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Fabian Fox

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Posts posted by Fabian Fox

  1. +Support

    - Would like to be able to have the freedom to move across a room without being melted by NPCs that are not supposed to be able to hits with such accuracy.

    - Gives GMs the ability to work with different difficulty of NPCs for Event diversity.

  2. Steam Name: Heart Fabian Foxx (Eris at time of ban)

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:209875798

    Ingame Name: Forgot but most likely "Comfortable Doug" at time of ban

    Ban Length: Permanent

    Admin that Banned you: Weiss

    Reason for Ban: FailRP | MRDM | Activating Warhead

    Dispute: I know what I did was wrong. I had all the warnings and I ignored them. I chose to ignore them I will not denied this. I wanted to do something fun in the later hours of the day and I did the wrong thing. I wish to show that I am a better person/player and will do my best to follow the rules set in the SCP Server. I honestly did not know that a D-Class was perma-bannable and that is a mistake on my part. I did not use common sense nor did I pay attention to the rules and warnings that were there for me to see and read. I wish to show that I have improved as a roleplayer and will not break the server rules again as best as I can. At the time I did not think about the consequences that my actions would have on the server. I know that asking for a second chance here is unlikely to be approved based on my actions, but I have grown out of doing such recklessness on gaming servers. I do wish to better myself as an SCP roleplayer and show what I can do again, but I understand if I am denied.

  3. On 7/21/2023 at 9:23 PM, MrPickle said:


    Yeah no, this would never happen and would never be implemented into the Server. You are however free to make a Custom Clan which can be implemented! Along with there is already a Janitor Whitelist which you need to meet a level requirement and there is also a ton of Janitor Custom Classes currently in the server.


  4. RC 6245 Codenamed Raven was a Republic Commando that served in the Grand Army of the Republic. He served under Jedi Master S, a mysterious jedi who refused to speak unless absolutely necessary. With this, Raven and his squad, the Silent Birds, worked on various Specs Ops and Black Ops missions with Jedi Master S. They never failed a mission and would rarely talk in said missions. Thus, they created an efficient non-verbal communication that could be used along various distances, including hand signals, morse code, and even firing shots to announce the situation to one another.

    When Order 66 was called, The Silent Birds were away from their Jedi General. They were unable to execute Order 66 on Jedi Master S since they had been specifically called in by Palpatine to report to Coruscant for a special mission. Palpatine regarded the lost jedi as a lost cause to soon be dealt with. To clarify, Jedi Master S was reported KIA by the glassing of one of the Venator Fleets in Orbit once the Silent Birds were safely evacuated off planet. However, Jedi Master S still lives to this day, and Raven, the closes member to the jedi master, still believes the jedi to be alive.

  5. Name: Heart "Fabian" Foxx

    Race: Abyssal

    Gender: Male

    Cannon age: 4125

    Age in records: 35

    Years of service in the Empire: 15

    Current Experience in the Empire: MIA

    Previous Experiences in the Empire:

    1. 501st Major

    2. Stormtrooper LTCOL

    3. Shock 1stLT

    4. Scout NCO

    5. Royal Guard

    6. ISB

    7. Nova Trooper NCO

    8. 224th Mud Trooper

    9. 97th Recon Corps

    10. Engineer and Tech Officer

    11. Jumptrooper

    12. Navy + Navy Trooper

    13. SF Pilot

    14. Demolitions


    Detailed description: With 15 years of varied experience in the Empire, Fabian is a jack of all trades. His expertise is not to be underestimated. He has the ability as an Abyssal to change his form at will, and often takes the form of a human male. His previous ISB experience gives him connections to ISB. His leaving of ISB was due to his desire to be on the front lines. His experience has taken him to many different battalions, and thus has made him a weapon of intelligence. No matter the situation, he has the training and experience to handle it. He often pretends to have a feign lack of knowledge to make sure he does not give away that he knows more than he lets off. However, he will never reveal redacted and classified information. Other than personal experience, his group of friends is extensive, and are at the ready in case trouble comes around. Fabian is currently MIA and is classified as DNS, or do not search.


    Notes: Since he can shapeshift, he can also take the form of other battalion members, droids, and invisibility.


    If location is unknown, inquire with Dohan in the Imperial Commandos. If Dohan is not present, don't inquire at all.

  6. 1. Your full in-game IC name and rank:

    IC SSS CSM 6245 Dohan

    2. Have you ever been striked in IC? (How have you improved?):


    3. How many warnings do you have?:

    None and I plan to make sure it stays none.

    4. How is your in-game activity? (Officer activity is tracked by IC and HC.):

    I try to get onto IC whenever I can. I'm usually available almost every day, but not in the morning (Pacific Time) on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. I also go into late-night activities on IC to help out the server.

    5. What is your current sub-specialty?: 

    Scout Sniper Senior.

    6. Why do you want to become an IC Officer?:

    I have been an officer within a battalion before (not necessary in IC or on this server) so I know the commitment, patience, and expertise that is required to be an officer. I will do my best to help out as I can, provide some necessary information, and help the IC battalion as a whole. I also hope to have better relations between IC and other battalions as an officer and try to help make IC better than before.

    7. Why should you be trusted to become an IC Officer?:

    I have done my best to understand and apply IC tactics, discipline, and efficiency during my time in the IC, and want to help provide the same understanding to others who may be falling behind. Again, I have been an Officer before (LTCOL equivalent), so I know how to help my battalion. Should something come up that I do not understand, then I will help whoever asked to find any answers to the best of my ability while following CoC of course. I take honesty to heart and if I mess up, I will take the full blame and not question or argue.

    8. What advantage would you bring to IC by becoming an Officer?

    I know how to lead a battalion from previous experience, and I will try to take note of any advantages or disadvantages within the battalion. I have dealt with good work from my fellow troopers, as well as some faults, and I will try my best to apply discipline accordingly.

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