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Posts posted by Crosshair

  1. Custom Job Name: Elite Squad

    Server: Imperial RP

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:175594691

    CC Owners SteamID: STEAM_0:1:175594691

    Reason for Report: The Elite Squad CC is broken again. It is showing as an Error to the people on the server. On top of this, the bodygroups do not work at all. Can this be fixed please. Can this also be placed into the server pack too please.

    thank you!

    Evidence of the Issue: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/14bWlnVFyArZwl/d1337fkorf0Z?invite=cr-MSxVU0MsMTk5MDcwNTYs

    Here is also the Model Pack: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2857016110
    They have 2 models inside this pack and both show as an error.
    Model Paths are here if needed: 

    Model Path 1: models/nada/ImperialCrosshair.mdl
    Model Path 2: models/nada/officer.mdl

  2. Custom Job Name: Elite Squad

    Server: Imperial RP

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:175594691

    CC Owners SteamID: STEAM_0:1:175594691

    Reason for Report: The Elite Squad CC is showing up as an Error to the people on the server. Can this be fixed please. Can this also be placed into the server pack too please.

    thank you!

    Evidence of the Issue: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ZSeE1rdlK44q9/d1337YTWSbIJ?invite=cr-MSxOVGIsMTk5MDcwNTYs

    Here is also the Model Pack: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2857016110
    They have 2 models inside this pack and both show as an error.

  3. + Support

    After seeing the weapons broken and how they now operate, I strongly believe that
    they need to be returned to their natural state before the Scout Snipers becomes a
    dead sub-branch, which is not what we are trying to achieve.

    On top of this, the criminals can buy an extensive amount of Overpowered weapons
    to buy with little to no hassle, as they can afk mine and gain a large amount of money.
    At this point the sniper class is completely rendered useless, as it serves no real purpose.

    Please fix this issue.

  4. 6 hours ago, Daze said:

    You shouldn't be spawning it in the first place. The heads of the GM team are aware that it's broken. The GameMaster Ship Guidelines also states that it is broken/blacklisted/SMT only. I recommend routing it up the GM chain of command first, so that we are able to look at it more thoroughly and route it through our chain of command.


    Thank you for being vigilant, however.

    He’s put out reports n stuff for that, so he didn’t actually spawn the ship lol.

    he’s just bringing it up and letting people know 

  5. Custom Job Name: Elite Squad

    Server: Imperial RP

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:175594691

    CC Owners SteamID: STEAM_0:1:175594691

    Reason for Report: The Models and the force ability have not been added after reset.
    The 2 people I have requested removal from the CC have also not been removed.
    Can this be fixed please.


    Screenshots/Evidence of Issue: 

    The First Image are the new models that have not been added to the server



    The Second Image are the old models that are still in the server and have not been replaced.



    Can this please be fixed, thank you.

    Link to the models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2857016110&searchtext=Onyx+Model


  6. + Support

    He is fully capable and a well rounded soldier, the amount of detail I have seen within his app is what we need more of.
    Mixer is also a dedicated IC member when it comes to SIMS | Missions as well as IC as a whole and would be great to have him in the officer team.
    He has also looked out for other IC Members when it comes to certain situations.

    I believe he is fit for the Officer Role.

    - Crosshair


    What do you want to see?: An additional buff of damage to the Clone War Weapons in the TFA pack. Such weapons include: rw_sw_dc15a | rw_sw_dc15s | rw_sw_dc19 | rw_sw_dc19le | rw_sw_dc15x | Etc.

    Why should we add it?: To give more use as these weapons/pack is mostly neglected in the server because of the low damage it does, However it could be used more if a damage buff were introduced to give players more of a unique approach to be used in the future.

    What are the advantages of having this?: This can be used more and more Server-Wide (SIMS, CCs, Missions etc)

    Who is it mainly for?: Everyone in the server.

    Links to any content: N/A.

    Picture for the TFA Weapon pack will be below.

  8. On 8/7/2021 at 4:50 AM, Foxy Felix said:

    Hello and hi. This is gonna be me signing out from the position of Sev. My time on gaminglight was amazing I loved every second of it. My friends I have made along the way will never be forgotten. I hope the people of IC can further improve while I am gone. I did everything with in my power to make peoples days, hopefully I have done so. Everyone on the server is amazing people. I will hopefully come by and say hello or be on for a bit. I am gonna miss everyone on the server and all of command. I am gonna miss the funny events we had on the server, those were amazing and I am forever gonna miss it. I hope everyone can have fun and enjoy themselves on the server and work well together. I just wish you all and the sever the best of luck and keep being the amazing server I once joined on.

    To those who are IC. Our journey was amazing and I loved every second of it. The adventures we went through were something else. I would love to go through it again with you all. You will always be a brother in my heart. Stay strong IC, Every dark road you go through always bounces back with something great. Only working together can you achieve great things.

    "A house that is divided will only fall." -Abraham Lincoln 

    Sad to see you go man. Loved working with you good luck for the future ahead. - Crosshair

  9. On 7/26/2021 at 6:47 PM, The_Brit said:

    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Brit/Delta


    2. What Regiment are you applying for? Imperial Commandos


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? i strongly believe i could help the battalion as a whole to grow in numbers and activity while keeping the battalion professional and how a commando should be while also dealing with any and all problems reported to me asap.

    I will also help the other commanders and members with anything and everything i can while keeping spirits up and leading by example.

    I am also dedicated to this battalion it is the only battalion i play on actively everyday and can't think of another battalion i would rather be a VCMDR in. I can giving out promos to those who deserve them and hosting try-outs and trainings at every possibility to keep all members entertained.

    I worked my way up from the bottom starting as a PVT and putting the time and effort in to get the the rank I am now. I had no rank transfers or anything to boost me up faster this just adding to show how dedicated I am towards the IC and how much I want to help the battalion as a whole to enjoy the same experience I have had in the Imperial Commandos.

    I also want to open new possibilities for the battalion to assist in growing the activity of the IC and professionalism as a whole while showing the server what being a commando actually means and what we can do when needed too. I will also go above and beyond to help the IC with anything that is needed to keep activity high and moral high.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    2weeks time played (what it says on the tab menu)


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The purpose of a commander is to , lead by example , deal with all problems within the battalion , provide activity to the battalion , and ensure all members are not breaking rules and are acting how they should and promote people who deserve it and keep a stable and steady ranking structure. 

    when not dealing with their battalion they should be reaching out to other battalions keeping good relations with them and helping them however they can as a commander/vice commander you should always help everyone and other battalions whenever its needed but focusing on their respected battalion.

    As a Vice Commander it is your job to go above and beyond what is expected of you to exceed expectations to prove yourself to everyone that you can do what is needed and run/help run the battalion correctly and effectively while bringing out more ideas and possibilities for the whole battalion and for others who want to join in on the activities the VCMDR hosts.


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :  I am a Major within IC and the Vice Lead of Omega squad the redacted sub battalion within IC showing i have proven i can be trusted to all the IC higher ups and know what i am doing within the Imperial Commandos. I have also been dedicated since i joined and have no reasons not to trust me i follow the server rules , chain of command and help everyone however i can while doing my best to keep everyone happy and feeling safe within the server as a whole.

    As I stated earlier I worked my way up from the very bottom and stuck with the IC the entire time making it my main focus on the server and have every reason to do nothing but help and support the IC battalion. 

    I also have great leadership skills when it comes to keeping people acting in a professional manner when needed and be able to have fun and keep spirits high when we have nothing going on but will always keep the Commandos in a professional manner when the time calls and hand out punishments to those who take advantage of the fun.

    I also have no problem acting and fulfilling the role of a VCMDR infront of large groups of people meaning I can host large missions , Sims and all that fun stuff without getting nervous or cracking under the pressure as some people may do who are not as confident infront of people.


    7. How often can you be Online? : 6 days a week around 6+ hours when i have nothing going on in my IRL life.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : not that i know of.

    + Support

    -Really Active

    -Extremely Dedicated

    -Good App

    I believe he deserves this position, Good Luck my friend!

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