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REEFER brownie TTV

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Posts posted by REEFER brownie TTV

  1. Please review your application and add to it. This application is way below the minimum expectation as it stands right now. Giving you a second chance for a better application. 
    Good Luck!

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  2. On 1/11/2022 at 1:42 PM, Lydus said:

    Dedicated member of the community.
    - Active and keeps his battalion active.
    - Is a incredibly great guy to talk to and interact with.
    - Has the required experience and is extremely invested into Havoc.
    - Understands what is required of the position and knows the battalion like the back of his hand.


  3. Before you all say it is OVERPOWERED. Brawler subbranch already has this base HP of 750. We are making it even for the rest of the battalion to be fair. The reason for this entire suggestion is because, WE are a battalion that prioritizes over Jedi encounters. The sub branch "Brawler" are the only troopers who stand the longest with a fight with a Jedi. Officers and Heavies can take only 3 hits which in lightsaber combat, can be instant. This suggestion is to give them a little more standing chance to be a proper battalion against Jedi Threats. I'm not aiming for Purge to be tanks, this is just a extra tick of damage that Purge can withstand from a lightsaber and increases their chance of survival to back away, get help, or just tiny bit more damage against the threat.

  4. Battalion Name: Purge

    Job/Class Name: Purge Trooper Brawler

    - Current loadout: tfa_electrobladesfx

    - Add: 200 Base damage

    Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): Yes 100% as they are lacking when it comes to DPS against Jedi and are very vulnerable against them.


    Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes because the brawlers electroblades do very miniscule damage to the enemy and defeats the purpose of their role as Jedi Fighters.


    Battalion Name: Purge

    Job/Class Name: Purge Trooper Heavy

    Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):


    - Current:500

    - New: 750

    Reason for health/armor changes: As the heavy trooper, should have higher increased health to combat lightsaber damage. 500 Is not enough to combat against Jedi.

    Description (Optional): 


    Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes, it would make it fair for the heavy troopers who see less active brawler troopers with higher base health. We are Jedi Hunters, need to be able to resist just a tad more damage. Troopers fall within seconds of encountering a Jedi.


    Battalion Name: Purge

    Job/Class Name: Purge Officer

    Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):


    - Current:500

    - New: 750

    Reason for health/armor changes: As the Officer, should have higher increased health to combat lightsaber damage and be more sturdy than Heavies and Brawlers.

    Description (Optional): 


    Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Currently Purge Officers have a base health of 500 and are the quickest to die in a Jedi Encounter. Need to be buffed to fit their battalions role of a Jedi Hunter.


    Battalion Name: Purge

    Job/Class Name: Purge Trooper Command

    Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):


    - Current:750

    - New:  800

    Reason for health/armor changes: To fairly scale for the new officer HP. Their base HP is same as brawlers. Should be increased above new officer HP.


    Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: It will fairly match the sliding scale of ranks and their HP. And make their role more fitting for their position.

  5. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Purge Vice Commander Kashak


    2. What Regiment are you applying for? Purge Commander


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I have been with the battalion for 5 long months, and have made it to the rank of Vice Commander for 3 months. I have a lot of passion for this battalion and it is time for the next Commander. I wish to step up as a leader and bring new things to the battalion as I already do. (Missions, Sims, Experimental trainings, ETC.) I also want to become Commander to have even more say in cases for purge and keep it in balance. Enforce the SOP and Guides. Encourage and Promote promising Officers. Be a leading example for NCO's and Enlisted. Being a Commander means having leadership, respect, character, and intuitiveness, which through all of those, I believe I can prove that I will fit the position.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server? I currently have 682:54 hrs on ImperialRP and am committed to playing on this server.


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? You are the very model of what Purge is and have to show a good example.
    Lead the battalion entirely with the support of the Vice Commanders. Deal with all out of game charts (such as roster updates, LOAs, ETC)
    Always looking for new and innovative ways to keep and promote activity. Uphold the SOP and all guidelines, and enforce the SOP within the battalion. Plan and execute Missions, SIMs, and Trainings for the battalion. Promote who deserves it. Train Officers effectively, keep tabs on all troopers. Make sure NCO+ are in TS and overall just making sure the entire Battalion is being fully operational.


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I have put 95% of my play time into Purge. I have the respect of my Officers, NCO's and Enlisted. I have done no untrustworthy behavior at all on the server and am going to continue it that way. I always follow the rules given and to a T. I lead my battalion as Vice Commander and interact with them every day. I know how to show myself as a leader, and I believe I have proved it as Vice Commander. I uphold my Vice Commander duties with keeping the battalions activity steady and growing, by sims, missions or trainings, promoting the hard working troopers. Assist in daily updates (Roster updates, LOA, ROA) and so on.


    7. How often can you be Online? : 
    7am-5:30pm EST - I got work.
    7am-3:30pm EST - Work but off two hours early.
    All days free.
    So basically any time after 5:30 Monday-Thursday, 3:30 on friday, and Saturday and Sunday I'll be on most of the day.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have zero warnings, strikes, bans, PTs.

  6. Your name: REEFER brownie/ Purge Vice Commander Kashak

    Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): REEFER brownie ❤️ #7446

    Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 285605598760796161

    Which discord server were you banned on? Gaminglight ImperialRP

    What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)?  (Advertising in DMs.) I was checking Chico's name in the command discord after seeing it turned white (Assuming it was a joke by the moderator team) I right clicked on his name to check his roles, it didn't show up so I tried to exit out of the right click tab. What happened is I accidently clicked on invite to server which opened up a subtab. (Which I never knew I could do cause I wasn't paying attention.) I invited him to one of the other communities I used to play on before gaminglight but it was by sheer accident. I was playing on ImperialRP on gmod and I got a notification from the pancake bot saying I'm banned from the discord server. Reason, Advertising in DMs. I went into a panic cause I didn't know what DM I was advertising, I didn't advertise to anyone, and I saw in my discord recent chats a Darth Terror. I clicked on the name and there it was, the discord invite that I never meant to send. I told chico and he wasn't happy about it, but I swear it was by accident. At first I didn't know how it happened, I thought I was hacked so I left the GTAW discord and changed my password, but 5 minutes later after chatting in TS, we figured it out and I recalled that was messing with Chico's name after seeing his name turn white. 

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned?

    As I said in my appeal, it was completely by accident and didn't know what I misclicked, this was the result.

    *Edit to the title to ban appeal, I had "unban appeal"*



  7. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Purge Vice Commander Kashak


    2. What Regiment are you applying for? Purge Commander


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I have been with the battalion for 3 long months, and have made it to the rank of Vice Commander. I have a lot of passion for this battalion and it is time for the next Commander. I wish to step up as a leader and bring new things to the battalion as I already do. I also want to become Commander to have even more say in cases for purge and keep it in balance. Enforce the SOP and Guides. Encourage and Promote promising Officers. Be a leading example for NCO's and Enlisted. 


    4. How much game time do you have on the server? I currently have 535:04 hrs on the server and it will continue to rise.


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? You are the very model of what Purge is and have to show a good example.
    Lead the battalion entirely with the support of the Vice Commanders. Deal with all out of game charts (such as roster updates, LOAs, ETC)
    Always looking for new and innovative ways to keep and promote activity. Uphold the SOP and all guidelines, and enforce the SOP within the battalion. Plan and execute Missions, SIMs, and Trainings for the battalion. Promote who deserves it.


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I have put 95% of my play time into Purge. I have the respect of my Officers, NCO's and Enlisted. I have done no untrustworthy behavior at all on the server and am going to continue it that way. I always follow the rules given and to a T. I lead my battalion as Vice Commander and interact with them every day. I know how to show myself as a leader, and I believe I have proved it as Vice Commander.


    7. How often can you be Online? : 
    So today 10/12/21 is my birthday, I went out today and got hired at a warehouse. My hours are subject to change drastically. But I know the hours of work. I will be working 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM. So 6PM EST and after will be my active hours. Saturdays and Sundays I will be free all day. My first day is 10/21/21.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have zero warnings, strikes, bans, PTs.

    (Edit: I added the poll)

  8. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Purge BJL COL Kashak CY48


    2. What Regiment are you applying for? Purge Vice Commander


    3. Why do you want to be a vice commander of this branch? I have spent a lot of time within the battalion and more than half of it is rising in the officer ranks. I have reached the pinnacle of success and leadership to the rank of Colonel. I wish to rise to vice commander to continue my leadership among my fellow Officers, NCOs, Enlisted and converse with the command team. I am already active and a strong member of our battalion and believe I have what it takes. It has a lot of pressure to the job, but I am sturdy and vigilant and up to the task. I also want to become Vice Commander as the new Brawler Lead and guide the sub battalion that has not had a lot of good admiration in the past. I am currently the Brawler Junior Lead hoping to get Brawler booming.

    I want to continue the growth of Purge to the farthest extent it can possibly go. I negate most mingy behavior, keep up our morale and respect, Follow proper trainings, give out clear orders that are needed, Radio disciplined, weapon disciplined, and loyal. I have taken a lot of time into Purge and I want to strive for the success of our battalion and lead our troopers to glory. 

    I want to bring new ideas to Purge whether it be a mission or sim, I want to always be bringing something new for our battalion and have new and better experiences.

    I also know it has more background work to the job, but I am also ready for it as I have experience with these types of things, like roster updates, LOA/ROAs, and all that fancy stuff. 


    4. How much game time do you have on the server? I currently have 118:23, apparently (According to battle metrics). I feel like I have played a lot more time into it, but through all the days I have played. It has been 3 months since I joined the server and joined purge. (Edited portion): I actually have 302:45 time. Someone showed me my actual time.


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a vice commander for a branch? They are to be a leading role model and carry on the orders of the Commander, and Lore IQ. They are the Commanders Guides and Guards and work together for the benefit for the entire battalion. The vice commander is to enforce the SOP and keep order within the battalion along with the officers. Vice commanders have to keep track of their battalion and update the rosters. Update/Fix guidelines. Gather all Purge for fun activities, missions, Joint sims, Purge events. 

    Main purpose of a vice commander is to keep the Battalion active. Have to be a leading person and grow the battalion in your hands. Give out proper training, keep the SOP, Enforce CoC. Give out thorough and clear Orders to Officers and NCOs. Promote who deserves them. Insist on more Tryouts, and willing to do tryouts theirself.


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I have been here for 3 months and reached to the Rank of Colonel. My Officers and NCOs respect me, as well as I would think, so do the Command team and Lore IQ.  I sometimes may be a little quiet, but I can talk when I need to, and I have shown no reason for to not have trust in me. I have Zero strikes, Zero warnings, Zero Bans or kicks. I am tolerable and have shown good leadership among the troops, and as Ground command a few times. I have shown my maturity and respect and loyalty and want to continue doing so within Purge as it is my favorite Battalion.


    7. How often can you be Online? : Currently, I can be on any time, any day. But that is subject to change soon once I get a new job IRL. If I get this job I am applying for, I know they work Monday-Friday. So I will have Saturdays and Sundays available. And the Hours I would assume are 10am to 5pm? I don't know until I get the job. I assume I will have time in the afternoon EST and I stay up till 2 AM normally.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I do not have any warnings, Kicks, bans.

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