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Posts posted by Rome IFN.GG

  1. 7 hours ago, 2Chopper4 said:

    -/+ Leaning +


    If you were an elite admin that's a big +

    Sounds like you enjoy your time

    Don't know you but sounds like You're a good person


    To be fair I would give a verbal first than just rushing to give them a punishment. Depending on the situation it could make the person upset even more.

    Need to be more active on the forums

    That is all




    When i say punishment, verbal is included in that as well. It is whatever the situation deems fit.

  2. 13 hours ago, Disc said:


    Very little forums activity 

    The answer to your questions is how you feel not really on what your supposed to do

    grammar isn't the best (seems rushed)

    If it was a false warn then why not appeal it?

    Not the most active person I would say


    So Gammer isnt my strong suit so i dont see how this could be a negative, but hey to each their own. I did try to appeal it, But it got denied. For the answers to the questions That is exactly how you should deal with it, Being professional is what staff is all about. I wouldn't get worked up over some swearing at me nor should I try to make someone care about the punishment the get. Simple as that, as far as i can see I have answered the questions. The forums activity I just thought about applying for staff yesterday so excuse the lack of it. But at the end of the day thank you for your feed back.   

  3. What is your in-game name?: Rome

    What is your steam name?: LongDickMcThunderStick

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:126410407

    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): Rome#3455

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I was a Elite Admin on Clonewars RP for Icefuse. Elite admin is 3rd under the server manager.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 4 or 5 months ago

    What date did you make your forums account? May 19th

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? 1 https://prnt.sc/1ucxybh

    What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc) Plat

    Are you a staff member in another community? No

    Have you read the staff handbook? Yes

    Timezone: EST

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) Honestly i don't deserve anything, i Have been on the server for 4 to 5 months now and i have enjoyed every bit of my time. What I have not enjoyed are those that don't seem to care about others, who constantly break rules or just hop onto the server to just troll those of us that want to have fun and take this seriously at times. Getting into staff would give me the chance to help the server and also give me something fresh to do since i normally play late at night so im able to help those who are on the EU time frame with sits.

    Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Well cursing is something that is easily handled, I would tell them their punishment and send them on their way. No need to get frustrated over a few words. Then if a ban is needed i would send it up the chain or issue it myself if i can.

    Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving? Tell them what their punishment is and return them. No need to waste more time when they simply don't care and you could be helping someone else.

  4. +support

    Scooty has been on every single days since joining Nu7, When no NCO is on he sends me his logs.

    He has learned very quickly and im proud to call him my brother at arms.


    Nu7 Sergeant Major, CI PVT.

  5. In Game Name:  Rome

    Steam ID STEAM_0:1:126410407

    Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst):Guardian

    Current RP Ranks Held: SM in Nu7 and PVT in CI

    If applying for Guardian preferred O5 to guard: doesn't matter

    If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: N/A

    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) https://prnt.sc/1qk90s4 I have one warn and it was months ago.

    Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I see them all the time while i'm running around HCZ either on Nu7, CI, D class or a SCP, they are already quick to act and are always helping where they are needed. I enjoy working alongside them so now I want to be a part of the group. I haven't met one RRH that's been rude or disrespectful. So with the reason i listed i want to be apart of that even more, I cant think of anything thing else at this point that I would rather do outside of Nu7.

    Why should we accept you: I would like to say that i'm a very good player but that's not the case, I know a very good amount about the server and play with a multiple players in every branch. Even before joining CI as a RCT most of the active players knew me from Nu7 since I played late at night and fought against them. Aside from the newer SCPs which I'm learning as we speak, I know how to recontain each one of them. Being a SM within Nu7 I have come to learn how to act in a much better fashion than when I first joined the server several months ago, even though it says I have been on the server only 5 weeks. I wish to further my adventure within Site 50 by joining the ranks of the Red Right Hand. I started my time here as Gensec and got up to MSGT before joining Nu7 and getting up to SM, joining RRH is one of the many goals i have set out for me in the future of SCP Rp.

  6. Just now, Noah Lee said:

    You guys have a insane amount of numbers on the server right now as it is adding in another class to simply create unbalance on the server is nah.
    Also 5 min NLR is a little eh with the weapons/weapon its going to have it. maybe like 7min ish, im assuming you guys are going to also push for the AR you guys wish to add in to be balanced to the server, and its going to make the class strong
    and if it would to fully get pushed thru, 
    the rank requirement to join the class should be SM+ or maybe provisional delta and or increase the minimum player requirement for the class to be active


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