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Posts posted by FluffyArtist

  1. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :


    2. What Regiment are you applying for? 

    Shock Vice Commander


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?


    During my time on Shock I have been getting more and more involved in the battalion as a whole. I take my time to help out our new recruits, lead us to successful missions, and make sure the battalion is in the best shape we can be. I have proven myself to be an efficient Lead for Heavy, and I have climbed the ranks through Shock. I’m not perfect, but I do my best to make sure we not only make Shock proud, but make sure the ISD can be better. I want to be able to help my entire battalion with tasks, and that includes taking up the tasks no one wants to deal with. When we have a meeting or talk between officers I constantly try to encourage new ideas on activities for the battalion, so it doesn't feel like we're repeating the same tasks day in and day out.  I host SIMs to make sure my battalion aren’t just standing guard all day, but also making sure we understand our SOP and the Imperial Laws at all times. Even when we're on missions, I'm right there making sure my troopers are taken care of, and showing them how to take charge. I believe that with all that my battalion has been though, and how much work is left to be done, I can help by stepping up and becoming Vice Commander. As a Vice Commander I believe I can lead Shock to greatness.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

     366:26 Hours, or 9 months


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?


    The main purpose for a Vice Commander is to oversee, guide, and maintain the battalion with the Commander. As a Vice Commander, you are in charge of making sure your officers are not only trusted to lead the battalion, but to make sure NCOs and Enlisted are prepared for anything. Making sure your fellow troopers know their responsibilities and how they can effectively make being in Shock enjoyable. Vice Commanders are to help Commanders with not only the battalions, but making sure everything technical is running smoothly. Vice Commanders are the Commander’s right hand, and with that maintain the battalion when the Commander is absent. A Vice Commander should not only make sure the battalion is running smooth, but that it's running strong. Vice Commanders should be calm, listen to their troopers when they have issues, be one of the first on site if there's an issue, and show everyone how it's done. Vice Commanders should be able to find solutions to problems that may occur, and take a bit of the weight off the Commander's shoulder. 

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :


    During my time here, I have proven that I can lead Shock to be one of the best battalions on the ISD. I have not only experience from rising the ranks here on Shock, but also my time on Medical shows I am dedicated to any battalion I am in. I make sure my Officers feel heard when there are issues; I make sure my NCOs know I am there for them if they need someone to guide them. I urge my Enlisted to participate and show them how Shock aren’t just the guards of the ISD, that there is a side to Shock you have to join to see. I make sure to not just tell my battalion how to lead, but to lead by example. I’m not afraid to try new ideas for formations, and will actively urge that we try them out during SIMs. During events I let my Officers take charge in making sure our troopers are in line and follow orders so they may have the recognition they deserve to have. And during my time as Heavy Lead I have recruited, trained, and maintained one of the strongest Sub battalions on the ISD.  With all of these things in mind, I believe I have earned the trust to lead this battalion, and to earn the rank of Vice Commander.


    7. How often can you be Online? :

     I can be on 5 days a week, at least 5/6 hours each day.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    No warnings

  2. What is your in-game name?




    What is your current rank?




    How much time do you have on the server`?


     247 Hours


    Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer?


     Throughout my time on Shock I feel I have appropriately showed I can lead this battalion not only in combat, but to work together as a team. While I admit I can get headstrong, I work hard and don’t take nonsense. I have shown my devotion to my battalion and want to do whatever it takes to make us united and strong. I believe my actions and performance can verify that I’m ready to take charge, and my previous experiences can help strengthen Shock.


    Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position?


     Though the time I’ve spent on the server I have done nothing but grow as an individual, and even when the chips are down I make sure to put my battalion first, and myself second. I believe that not only do my actions within Shock prove my loyalty, my attitude with other battalions show I can maintain good relations even if they may not like one of their own had been arrested. I keep a level head when going into unknown situations and follow orders to the letter, keeping my decisions firm yet fair.


    If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't?


    If chosen I can add more SIMs to not only coordinate our troopers in working together, but also make sure the moral of the team is kept high. I can bring more drills that can help maintain proper formations and the best ways to handle hypothetical situations that may happen in combat. I can also host non physical SIMs that can help a moral curve our team may have and what would be appropriate in real combat situations.


    How active can you be?


    As of now I can be active in the afternoons at least 3-4 weekdays and most weekends.

  3. 1. What's your in-game name and rank (Ex: MC HS SNR CMDR Blarg 2512):


    MC RS CSM Fluffy 8561


    2: What's your time zone?


    Eastern Standard


    3: What's your SteamID?




    4: Why do you want to be a medical officer?


    I want to be an officer because I want to be able to do more stuff within Medical Corps like host SIM's Not just combat SIM's but also fun SIMs like Hide and Seek, Therapy, possibly even SIMs that we’ve never done before. Another reason I want to be an officer is to help Medical Corps improve. I have climbed up through the enlisted ranks and proved that I am able to keep responsibility and take command when nobody else will and/or can. I want to be an officer so I can help teach new skills and bring us closer as a battalion and I have an abundance of ideas for the Surgeons and Research Squadron. I see ranks as milestones that should be achieved and I want to continue achieving and having fun on the server.


    5: What's your activity like on a scale from 1 to 10: (1 being terrible activity and 10 being

    on daily for a while):




    6: Why should you be a medical officer?


    I work extremely hard and won't take nonsense. I help keep Medical strong running and I'm constantly active. I should be a Medical officer because I have shown my devotion to the battalion in many ways. I have been on Medical daily since I have joined and this is my only life, so I’m committed to the battalion. I’m always helping out the lower ranks when they need help and even helped my SOs when they needed it. I even help keep an eye out on problematic guests who want to minge in Medbay. I also step in when they make people uncomfortable.


    7: How well do you command other troopers?


    I try to keep a level head and if I need help I make sure to follow the CoC. I analyze the situation at hand and decide what the best course of action would be to maintain a peaceful, but effective way to usher. I also keep my decisions firm yet fair. Especially when it comes to how my team is behaving and how they represent Medical as an entire battalion. During experiments, I make sure my Scientists not only have their opinions heard but also that they get the full credit they deserve.


    8: Why should we accept your application over other applications?


    As stated above I am an active member, and through the time I've spent on this game I've been nourishing my skills and have helped our battalion grow. I should be accepted over other applicants because I shine among them with my different ideas and prospective. This proves that I am more than capable to hold a position of responsibility. It also shows my devotion to the battalion. I spent a lot of time on this; in fact there are not many officers in the researcher’s area. And I want to change those statistics by becoming an officer.

  4. 1. What's your in-game name and rank:(Ex: MC HS SNR CMDR Blarg 2512):

    MC SG 1SG RS Fluffy 8561

    2: What's your time zone?:

    Eastern Standard

    3: What's your SteamID?: 


    4: Why do you want to be a medical officer?: 

    I've been working hard, doing the best I can for Medical and I believe the best way I can better myself and help my battalion is to move up the ranks and become an officer.

    5: What's your activity like on a scale from 1 to 10: (1 being terrible activity and 10 being on daily for a while):


    6: Why should you be a medical officer?:

    I work extremely hard and won't take nonsense. I will keep Medical strong, and I'm constantly active. I don't get into trouble, I love SIMs and like to Roleplay, and will continue to rise and work through the ranks. 

    7: How well do you command other troopers?:

    I keep a level head and firmly, yet fairly, lead other troopers 

    8: Why should we accept your application over other applications?: 
    I'm online daily, and through the time I've spent on this game, I've been strengthening my skills and can help grow our battalion. 

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