

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

    Lastly before anyone comments Yes i understand MTF and Gensec need a RP reason but i want this better enforced because if both infils are dead there should be No reason to keep thermals on the 15 min rule would still apply if the infils hide and remain undetected but alot of mtf forget to turn off thermals when there is clearly no threat anymore 

    • Like 2
  5. I'm going to be straightforward to everyone arguing in this room yes i agree with some of you that i am strange and i never word my jokes the best but this entire argument has gotten a bit out of hand guys I don't even have much interest to go far in staff that is not my goal my intention is just to help not start this crazy fight there's many players like myself who cant do certain things during the extremely late hours that's mostly due to work and why I've applied to begin with I understand some of you guys outright hate me and i respect and thank those who supported me but being transparent in this statement i only have to say this you can never be sure until someone is given the chance to try to do something out of common sense why would i even abuse the power if it was handed to me? with how medal and killlog are a thing id have to be a outright idiot to misuse the power the purpose of leadership is to help and grow not act uncertain and be upset over things that really aren't a thing to begin with to those who -support me i understand you dislike me and im here to say one thing i respect your decision what I don't respect is being continuous about a issue already spoken about the past is the past if I'm not allowed to help then fine i understand the thesis on both sides but in the true honest end I'm not sure if i would even take it if it was offered now whether I'm in or not i will accept the result and move on lastly, those who hate me and dislike me my dms are always open and im more then happy to resolve any issues you may have with me or misunderstandings and understand ill take your criticism as long as its constructive and informative thank you    P.S: i dont expect most of you to do that but my door is always open im not going to let this consume me no matter how ugly the comments get

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  6. So about last week i had a crazy thing happen in CI base just as i was about to turn in for the night scp 999 and 1424 randomly came into the base and started to make insane plans to take over the world this log was based off from that night (its mostly a joke log to whoever's grading it its just more for comedy reasons at this point then anything else despite it actually happening)


  7. What is your in-game name?: Water Splash

    What is your steam name?: Water Splash

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:35408311

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) i was a moderator for a few gaming clans in the past prior to applying here i currently work for no community at this time but i have about 5 years of moderation experience under the belt and know how to handle most situations that occur even in the more extreme cases if needed i have no current experience in staffing in a gmod server however despite saying this if references are required i will do my best to provide any info

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) about 4-5 months ago? i cannot estimate but in a rough estimate id say 4.5 months

    What date did you make your forums account? august 15th 2021 (i made my forum account a while after i started scprp)

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?  User

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?

    Have you donated? Yes I'm a Plat rank donator

    What rank are you applying for? Trial Mod

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No i am currently not working for another community at this time 

    Have you read the staff guidelines? Yes i have and will continue to review it as needed

    Time zone: MST

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) : I've spent a great amount of time in every branch in the server and getting to know everyone and hanging out in a lot of those branches for a good chunk of time I enjoy helping the community out and helping new users get acquainted and feel welcome to the server and trying to help staff as much as I can if I encounter a problem or issue within the server should it be a bug or if I see a player trying to cause trouble or minge I also believe I deserve the rank because of the time I spent with others in the game I normally play the odd hours due to my job but I've helped a considerable amount of players with issues no one had answers to whenever the server was inactive or dead during specific times of the day plus my reputation is leaning more to the positive side and I can say with great confidence that I'm known in the community and would like to help make the server a better place for others to enjoy not just for new players but existing players too most importantly I like to get involved with others and always ask for there feedback whenever I was a fto for a branch or if I was helping a new guy who just joined the server out i want to help make the server a welcoming and fun community I'm not the best with applications but I hope I can make a difference someday  and help back an amazing community! 🙂 

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? : First I would bring the player to a sit along with the accusing party and first try to calm things down then calmly discuss the issue with them I would ask for a clip also try to figure out what lead to this occurring in the first place whether that be listening to both sides and be  friendly and courteous if  it came to a point where the accuser is greatly at fault i will warn him accordingly but also remind the offender what he did wrong and assure it wont happen again  I sometimes try to see the better side of players even if there in my face cursing me out but if something as extreme as mrdm is concerned i would review kill logs and evidence and punish accordingly to the staff book guidelines and depending on the severity of the offense extend it but only if necessary i would treat a situation like this with transparency and treat both parties involved with respect I don't want to punish players if it can be helped most of my responses heavily depend on the situation at hand the goal i feel is to keep players on the server not remove them.

    Screenshot (271).png

  8. In this log I may of been a bit graphic hopefully it doesn't break rules I kind of took of the kids gloves a bit with this interrogation but wasn't  too harsh with the story from me this is more of a medium but hey I need to see what's ok and what's not right? (lastly yes i know i cannot interrogate command members but we had no one else on atm and vinder was afk for a long time)



    Your in game name: Water Splash

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35408311

    The player's in game name:

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:526962056, STEAM_0:0:537165504 and STEAM_0:0:580976848

    Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 10/7/2021

    What did the player do: Faye was teaming up with 682 and mass minging in medical branch the additional steam id im reporting is from a guy named draven who was combat healing 682 aswell i only have the screenshot shown but i have multiple witnesses such as 1LT Lee  and Maxi72 can provide steam ids if needed 

    Evidence (required): see screenshot 

    What do you believe should happen to the player: i believe Faye should be warned and striked on medical and draven should be also warned for his actions on combat healing 682

    Any extra information: if you need more info please speak to me or any of the witnesses 

    Screenshot (263).png

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