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sups.gg jccbsc

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Posts posted by sups.gg jccbsc

  1. Player nlfe roseland, Steam id STEAM_0:1:563584531 called me the b word and said "That's why no one on the server likes you." because he tried mugging me twice in under 30 minutes and I pasted the MOTD rule, so he got mad. I reported him to Trial Moderator Slick. nlfe roseland then admitted to player dissing me, but Slick didn't hear him because he was talking. nlfe roseland then said "Yeah, where's your video evidence?" and then lied saying "I didn't admit." I then ended the report and left, Slick then warned me. Slick did nothing because he was talking over nlfe roseland. And he let him continually disrespect and badger me.

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