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Peanut The Great

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Posts posted by Peanut The Great

  1. 5 minutes ago, Michael_ said:



    So the RDM/MRDM is meh but racism is big not only that you have come to some D5 and saying you have posted your app for D5 which is known as advertising your application

    He asked me to show it to him I wasn't advertising it


  2. Name - Peanut 

    Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:238579153

    Discord Name - Ryanthegamer8914#6284-ADVR Peanut The Great

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)-  Research, Advanced Researcher 

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - FailRp, RDM, RDM, MRDM, Player Diss, Racism. none of them are active.

    Why do you want to join Delta-5?: Mostly to shoot CI and D-class but it seems like an interesting job very fun, very cool and I really want to become a G9 they are awesome and my command Pablo and [GL] Marcus said I should.

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) Well I think everyone deservers a shoot at being what they really want to be and as Researcher you don't really get any action so I want to become a D5 to Secure SCP's. Contain any anomalies. Protect the facility and the civilians, also giving escorts and protecting D-block seems fun but I just to have fun without breaking any rules.

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Of Course!

  3. Steam Name: goodtry XD

    Ingame Name: Peanut The Great


    Job Blacklisted From: Research

    Reason for the Job Blacklist:Jumping into D block, Lying about a command member, previous removals   

    Dispute: During "Dead Hours" I was doing random stuff with D class [ not test ] like doing a weird leg model glitch which made your legs look like spaghetti and a few other things then from what I remember the guy that killed me said that he couldn't hear me and thot I wanted a reset but he didn't just kill me once he killed me three times but the third time I ran and jumped into lower D block and then he sniped me. Now  Lying about command member I truly do not remember about that but I did that and I'm sorry for that even though I don't remember doing that, this thing was 4 months ago plus I have some memory problems. Last thing previous removals that was because I had school so I stopped playing and since I didn't put a leave of absence I got removed, the second time was because I was going on a family trip and it was short notice so I again couldn't make a leave of absence since we were there to have fun and relax and I complete forgot about contacting anyone.  Again I am truly sorry for what I did and I hope that HCMD will give me another chance of doing what I enjoy test and experiments.

  4. What is your in-game name?: DrGaster

    What is your steam name?: goodtry XD

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:238579153

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) No

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) August 12, 2021

    What date did you make your forums account?  August 13, 2021

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank) N/A

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)  5  image.png.4fd14b58abb1ebbe8eb8d44f00cd1fe0.png

    (if you can't read it its RDM,RDM,RDM,MRDM.Player Diss and Fail RP)

    What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc) User

    What rank are you applying for?  Trail Moderator 

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No

    Have you read the staff guidelines at ? - Yes I have.

    Time zone: EEST

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) If I'm serious Its nice to help people even if they are angry, disrespectful, but they cant just make everyone else also mad it would just ruin peoples relaxing time or fun time everyone deserves to have the right to have fun, another reason is   I've read the maintenance and researcher SOP and the Motd about the scp's so I can help many new people to the server that came to have fun. Also I took some time of to think about my mistakes and I'm starting to miss having fun, some  times I helped new Researchers, D class and people who were confused because it was nice seeing new people have fun and not get in trouble and I think by becoming a Trial Mod or even higher I could help more people out. And I'm ready to be devoted to helping other's. So That is why I think I should become a Trial Mod.   

    Q1:How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First I'd become an administrator then I would ask why were you MRDMing then they be cursing at me then I would tell them to calm down if they still continue to curse and scream I would first gag him, write him a warn for MRDMing then I would call a Moderator+ since I can't ban them and then explain what happened.

    Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation? So there would be no other option so I would separate them and freeze them in place then I would start to talk to them one by one and ask for photo or video evidence. 

  5. What is your in-game name?: DrGaster

    What is your steam name?: goodtry XD

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:238579153

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) No

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) August 12, 2021

    What date did you make your forums account?  August 13, 2021

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank) N/A

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)  5 20220714123641_1.thumb.jpg.5d221a70597afff9a25aa19e497a5cb1.jpg.11c2dd7909362d3643125c7b5d3d09f3.jpg

    (if you can't read it its RDM,RDM,RDM,MRDM.Player Diss and Fail RP)

    What rank are you applying for?  Trail Moderator 

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No

    Have you read the staff guidelines at ? - Yes I have

    Timezone: EEST

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I deserve the become a Trail Moderator the first I'm familiar with the MOTD so I know when someone is breaking it. The second reason I think I deserve to become a Trail Moderator is I am active during off hour's which are the hours when a lot of people RDM,  I know the rules for both sides[ CI/GOI and Foundation] also I don't get mad or annoyed from the people that only come on the server to minge or troll, like MRDM for no reason, prop abusing or FailRP. Another reason I think I should become a Trial Moderator is because I observed many Admins/Moderators and I think I know how to act, to never take side's and always check for proof no matter the rank, example an EXPR saw an AR try to do a test during code Red but the AR has proof that shows that he/she was in  bunks during code RED.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First I'd become an administrator then I would ask why were you MRDMing then they be cursing at me then I would tell them to calm down if they still continue to curse and scream I would first gag him, write him a warn for MRDMing then I would call a Moderator+ since I can't ban them and then explain what happened.

  6. Steam Name: goodtry XD

    Ingame Name: DrGaster

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:238579153

    Job Blacklisted From: Research 

    Reason for the Job Blacklist: Jumping into Lower D block, killing D class for no reason.

    Dispute: On one day the server was empty, there were about 34 people on most were afk. I  became Research [or Assistant Research] then I went to upper D block and asked if they could give me a D class to test on, but they didn't have enough GENSEC Personnel  so then I waited for a couple hours [probably 1 hour and 30 minutes], then I came back there were D class and they were messing around with Physics Guns and props, so I joined them, we were having fun and the guards didn't mind. So a couple minutes later one of the guards joined us he was an Admin [or Moderator] we were having fun but then he killed me [RDM] and then I came back and asked him why did he do it he was silent, then like 4 minutes later he kills me again then I came back he started shooting me then I sprinted to a ledge and jumped over the I was going to go up the elevator, but then he started to shot me so I ran away behind the tower then he brought me to a sit and told me that what I did was Failrp and gave me a warn when i asked why did he shot me he said he ''thought'' I wanted a reset[ when I had 100hp] and then he returned me, a week later I was blacklisted from research and I fell bad, but what I did was wrong and now I learned and I will never do that ever again, but is not up to me its up to HCMD if they forgive me that is it.

    P.s I couldn't report him because he was the only admin, and sadly I didn't have video recordings because my folder was full [ I stream a lot and most of them were 2 hour long videos]

  7. So i was doing a test on a CC Class D so he had weapons and well he tricked me to letting him go cus he said that as a CC you cant do it so yeah he started to kill/attack the RIS so i defended the RIS and he said i cant cus hes a combat something and then he reported me the MOD said that i cant kill/attack unless i get hurt [ but someone told me that if a fellow research gets attacked i can help them unless it endangered me] so then i got a warn for RDM and i want to appeal that warn

    i cant give a video here [if i did it be missing a lot of information] but if you need it i can somehow send you the video that shows it all

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